| Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire - 1898 - 376 pages
...obtained. If for any reason the papers of a society are not indexed in the year to which they properly belong the plan is to include them in the following...published. This Index is already completed in MS. form and it will be printed as soon as a sufficient number of subscribers to cover the cost is obtained. Particulars... | |
 | Thoroton Society - 1898 - 204 pages
...indexed in the year to which they properly belong the plan is to include them in the following year j and whenever the papers of societies are brought into...published. This Index is already completed in MS. form and it will be printed as soon as a sufficient number of subscribers to cover the cost is obtained. Particulars... | |
 | British Archaeological Association - 1898 - 558 pages
...series. To make this work complete an index of the transactions from the beginning of archeeological societies down to the year 1890 needs to be published....oblige by communicating any omissions or suggestions to the editor, LAURENCE GOMME, FSA, 21, Dorset Square, London, NW Single copies of the yearly Index from... | |
 | Thoroton Society - 1898 - 198 pages
...series. To make this work complete an index of the transactions from the beginning of arehseological societies down to the year 1890 needs to be published. This Index is already completed in MS. form and it will be printed as soon as a sufficient number of subscribers to cover the cost is obtained. Particulars... | |
 | Huguenot Society of London - 1898 - 768 pages
...series. To make this work complete an index of the transactions from the beginning of urcheeological societies down to the year 1890 needs to be published. This Index is already completed in MS. form and it will be printed as soon as arrangements can be made. Societies will greatly oblige by communicating... | |
 | 1898 - 758 pages
...series. To make this work complete an index of the transactions from the beginning oí ¡irchœological societies down to the year 1890 needs to be published. This Index is already completed in MS. form and it will be printed as soon as arrangements can be made. Societies will greatly oblige by communicating... | |
 | 1898 - 782 pages
...series. To make this work complete an index of the transactions from the beginning of archœological societies down to the year 1890 needs to be published. This Index i* already completed in MS. form and it will be printed as soon as arrangement* can be made. Societies... | |
 | Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire - 1900 - 390 pages
...obtained. If for any reason the papers of a society are not indexed in the year to which they properly belong the plan is to include them in the following...oblige by communicating any omissions or suggestions to THE EDITOB or THE AECH«OLOGHCAI INDEX, LAUBENOE GOMME, FSA, 24, Dorset Square, London, NW Single copies... | |
 | 1900 - 584 pages
...obtained. If for any reason the papers of a society are not indexed in the year to which they properly belong the plan is to include them in the following...published. This Index is already completed in MS. form and it will be printed as soon as a sufficient number of subscribers to cover the cost is obtained. Particulars... | |
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