| Tom H. Fisher - 1993 - 416 pages
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| Bob McGlasson - 1994 - 544 pages
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| George Ruggle - 2006 - 460 pages
...Фс.О,ЯтШ. TheTixthdayofA^kr, 3* Anno Domini 1621, and in the nineteenth year of the reign of 'our fovereign lord James, by the grace of God, of, England, France, and Ireland, king, defender of the faith, &c. - and of Scotland the five-and-fiftieth, I, Geo'rge. Ruggle, of the... | |
| Colin J. Brett - 2007 - 610 pages
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| John Lloyd Warden Page - 1892 - 382 pages
...countie of Devon the xvith day of August in the sixth yere of the raigne of our most gratious Sov'raigne Lord James by the Grace of God of England France and Ireland Kinge Defender of the fayth &c. and of Scotland the forty second, before Sr. Willm. Strode Knight,... | |
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