Brethren, in the Primitive Church there was a godly discipline, that, at the beginning of Lent, such persons as stood convicted of notorious sin were put to open penance, and punished in this world, that their souls might be saved in the day of the Lord... The Yorkshire Archaeological Journal - Page 921907Full view - About this book
 | F. C. Blyth - 1881 - 402 pages
...certe baptisatis non debere poenitentibus subveniri. Ecce But we must not forget that in those days " such persons as stood convicted of notorious sin were...souls might be saved in the day of the Lord ; " and it was only after a long interval of discipline that such offenders were permitted to return to the... | |
 | Alfred Saunders Dyer - 1882 - 144 pages
...primitive Church such persons as stood convicted of notorious sins were put to open penance and purged in this world, that their souls might be saved in the day of the Lord " — the restoration of which discipline " is much to be wished." Although, perhaps, the way... | |
 | 1883 - 542 pages
...conpentance; and may walk more warily in these dungcroi's days ; fleeing from such vices, for which victed of notorious sin were put to open penance, and punished...that their souls might be saved in the day of the hunt; and that others, admonished by their example, might be the more afraid to offend. Instead whereof,... | |
 | William Baker - 1883 - 300 pages
...the Primitive Church such persons as stood convicted of notorious sin were at the beginning of Lent put to open penance, and punished in this world, that...their souls might be saved in the day of the Lord, and expresses a wish that the said discipline might be restored. (Compare also Art. XXXIII.) In any case,... | |
 | William Benham - 1883 - 450 pages
...twofold aim ; to awaken, by the censures of the Church, to true repentance, those who slept in sin, 'that their souls might be saved in the day of the Lord : ' and secondly, to admonish others by their example, and to make them afraid to offend. It was, that is to... | |
 | Lady - 1884 - 318 pages
...their manner of proceeding. " Brethren, in the primitive church there was a godly discipline, that such persons as stood convicted of notorious sin were...that their souls might be saved in the day of the Lord." That was it—any punishment in this world so that their soul should be saved. In their estimation... | |
 | Annie Besant - 1885 - 298 pages
...the spectacle of the Church raving and cursing is too edifying to be ungratefully ignored. "Brethen, in the primitive Church there was a godly discipline...punished in this world, that their souls might be saved. . . . Instead whereof (until the said discipline may be restored again, which is much to be wished),... | |
 | Richard Watson Dixon - 1885 - 618 pages
...whereas at the beginning of the Commination, sinners in the primitive Church are said to have been "put to open penance, and punished in this world that their souls might be saved in the day of the Lord : " this is briefly but plainly put, " ejicerentur ex Ecclesia, ut agerent publicam pcenitentiam."... | |
 | 1888 - 294 pages
...discipline of the past mieht be restored, " such persons as stood convicted of notorious sin being put to open penance and punished in this world, that their souls might bo saved in the day of the Lord ; and that others, admonished by their example, might be the more afraid... | |
 | Wilfrid Ward - 1890 - 248 pages
...Spirit and Word of God) they may err, and sometimes have erred, even in things pertaining unto God. 1 " Brethren, in the Primitive Church there was a godly...and punished in this world, that their souls might he saved in the day of the Lord, and that others, admonished hy their example, might be the more afraid... | |
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