And shoot a chillness to my trembling heart. Give me thy hand, and let me hear thy voice; Nay, quickly speak to me, and let me hear Thy voice — my own affrights me with its echoes. Sporting Magazine - Page 1951828Full view - About this book
 | Samuel Johnson - 1810 - 494 pages
...look cold, And shoot a chilness to my trembling heart. Give me thy hand, and let me hear thy voice; Nay, quickly speak to me, and let me hear Thy voice, my own affrights me with its echoes. He who reads these lines enjoys for a moment the powers of a poet; he feels what he remembers... | |
 | 1811 - 718 pages
...look cold, And shoot a dullness to my trembling heart. Give me thy hand, and let me hear thy voice; Nay, quickly speak to me, and let me hear Thy voice— my own affrights me with its echoes. Leon. Let us return; the horror of this place, And silence, will increase your melancholr.... | |
 | Samuel Johnson - 1811 - 378 pages
...look cold, And shoot a chilness to my trembling heart. Give me thy hand, and let me hear thy voice, Nay, quickly speak to me, and let me hear Thy voice — my own affrights me with its echoes. He who reads these lines enjoys for a moment the powers of a poet ; he feels what he remembers... | |
 | British drama - 1811 - 712 pages
...look cold, And shoot a dullness to my trembling heart. Give me thy hand, and let me hear thy л oice ; [ [ iſ I % >Vl# _ ^ "T .4 QԞ e h` :V </ 3fG: s R 2c-+ Μ L-/ echoes. Leon. Let us return; the horror of this place, And silence, will increase your melancholy.... | |
 | Samuel Johnson - 1811 - 380 pages
...look cold, And shoot a chilness to my trembling heart. Give me thy hand, and let me hear thy voice, Nay, quickly speak to me, and let me hear Thy voice — my own affrights me with its echoes. He who reads these lines enjoys for a moment the powers of a poet ; he feels what he remembers... | |
 | Alexander Chalmers - 1813 - 540 pages
...look cold, And shoot a chillness to my trembling heart. Give me thy hand, and let me hear thy voice; Nay, quickly speak to me, and let me hear ' Thy voice — my own affrights me with its echoes. " He who reads those lines enjoys for a moment the powers of a poet; he feels what he remembers... | |
 | David Erskine Baker - 1812 - 494 pages
...lock cold, And shoot a chilness to my trembling heart. Give me thy hand, and, let me hear thy voice ; Nay, quickly speak to me, and let me hear Thy voice — my own affrights me iritl^ it» echoes. * " ' " Не who reads these lines enjoys " for a moment the powers of a " poet... | |
 | Alexander Chalmers - 1813 - 538 pages
...look cold, And shoot a chillness to my trembling heart. Give me thy hand, and let me hear thy voice; Nay, quickly speak to me, and let me hear Thy voice — my own affrights me with its echoes. " He who reads those lines enjoys for a moment the powers of a poet ; he feels what he remembers... | |
 | Rodolphus Dickinson - 1815 - 214 pages
...look cold, And shoot a chillness to my trembling heart, tiive me thy hand and let me hear thy voice ; Nay, quickly speak to me, and let me hear Thy voice ;—my own affrights me with its echo%a.' Mm. It may my fears, but cannot add to that. No, I will on : shew me Anselmo's tomb.— Lead... | |
 | Thomas Dibdin - 1815 - 450 pages
...look cold, And shoot a chillness to my trembling heart. Give me thy hand, and let me hear lliy voice; Nay, quickly speak to me, and let me hear Thy voice — my own affrights me with iU echoes. Leon. Let us return : the horror of this place. And silence, will increase your melancholy.... | |
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