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" into 360 equal parts, called degrees ; each degree being divided into 60 equal parts, called minutes ; and each minute into 60 equal parts, called seconds, &c. "
Course of Civil Engineering: Comprising Plane Trigonometry, Surveying, and ... - Page ix
by John Gregory - 1842
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A New System of Arithmetic on an Improved Plan

Charles Guilford Burnham - 1850 - 350 pages
...circumference of every circle is supposed to be divided into 360 equal parts, called degrees; and each degree into 60 equal parts, called minutes; and each minute into 60 equal parts, called seconds; and these into thirds, etc. Hence a semicircle contains 180 degrees, and a quadrant 90 degrees. 15....
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Mensuration, Mechanical Powers, and Machinery: The Principles of Mensuration ...

Daniel Adams - 1850 - 144 pages
...10. The circumference of every circle is divided into 360 equal parts, called Degrees ; each degree into 60 equal parts, called Minutes ; and each minute into 60 equal parts, called Seconds. 11. Degrees, minutes, and seconds, are marked respectively °, ', " ; they are used in mensuration...
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Elementary Geometry: With Applications in Mensuration

Charles Davies - 1850 - 218 pages
...measurement of angles. For this purpose it is divided into 360 equal parts called degrees, each degree into 60 equal parts called minutes, and each minute into 60 equal parts called seconds. The degrees, minutes, and seconds are marked thus ° ' " ; and 9° 18' 16", are read, 9 degrees 18...
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Elementary Geometry: With Applications in Mensuration

Charles Davies - 1850 - 238 pages
...measurement of angles. For this purpose it is divided into 360 equal parts called degrees, each degree into 60 equal parts called minutes, and each minute into 60 equal pans called seconds. The degrees, minutes, and seconds are marked thus ° ' " ; and 9° 18' 16", are...
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The American Arithmetic: In which the Principles of Numbers are Explained ...

James Robinson (Jr.) - 1851 - 336 pages
...circumference of every circle is supposed to be divided into 360 equal parts, called degrees ; and each degree into 60 equal parts, called minutes; and each minute into 60 equal parts, called seconds. Hence, a semicircle measures 180 degrees, and a quadrant 90 degrees. 46. The measure- of an angle is...
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The Decimal System of Numbers: Illustrated and Practically Applied, by a ...

Dana Pond Colburn - 1852 - 228 pages be large or small, is supposed to be divided into 360 equal parts called degrees. Each degree is divided into 60 equal parts called minutes, and each minute into 60 equal parts called seconds. A degree is to be regarded simply as the 360th part of the circumference of the circle considered....
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Elements of Geometry and Trigonometry

Adrien Marie Legendre - 1852 - 436 pages is supposed to be divided into 360 equal parts, called degrees ; each degree is supposed to be divided into 60 equal parts, called minutes; and each minute into 60 equal parts, called seconds. Degrees, minutes, and seconds, are designated respectively, by the characters ° ' ". For example,...
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Elements of Geometry and Trigonometry from the Works of A.M. Legendre ...

Charles Davies - 1854 - 436 pages is supposed to be divided into 360 equal parts, called degrees; each degree is supposed to be divided into 60 equal parts, called minutes; and each minute into 60 equal parts, called seconds. Degrees, minutes, and seconds, are designated respect^vely, by the characters ° ' ". For example,...
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Elements of geometry and mensuration

Thomas Lund - 1854 - 520 pages
...the right angle is supposed to be divided into 90 equal angles or parts, called degrees; each degree into 60 equal parts called minutes; and each minute into 60 equal parts called seconds. Hence a right angle is arithmetically expressed by 90 degrees, usually written thus, 90°; half a right...
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Elements of Geometry and Trigonometry: With Applications in Mensuration

Charles Davies - 1855 - 336 pages is supposed to be divided into 360 equal parts, called degrees; each degree is supposed to be divided into 60 equal parts, called minutes ; and each minute into 60 equal parts, called seconds. Definitions. by the characters ° ' ". For example, ten degrees, eighteen minutes, and fourteen seconds,...
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