| United States. Circuit Court (7th Circuit), John McLean - 1856 - 686 pages
...the 9th Section of the Act of the loth of August, 1852, to amend the Act " to provide for the tetter security of the lives of passengers on board of vessels propelled in whole 'or in part by steam," (Pamphlet Laws, United States v. James Bougher. US, 1 Session, 32 Congress, p. 61,) declares... | |
| Boston Board of Trade - 1856 - 184 pages
...Congress entitled "An Act to amend an Act entitled an Act to provide for the better security of the JAves of Passengers on board of Vessels propelled in whole or in part by Steam, and for other purposes." Approved, August 30th, 1852. All pilots of Steamers navigating seas,... | |
| United States. Department of the Treasury - 1857 - 770 pages
...VESSELS , Act Aug. so, ISM. ART. 168. The provisions of the act of the 30th August, 1852, amendatory of "An act to provide for the better security of the...board of vessels propelled in whole or in part by steam," and for other purposes, are so explicit as to require but little explanation. Jj*^ It is a... | |
| Alfred Conkling - 1857 - 502 pages
...non-observance of the precautions against collision enjoined by the act of Congress of July 7, 1838, " to provide for the better security of the lives of...board of vessels propelled in whole or in part by steam." In the case before the court, which was that of a collision between two steamboats on the Mississippi... | |
| United States. Department of the Treasury - 1857 - 770 pages
...the £ A'"* SM^ carriage of passengers in steamships and other vessels, and u, isaa. "'' providing for the better security of the lives of passengers...board of vessels propelled in whole or in part by steam ; and under the passenger act of March 3, 1855, so far as the remission of fines, penalties and... | |
| Joseph Kinnicut Angell, Thomas Durfee - 1857 - 484 pages
...the New York canal boats are subject to a like regulation.4 By the act of Congress, also, providing for the better security of the lives of passengers, on board of vessels propelled by steam, it is made the duty of the master and owner of every steamboat, running between sunset and... | |
| James Kent - 1858 - 728 pages
...1855, amending and consolidating the provisions of former acts on the subject. Also an act providing for the better security of the lives of passengers...board of vessels propelled in whole or in part by steam, and for other purposes, passed Aug. 30th, 1852. The acts show that the health and security of... | |
| United States. Congress. House - 1858 - 878 pages
...licensing of ships or vessels, and for regulating the same, or regulating the carriage of passengers, or for the better security of the lives of passengers...board of vessels propelled in whole or in part by steam, shall prefer his petition to the judge of the district in which such fine, penalty, forfeiture,... | |
| United States. Circuit Court (2nd Circuit), Samuel Blatchford - 1859 - 640 pages
...an indictment against the defendant, under the 12th section of the Act of July 7th, 1838, entitled " An Act to provide for the better security of the lives...board of vessels propelled in whole or in part by steam," (5 US Stat. at iMrye, 304,) for manslaughter, in causing the death of several persons, who... | |
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