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" Brethren, in the Primitive Church there was a godly discipline, that, at the beginning of Lent, such persons as stood convicted of notorious sin were put to open penance, and punished in this world, that their souls might be saved in the day of the Lord... "
The Yorkshire Archaeological Journal - Page 92
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Illustrations of the Liturgy and Ritual of the United Church of ..., Volume 3

James Brogden - 1842 - 616 pages
...was a godly discipline in the primitive Church that such persons as stood convicted of notorious sins were put to open penance, and punished in this world,...of the Lord; and that others, admonished by their examples, might be more afraid to offend ; " they add, in the next sentence, " That it ia heartily...
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Anglo-Catholicism Not Apostolical: Being an Inquiry Into the Scriptural ...

William Lindsay Alexander - 1843 - 478 pages
...acknowledged and confessed their offences, and sought to bring forth worthy fruits of penance;' and in cases of notorious sin, were ' put to open penance, and...that their souls might be saved in the day of the Lord.'" " Our church, my Lord, here as elsewhere, appears to me to Jiold a distinct line, however she...
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Anglo-Catholicism Not Apostolical: Being an Inquiry Into the Scriptural ...

William Lindsay Alexander - 1843 - 472 pages
...sought to bring forth worthy fruits of penance ;' and in cases of notorious sin, were ' put to opea penance, and punished in this world that their souls might be saved in the day of the Lord.' " " Our church, my Lord, here as elsewhere, appears to me to hold a distinct line, however she...
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The Christian's monthly magazine and universal review, Volume 3

1845 - 740 pages in her Office of Commination, ' in order that those who sinned, being ' punished in this world, their souls might be saved in the day of the Lord,'...that others, admonished by their example, ' might not offend.' The object of this discipline was the prevention of punishment; its infliction was intended...
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The Works of the Right Reverend Father in God, Thomas Wilson, Volume 7

Thomas Wilson - 1863 - 352 pages
...AS ARE UNDER THE CENSURES OF THE CHURCH. by God's favour, does actually enjoy. Notorious sinners are put to open penance, and punished in this world, that their souls may be saved in the day of the Lord, and that others, admonished by their example, may be more afraid...
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The Works of the Right Reverend Father in God, Thomas Wilson, D.D., Lord ...

Thomas Wilson - 1847 - 578 pages
...commination) passionately wishes, That this godly discipline may be restored ; that notorious sinners may be put to open penance, and punished in this world, that their souls may be saved in the day of the Lord; and thai others, admonished by their example, may be more afraid...
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Six sermons [&c.].

Samuel Wilberforce (bp. of Winchester.) - 1848 - 216 pages
...two-fold aim ; to awaken, by the censures of the Church, to true repentance, those who slept in sin, " that their souls might be saved in the day of the Lord :" and, secondly, to admonish others by their example, and to make them afraid to offend. It was, that is to...
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A Rational Illustration of the Book of Common Prayer of the Church of ...

Charles Wheatly - 1848 - 588 pages
...godly discipline ; that at the beginning of Lent, such persons who stood convicted of notorious sins were put to open penance, and punished in this world, that their souk might be saved in the day of the Lord; and that others, admonished by their example, might be...
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The Book of Common Prayer and Administration of the Sacraments: And Other ...

Church of England - 1850 - 568 pages
...or Pulpit, sayj Brethren, in the primitiue Church there was a Godly discipline, that at the begining of Lent| such persons as stood convicted of notorious...that their souls might be saved in the day of the Lordj and that others admonished by their example^, might be the more afraid to ofFendi Instead whereof...
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Tracts for the Christian seasons

Christian seasons - 1849 - 570 pages
...was the godly discipline of the primitive Church so to do. At the beginning of Lent such persons " were put to open penance and punished in this world,...that their souls might be saved in the day of the Lord," so saith the Commination Service in our Prayer-book. But no, charity forbids : we live in enlightened...
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