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" into 360 equal parts, called degrees ; each degree being divided into 60 equal parts, called minutes ; and each minute into 60 equal parts, called seconds, &c. "
Course of Civil Engineering: Comprising Plane Trigonometry, Surveying, and ... - Page ix
by John Gregory - 1842
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Geometrical Problems Deducible from the First Six Books of Euclid, Arranged ...

Miles Bland - 1819 - 442 pages
...agreed to divide the circumference of the circle into 36o equal parts called Degrees ; each degree into 60 equal parts called Minutes; and each minute into 60 equal parts called Seconds, &c. This method appeared to the Greek Geometers to afford some facilities for calculations, in consequence...
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Hawney's Complete Measurer: Or, The Whole Art of Measuring: Being a Plain ...

William Hawney - 1820 - 336 pages
...circumference of every circle is supposed to be divided into 360 equal parts, called degrees ; each degree into 60 equal parts, called minutes : and each minute into 60 equal parts, called seconds. 15. When a right line EC standing upon a right line AB, makes the adjacent angles ACE and BCE equal...
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Geometrical Problems Deducible from the First Six Books of Euclid, Arranged ...

Miles Bland - 1821 - 898 pages
...agreed to divide the circumference of the circle into Збо equal parts called Degrees ; each degree into 60 equal parts called Minutes ; and each minute into 60 equal parts called Seconds, &c. This method appeared to the Greek Geometers to afford some facilities for calculations, in consequence...
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Euclid's Elements of Geometry: The Six First Books. To which are Added ...

Rev. John Allen - 1822 - 518 pages
...supposed the whole circumference of a circle to be divided in 360 equal parts, called degrees, each degree into 60 equal parts, called minutes and each minute into 60 equal parts, called seconds, &c. and a circle being 1 described from the vertex of an angle, as a centre, an angle is said to he of...
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A Treatise on Practical Gauging

Anthony Nesbit, W. Little - 1822 - 916 pages
...circumference of every circle is supposed to be divided into 360 equal parts, called degrees ; each degree into 60 equal parts, called minutes; and each minute into 60 equal parts, called seconds, &c. 49. An ellipse is a plane figure bounded by a curved line, called the circumference; but as the figure...
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A general view of the sciences and arts, Volume 1

William Jillard Hort - 1822 - 308 pages
...CH. 2. If the circumference of a circle be divided into 360 equal parts called degrees, each degree into 60 equal parts called minutes, and each minute into 60 equal parts called seconds; and so on ; then, as many degrees, minutes, and seconds, &c. as are in any arch ; so many degrees,...
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Euclid's Elements of Geometry: The Six First Books. To which are Added ...

Rev. John Allen - 1822 - 508 pages
...supposed the whole circumference of a circle to be divided in 360 equal parts, called degrees, each degree into 60 equal parts, called minutes, and each minute into 60 equal parts, called seconds, See. and a circle being described from the vertex of an angle, as a centre, an angle is said to be...
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Glasgow Mechanics' Magazine, and Annals of Philosophy, Volume 3

1825 - 592 pages
...small or great, is supposed to be divided into 360 equal parts, which are called degrees ; each degree into 60 equal parts called minutes, and each minute into 60 equal parts called seconds, in the same manner as a yard is divided into 3 equal parts called feet, a foot into 12 equal parts...
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The New American Practical Navigator: Being an Epitome of Navigation ...

Nathaniel Bowditch - 1826 - 746 pages
...small, are supposed to have th cumference divided into 360 equal parts, called degrees, and each deçr 60 equal parts, called minutes ; and each minute into 60 equal parts. seconds, and so on into thirds, fourths,* be. and an arch is said to bi many degrees as it contains...
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Geometrical Problems Deducible from the First Six Books of Euclid: Arranged ...

Miles Bland - 1827 - 462 pages
...agreed to divide the circumference of the circle into 36o equal parts called Degrees ; each degree into 60 equal parts called Minutes; and each minute into 60 equal parts called Seconds, &c. This method appeared to the Greek Geometers to afford some facilities for calculations, in consequence...
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