The Whole Works of King Alfred the Great: With Preliminary Essays Illustrative of the History, Arts, and Manners, of the Ninth Century, Volume 1Printed and published for the Alfred Committee by J.F. Smith, 1852 |
From inside the book
Results 6-10 of 76
Page 14
... Ethelwerd 851 Α . 852. Here at this time Ceolred abbat of Medesham- * This local notice of MEDESHAM- STEAD , i . e . PETERBOROUGH , Occurs in only one MS . of the Saxon Chro- stede and the monks let to Wulfred the land of Sempin- gaham ...
... Ethelwerd 851 Α . 852. Here at this time Ceolred abbat of Medesham- * This local notice of MEDESHAM- STEAD , i . e . PETERBOROUGH , Occurs in only one MS . of the Saxon Chro- stede and the monks let to Wulfred the land of Sempin- gaham ...
Page 15
... daughter , with great glory , as it is customary for kings , to Burhred king of the Mer- cians , at the vill which is called At Chippenham ; Saron Thronicle Asser Ethelwerd 853 1 In the same year FROM A. D. 849 ΤΟ 901 . 15.
... daughter , with great glory , as it is customary for kings , to Burhred king of the Mer- cians , at the vill which is called At Chippenham ; Saron Thronicle Asser Ethelwerd 853 1 In the same year FROM A. D. 849 ΤΟ 901 . 15.
Page 16
... Ethelwerd 853 1 In the same year king Atheluulf sent his son Ælfred to Rome in the days of our lord pope Leo , who conse- crated him king and named him his son in baptism , as we are accustomed to nam little children , when we receive ...
... Ethelwerd 853 1 In the same year king Atheluulf sent his son Ælfred to Rome in the days of our lord pope Leo , who conse- crated him king and named him his son in baptism , as we are accustomed to nam little children , when we receive ...
Page 18
... Ethelwerd 855 And in the same year he set out to Rome with great dignity , and stopped there 12 months . CHARTERS IN 855. 1. ETHEL- WOLF , NOV . 5. mentions that Beorred king of Mercia , and Edmund king of the Fastangles , were present ...
... Ethelwerd 855 And in the same year he set out to Rome with great dignity , and stopped there 12 months . CHARTERS IN 855. 1. ETHEL- WOLF , NOV . 5. mentions that Beorred king of Mercia , and Edmund king of the Fastangles , were present ...
Page 19
... birth . he became hateful to his son Ethel- bald , and Ealhstan bishop of Sherborne , and many others . CHARTERS IN 856. None are extant . Saxon Chronicle Asser A Ethelwerd 856 proved by the result FROM A. D. 849 ΤΟ 901 . 19.
... birth . he became hateful to his son Ethel- bald , and Ealhstan bishop of Sherborne , and many others . CHARTERS IN 856. None are extant . Saxon Chronicle Asser A Ethelwerd 856 proved by the result FROM A. D. 849 ΤΟ 901 . 19.
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æfre Ælfred Æthered aforesaid army ancient Anglo-Saxon army of pagans Asser battle Berkshire bishop bith Boethius brother century Charlemagne Charles Charles the Bald CHARTERS Christians church coins Coll College Danes Danish death dominions duke Ealle earl East-Anglia Elfred emperor England English eorthan Essays Ethelbald Ethelred Ethelwerd Ethelwulf Exeter father Forthæm fortress fought Franks gave gesceafta Guthrum honour Hwæt Kent king Alfred King Alfred's king of Mercia king's kingdom land laws Lewis Little Massingham London Lord Lord's mæg meaht Mercia monastery monks nation nobles northern Northmen Oxford pagans peace place called princes reign river river Thames Roman Rome royal Saxon Chronicle Scandinavian ships Simeon siththan slain St Neot Street sword thæm thæs Thæt Thames Theah thegn things Thonne thou tion victory wæs Wantage Wessex West-Saxons wintered worulde