| Stanley Gardner - 1998 - 280 pages
...surround it... I know the conquest of English America is an impossibility. You cannot conquer America. If I were an American, as I am an Englishman, while a foreign troop was landed in my country, I would never lay down my arms. Never, never, never. Quite unremarkably, Blake could have shared the... | |
| Simon Hall - 1999 - 416 pages
...the colonists' antimonarchist sentiment and a desire to participate in the policies affecting them. If I were an American. as I am an Englishman. while a foreign troop was landed in my country I would never lay down my arms - never. never. neverI AMERlCAN REVOLUTlON Pitt the Elder. speech in House... | |
| Samuel B. Griffith - 2002 - 780 pages
...irritates to an incurable resentment the minds of your enemies. To overrun them with the mercenary sons of rapine and plunder; devoting them and their possessions...I never would lay down my arms, never— never— never!13 acquired? . . . Nothing is too low or too ludicrous to be consistent with their Counsels."14... | |
| Christopher Hibbert - 2002 - 420 pages
...mercenary aid on which you rely; for it irritates to an incurable resentment the minds of your enemies ... If I were an American, as I am an Englishman, while...never would lay down my arms, never - never - never! In the Commons, Charles James Fox also made the most of his opportunity. He stood up to declare that... | |
| Herb Galewitz - 2003 - 68 pages
...PIERPONT (about Bunker Hitl) Millions for defense, but not one cent for tribute. CHARLES C. PINCKNEY If I were an American, as I am an Englishman, while...never would lay down my arms! Never! never! never! WILL JAM Prrr There can be no affinity nearer than our country. PLATO A patriot is a fool in ev'ry... | |
| Ernest F. Henderson - 2004 - 468 pages
...to an incurable resentment, the minds of your enemies — to overrun them with the mercenary sons of rapine and plunder; devoting them and their possessions...But, my Lords, who is the man that, in addition to these disgraces and mischiefs of our army, has dared to authorize and associate to our arms the tomahawk... | |
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