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" A Solar Day is the interval of time between two successive transits of the sun over the same meridian; and the hour-angle of the sun is called Solar Time. "
Outline of the Method of Conducting a Trigonometrical Survey, for the ... - Page 169
by Edward Charles Frome - 1850 - 253 pages
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Navigation and nautical astronomy, Volume 2; Volume 53

Henry William Jeans - 1868 - 228 pages
...point of Aries over the same meridian. It begins when the first point of Aries is on the meridian. The apparent solar day is the interval between two successive transits of the sun's center over the same meridian. It begins when that point is on the meridian. 42. The length of...
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The Cambridge Course of Elementary Physics: Astronomy. Part third, Part 3

William James Rolfe, Joseph Anthony Gillet - 1868 - 328 pages
...42.) A sidereal day is the interval between two successive transits of a star across the meridian. The solar day is the interval between two successive transits of the sun across the meridian. (15.) The solar days are of unequal length. The ordinary civil day is the average...
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The theory of navigation and nautical astronomy, together with the elements ...

William Thomas Read - 1869 - 176 pages
...apparent or true Sun. 31. Sidereal time is the westerly hour angle of the 1st point of aries. 32. An apparent solar day is the interval between two successive transits of the true Sun across the same meridian. 33. A mean solar day is the interval between two successive transits...
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A guide book to the Local marine board examination. The ordinary examination ...

Thomas Liddell Ainsley - 1869 - 450 pages
...taken from 90', is tho polar distance. EXAMPLES. LAT. DECLI N N 8 N S 8 TO FIND THE EQUATION OF TIME. APPARENT SOLAR DAY, is the interval between two successive transits of the actual sun's centre over the same meridian ; it begins when that point is on the meridian. The apparent...
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The Elements of Astronomy: Designed for Academies and High Schools

Elias Loomis - 1870 - 274 pages
...time, corresponds to July 3d, 21 hours of astronomical time. 117. Apparent Time and Mean Time. — An apparent solar day is the interval between two successive transits of the sun's centre over the same meridian. Apparent time is time reckoned in apparent solar days, while mean...
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Arithmetic Designed for the Use of Schools: To which is Added a Chapter on ...

John William Colenso - 1871 - 238 pages
...= } pt., congius = 6 seatf. = 3 qts., modius = 2 gals., araa = 3 gals., amphora = 6 gals. A •SWor Day is the interval between two successive transits of the Sun over the meridian of any place ; but, from several causes, this interval is continually varying, though slightly,...
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Elementary Treatise on Nautical Astronomy: For the Use of Science Classes ...

Henry Evers - 1873 - 152 pages
...and the circle of declination passing over the place of the mean sun. 50. Apparent Solar Day. — An apparent solar day is the interval between two successive transits of the sun over the same meridian. 51. Apparent Time is time measured and indicated by the apparent or true sun. It may also be defined...
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Advanced arithmetic. [With] Key by W.M. Mansfield

Thomas W. Piper - 1874 - 352 pages a MEAN SOLAR DAY, -which is the mean, or average, of all the apparent solar days in the year. An apparent solar day is the interval between two successive transits of the sun over the meridian of any place. NB— The Common or Civil Tear contains 365 of these days, but the Solar Tear,...
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The Cause of the Supposed Proper Motion of the Fixed Stars and an ...

Alfred Wilks Drayson - 1874 - 346 pages
...revolution, the star will be brought on once oftener. We define a solar day as the interval of time between two successive transits of the sun over the same meridian, and a siderial day as the interval between two successive transits of a star over the same meridian, and...
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Guide Book to the Local Marine Board Examination: The Ordinary Examination

Thomas Liddell Ainsley - 1875 - 416 pages
...12 Л2 12 Г 2 N. . ., S 6i Л9 it K l Í or 77 102 48 ii a 5» TO FIND THE EQUATION OF TIME. 274. Apparent Solar Day is the interval between two successive transits of the actual sun's centre over the same meridian; it begins when that point is on the meridian. The apparent...
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