Pantologia. A new (cabinet) cyclopædia, by J.M. Good, O. Gregory, and N. Bosworth assisted by other gentlemen of eminence, Volume 71819 |
From inside the book
Results 6-10 of 12
... Decoct . ad libit . Decoct . Althea officinal . E. ad libit . Syrupus Altheæ . E. L. Amygdalus communis . E. Amygdal . dulc . et amar . L. D. Eur . mer . Fructus nucl . et Ol . express . Emulsio Amygdali communis . E. Lac Amygdala . D ...
... Decoct . ad libit . Decoct . Althea officinal . E. ad libit . Syrupus Altheæ . E. L. Amygdalus communis . E. Amygdal . dulc . et amar . L. D. Eur . mer . Fructus nucl . et Ol . express . Emulsio Amygdali communis . E. Lac Amygdala . D ...
... Decoct . Decoctum Malvæ comp . L. Melissa officinalis . E. Melissa . D. Cult . Herba . Infus . Mimosa nilotica . E. Acacia . L. Gummi Arabicum . D. Arab . Senegal . Gum . Pulv . Solut . ad libit . Mucilago Mimosa niloticæ . E. Acaciæ ...
... Decoct . Decoctum Malvæ comp . L. Melissa officinalis . E. Melissa . D. Cult . Herba . Infus . Mimosa nilotica . E. Acacia . L. Gummi Arabicum . D. Arab . Senegal . Gum . Pulv . Solut . ad libit . Mucilago Mimosa niloticæ . E. Acaciæ ...
... Decoct . Externe , Ulcera . Kino . E. L. D. Africa Pulv . Solut . gr . 15-30 . Tinet . Kino . E. D. dr . 1—2 . Diarrh . Dysent . Menorrh . Mimosa Catechu . E. Catechu . L. D. India . Extract . lign . Pulv . Solut . scr . 1—2 . Infus ...
... Decoct . Externe , Ulcera . Kino . E. L. D. Africa Pulv . Solut . gr . 15-30 . Tinet . Kino . E. D. dr . 1—2 . Diarrh . Dysent . Menorrh . Mimosa Catechu . E. Catechu . L. D. India . Extract . lign . Pulv . Solut . scr . 1—2 . Infus ...
... Decoct . unc . 2. ad lib . Swietenia Mahagani . E. Ind . Occ . Cortex . Pulv . Decoct . ut Cinchona . Sw . Febrifuga . E. Ind . Occ . Cort . ut supra . Tanacetum vulgare . Tanacetum . D. Brit . Fol . Flor . Infus . Ad Vermes . SECT ...
... Decoct . unc . 2. ad lib . Swietenia Mahagani . E. Ind . Occ . Cortex . Pulv . Decoct . ut Cinchona . Sw . Febrifuga . E. Ind . Occ . Cort . ut supra . Tanacetum vulgare . Tanacetum . D. Brit . Fol . Flor . Infus . Ad Vermes . SECT ...
... Decoct . Oleum Carui . L. gtt . 1-4 , Spiritus Cari Carui . E. Carui . L. D. une - 2 . Dyspeps . Colic . Cistus Creticus . Syria . Resina . Citrus Aurantium . Aurantium . L. Aurantium Hispalense . D. S Eur . merid . Flores . Cortex ...
... Decoct . Oleum Carui . L. gtt . 1-4 , Spiritus Cari Carui . E. Carui . L. D. une - 2 . Dyspeps . Colic . Cistus Creticus . Syria . Resina . Citrus Aurantium . Aurantium . L. Aurantium Hispalense . D. S Eur . merid . Flores . Cortex ...
Common terms and phrases
according acid action afterwards ancient animal appears body botany Brit called Calyx carbonat centre chiefly church coins colour common contains corol Decoct degree department of France died Dryden emollient emperor employed England English equal feet fluid France French frond genus given Greek heat hence horse inches inhabitants iron island Italy kind king Latin length lichen ligaments light lime logarithms Lollards London longitude lord luminous magic square Magnesia magnet manganese manner marriage matter means measure medals ment miles motion native natural needle nerally observed oxyd Paris persons pieces pole Pope principal proposition published Pulv quantity river Roman Rome Saxon Scotland seated Shakspeare ship side silver Spain species square substance supposed syllogisms tain term thing tion town VEGETABILIA vols whence
Popular passages
Page 9 - That, on every such trial, the jury sworn to try the issue may give a general verdict of Guilty or Not Guilty upon the whole Matter put in issue upon such indictment or information...