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" ... to or for any voter, 1 See Appendix. 2 See Steph. Com., vol. iyt p. 271. • or to or for any person on behalf of any voter, or to or for any other person in order to induce any voter to vote or refrain from voting... "
The Institutes of English Public Law: Embracing an Outline of General ... - Page 369
by David Nasmith - 1873 - 455 pages
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The Present baronetage of the United Kingdom [afterw.] Stockdale's ...

1884 - 358 pages
...promise to procure Or to endeavour to procure, any money or valuable consideration to or for any voter, or to or for any person on behalf of any voter, or to or lor any other person in order to induce any voter to vote or refrain from voting, or«-hall corruptly...
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An Epitome of the Criminal Law

James Carter Harrison - 1885 - 268 pages
...promise to procure, or to endeavour to procure, any money or valuable consideration to or for any voter, or to or for any person on behalf of any voter, or...induce any voter to vote, or refrain from voting, or to corruptly do any such act as aforesaid, on account of such voter having voted or refrained from...
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Analysis of Recent Statutes Affecting Parliamentary Elections in Scotland ...

James Badenach Nicolson - 1885 - 240 pages
...promise to procure or to endeavour to procure, any office, place, or employment to or for any voter, or to or for any person on behalf of any voter, or to or for any other person in order to induce such voter to vote or refrain from voting, or shall corruptly do any such act as aforesaid on account...
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Overland Monthly

1885 - 686 pages
...promise, or promise to procure, etc., any money or valuable consideration, to or for any voter, or any other person, in order to induce any voter to...refrain from voting, or shall corruptly do any such act, on account of such voter having voted or refrained from voting at any election. (2.) Every person who...
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The Parliamentary Election Acts for England & Wales...

Great Britain - 1885 - 640 pages or for any person on behalf of any voter, or to or for any other person in order to induce such voter to vote or refrain from voting, or shall corruptly do any such act as aforesaid on account of any voter having voted or refrained from voting at any election : Gift or promise (3.) Every person...
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The Parliamentary Election Acts for England and Wales: Arranged According to ...

John Mounteney Lely, William Decimus Inglett Foulkes - 1885 - 678 pages
...promise to procure or to endeavour to procure, any office, place, or employment to or tor any voter, or to or for any person on behalf of any voter, or to or for any person, in order to induce such voter to vote, or refrain from voting, or shall corruptly do any such...
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Reports of Cases in Criminal Law Argued and Determined in All the ..., Volume 15

Edward William Cox - 1886 - 918 pages
...promise to procure or to endeavour to procure, any money or valuable consideration to or for any voter, or to or for any person on behalf of any voter, or...corruptly do any such act as aforesaid on account of auch voter having voted or refrained from voting at any election : (2.) Every person who shall, directly...
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Canadian Franchise and Election Laws: A Manual for the Use of Revising ...

Charles Oakes Ermatinger - 1886 - 432 pages
...promises to procure or to endeavour to procure, any money or valuable consideration, to or for any voter, or to or for any person, on behalf of any voter, or to or for any person in order to induce any voter to vote, or refrain, or corruptly does any such act...
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Machine Politics and Money in Elections in New York City

William Mills Ivins - 1887 - 176 pages
...promise to procure, or to endeaver to procure any office, place, or employment, to or for any voter, or to or for any person on behalf of any voter, or to or for any other person, in order to induce such voter to vote or refrain from voting, or shall corruptly do any act as aforesaid on account of...
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The Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1887: Being a Consolidation of the Revised ...

Ontario - 1887 - 1622 pages
...employment, or- promises to procure, or to endeavour to procure any office, place or employment to or for any voter or to or for any other person, in order to induce such voter to vote or refrain from voting, or corruptly does any such act as aforesaid on account of...
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