a jerk or movement of the train, he would have railroads, as well as the managers of old ones, the .... ... 4 .3 2 The July half-year is the inferior part of the year, and having regard to this circumstance, and the great increase in the traffic now going on, we shall not be surprised if the current half year (end. Cheap Railroads for Cheap Freight Trans-built with the American standard gauge of 4 feeting next January) yields from 7 to 8 per cent per portation. can be annum, the whole of 1871, 6 per cent.-a pretty fair rate for "poor frozen up Canada" to turn out, and a rate that is fairer still when we consider that this Company pay (as all Companies should) their dividends free of income-tax.-Herapath, Sept. 30. The Philadelphia Ledger says that a very it will be 7, and make the dividend for annum. The dividend for the 2nd half of 1870 8 inches, with all parts sufficiently strong to car The sudden and remarkable popularity of the ry a maximum weight of five tons to each pair of If the current, January, 1872, dividend increase (ending January, 1871) was 6 per cent. per annum. narrow gauge system in this and other countries, wheels. Expensive tunnels, high embankments, by only as much as the July dividend just anand the rapidity with which the theories of its ad- deep cuts, costly viaducts and expensive stations nounced has increased, namely by 1 per cent. per vocates have been seized. generalized and reduc- are avoided. Such a road, it is claimed, ed to a practical demonstration in the Denver and built at an expense of $15,000 to $17,000 per mile, Rio Grande and other narrow gauge roads not yet exclusive of the cost of the land, and on this limcompleted, is due to the fact that a reduction of ited capital a comparatively small traffic transpor gauge teems to furnish a practical solution of the ted at rates considerably below the present averquestion of cheap transportation by rail. Whether age per mile, would pay a fair annual dividend. it does or not will, we think, be found to depend A line of this description. lately built under the upon the standard by which the success of the patronage of the Duke of Buckingham, cost but new system is measured. Compared with the aver $7,000 per mile. Its highest embankment is twelve heavy tonnage of soft coal for gas purposes is now age of American railroads of the standard or broad feet, and its deepest cut ten feet. The rails, weigh gauge, a cheaply built and economically managed ing 30 lbs to the yard, are secured in longitudinal being carried over the Bald Eagle Valley railroad, narrow gauge road might be found to have ef- imbers, six inches by six incnes in the cross sec- which extends from near Tyrone, on the Pennsylfected an important economy, but the compari- tion. The timbers are united by transoms at every vania railroad, to Lock Haven, on the Philadelson would scarcely be a fair one, since the aver twelve feet, held in their places by wrought iron age American railroad is neither cheaply built rods. Everything is at once light and strong, and phia and Erie road, a distance of some fifty-one nor economically operated. Most of our railroads as an important reduction in non-paying weight miles, and it adds "new railway connections south. "cost' a great deal more than is represented is effected without a proportionate reduction in ward from the Huntingdon and Broad Top Mounin the actual value of the materials and labor em the capacity of the cars, the advantages possessed tain railroad promise an early outlet for Cumberployed in construction; and, from the hollowness by such reads over those built on the narrow gauge land coal across our State to our own and a furof their financial basis, most companies owning plan are apparent at a glance. One of the most and operating railroads in this country are com- important of these advantages is that the cars of ther eastern market, to the greatly increased profpelled to declare dividends upon from 40 to 50 such a road could run upon any standard gauge its of existing roads in the connection." per cent more capital than they have anything to track, and its capacity for traffic could be at any show for. Thus built and equipped, few of them time increased without involving the necessity of are managed on good business principles or with reconstruction throughout, as is the case with nara view to rendering the community the greatest row gauge roads operating as feeders or branches amount of service at the least possible cost. The of trunk lines. The system is well worthy of competition between the companies consisting thorough trial in this country, and we would urge chiefly in a rivalry in the matter of fast trains, that that trial be made before we have gone too two miles from Buena Vista, and about ten and a and a saving of time is usually gained at the ex-deeply into the building of narrow gauge roads, half miles from Washington. At Huntington the pense of the rapid destruction of road-bed and which, at least, may only partially realize the ex-main stem branches off toward the Potomac, and rolling stock, and enormous consumption of pectations of those who are now so eager in pro- the track is laid three miles south of the prospecfuel. These conditions are not favorable to econ-jecting and so enthusiastic in building them.tive town. On the north of the Annapolis Road omy, and to realize a sufficient profit upon busi Daily Bulletin. ness done under such a ruinous system the public must be taxed, through high freights and fares, not only to pay interest upon fictitious capital, but Canadian Pacific Railroad. The distances are as follows: ... Miles. The track of the Baltimore and Potomac railroad is now laid about twelve miles south of the Annapolis and Elk Ridge railroad, to Muddy Hole Branch, Prince George's county, a point about the track is laid to the Patapsco, a distance of nine miles. In all there are about twenty-five miles of the road laid. The Boston Journal says the losses sustained at the fire in Chicago by the Michigan Cen115 tral Railroad were very light. The road was not 195 an owner of the passenger depot, and its total loss 985 was a small freight house which was destroyed to..985 gether with its contents, which however were fully covered by insurance in solvent companies. Montreal to Ottawa.... The report of the surveyor employed to run the to repair the constant and costly injury to per-line of the proposed Canadian Pacific Railroad has manent way and equipment. Suppose, however, that a road of the standard gauge, well built and been published. equipped, were to be devoted by its managers to the transportation of freight at rates one-half lower than those now charged by competing lines, and, instead of running five trains per day at ruin ous and dangerous speed, ten or twenty trains should be run at a speed of, say, eight or ten miles per hour, it requires, we think, but little ar gument to show that such a road could increase The revenue of the Baltimore and Ohio its capacity for business fourfold without so much as doubling its operating expenses, allowing for the road and its brauches for the month of Septemdiminished wear and tear and the greater economy Total length from Montreal to the Pacific... 2,777 ber was $1,219,769 21, showing an increase, comof fuel in proportion to mileage. Relieve such a road of the burden of a debt for which it has noth- The Directors of the St. Croix and Penob-pared with the same month for the preceding year, of $177,905 16. It is understood that the tonnage history of the company. moved exceeds that of any month in the previous It is stated that Gen. Mahone has been ing to show but fictitious shares of capital stock, scot Railroad propose to construct their road from run as many trains at moderate and even speed Princeton to Grand Lake Stream, at which point as business may require, and the mere question of cheap transportation by rail would, we think, be the Shaw Brothers talk of building the largest tansolved much more quickly and satisfactorily than nery in the world. A survey of this proposed ex by a mere reduction in the width of the gauge. tension is to be made at once. When built, a gap successful in effecting & loan for the Atlantic, MisIt may be argued that, with their present equip of twenty-four miles remains to be filled up besissippi and Ohio Railroad Company to the amount ment our broad and standard gauge railroads are not fully adapted to cheap transportation, how-tween Grand Lake Stream and Passadumkeag, of $15,000,000, and the deed of mortgage involved ever managed. We grant the force of this objec- which, when done, the city of Calais will then be has been duly recorded in Norfolk county, Va., the tion, and would urge upon the projectors of new brought to within five hours' ride of Bangor, State tax upon which was $15,000. Augusta and Hartwell Railroad. A correspondent of the Elberton (Ga.) Gazette Southwestern Pennsylvania Railroad. road. He says: The Milwaukee Wisconsin says that a suf- known as the Jack's Run route, and the work will 19,702 tons; and from Escanaba 6,976 Sons-a Trenton and Fulton Railroad. HOMER (LA.) August 25.1871. I herewith give an expression of my views re 9x6.... ............ .... ........ .... .... 62 tons of tire iron, to be fastened at the Bridging and trestles. Per mile.... .. .... The Bayfield Press says a company of The amount of the Virginia State debt 3,100 00 RICHARD SERPELL. The Chicago and Northwestern Railway The Alexandria Gazette, of 9th ins.,t says The Hagerstown Herald says that the com000f. have been voted by Germany Italy, and Swit- RAILROAD IRON. ing the Antietan Railroad Company in Washing ing, 5 per cent. interest, and 35,000,000f. in shares. 1,400 ton county, give notice that books of subscription It is estimated that at least seven to eight years L. B. Boomer, of Chicago, has the con- and Boston. The officers of the Credit Valley Railway Tons 40 lb. Welsh Rails, made by the Rhym. Notice to Contractors. The Granite Branch railroad, a spear of the The proposed Albany, Sandlake and Ste. The track of the Wellington, Grey and The ships Charlotte and Uncle Joe arrived Railway track on the 6th inst, 8130 To Contractors. INVI HAMILTON TO CONSTRUCT A PORTION OF THE RUBBER WORKS. BALTIMORE SHORT-LINE RAILWAY, em- SPECIFICATIONS of the work can be obtained The privilege of rejecting any or all proposals JOHN WADDLE, President. October 9th, 1871. Notice to R. R. Contractors. ROPOSALS for grading and masonry for C. V. MEAD & CO., MANUFACTURERS THE AMERICAN DIAMOND DRILL CO. ARE MANUFACTURING Under the celebrated Leschot Pat- DIAMOND-POINTED ESPECIALLY ADAPTED TO Rock Drilling OF EVERY VARIETY, Tunneling, Open Cut and Side Work in RAILROAD IMPROVEMENTS. or Steam, and Bore at a Uniformly The economy of these Drills and their entire efficiency The American Diamond Drill Co., NEW YORK. RAILWAY MATERIALS. Baxter Steam-Engine, SOLE AGENTS IN THE UNITED STATES FOR SAMUEL FOX & CO'S Drawing Instruments, Paper, Bessemer Steel Rails. Tape Measures, &c. Illustrated Catalogue sent by mail, 10 cents. JAMES W. QUEEN & CO., 535 Broadway, New York. by Park Gate Iron Rails, (Manufactured in Yorkshire and the best rail made in For sale by WM. BAILEY LANG & CO., 54 Cliff Street, NEW YORK. Atherton & Coles, STATIONERS, PRINTERS, LITHOGRAPHERS AND RAILROAD IRON. 1,000 tons LLYNVI VALE. 50 LBS. ERIE PATTERN. Now in yard and for sale 49tf DANAS & LITCHFIELD, YORK CAR WORKS. ESTABLISHED IN 1852. Billmeyer & Smalls, YORK, PENN. This old established firm continue to build all kinds of Narrow Gauge Cars having received their special attention, they are prepared Contract for BUILDING and OPERATING at any point required. PACIFIC MAIL Steamship Company's LINE TO California, Japan and VIA PANAMA, CARRYING MAILS, PASSENGERS AND KINGSTON, JAMAICA, SANTA MARTHA AND Steamers ieave 15th and 30th each month, except when those days fall on Sunday, then the day previous. Oct. 30, steamer RISING STAR, CAPT H. P. CONNER, will leave Pier No. 42, North River, at 12 o'clock noon. for Aspinwal, direct, connecting at Panama with steamer SACRAMENTO, Capt. Parker, touching at Punta Arenas, Acajutla, and San Jose Guatemala, also connecting for all Central American and South Pacific ports. Freight for last-named ports received until 4 P. M. of Oct. 27. Steamer AMERICA will leave San Francisco, Nov. 2, for Japan and China. For rates of passage, freight and all further information, MACHINERY and APPLIANCES for RIVER, HARBOR apply at the Company's office on the pier, foot of Canal and BANK IMPROVEMENTS, constantly on hand, and FISHER'S PATENT Wrought Iron street. F. R. BABY, Agent. ENGLISH AND SCOTCH } RAIL JOINTS. FIRE BRICK MADE BY FISHER & NORRIS, TRENTON, N. J.. The Superiority of these Joints has been proved by eight years' use on different Roads. DANAS & LITCHFIELD, No. 18 William Street, New-York, In Store and to Arrive S. L. MERCHANT & CO., RAILROAD IRON, EDWARD W. SERRELL, of best AMERICAN, ENGLISH and WELSH make, of ORDINARY or and Puddled Steel Rails, Chairs, Spikes, &c. CAMP'S IMPROVED DUMPING CAR. Fig. No. 1, Car Loaded & at Rest, M K. JESUP & COMP'Y, rame, F, forcing it down to its place, when the hopper Foreign l'atents, and Professional Expert in Patent STEAM NAVIGATION, COMMERCE, FINANCE, ENGINEERING, BANKING, MINING, MANUFACTURES. ESTABLISHED IN 1831. PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY JOHN H. SCHULTZ, AT NO. 9 SPRUCE ST., NEW YORK, AT FIVE DOLLARS PER ANNUM. MR. FREDERIC ALGAR, No. 8 Clements sources, stepped in with abundant means and deLane, Lombard Street, LONDON, England, is the authorized termined to complete the work. They receive European Agent for the JOURNAL. from the State & free gift of all that the State had done west of Covington; are relieved from taxation until the dividends reach 10 per cent., and have some other important privileges. The gen1185 tlemen who thus seized upon what seems to me 1185 one of the greatest opportunities in the country PRINCIPAL CONTENTS. Chesapeake and Obio Railroad..... .... Chicago and Northwestern Railway....1280, 1186 for a solid and profitable investment of capital, Federal and State Securities Railroad Bond List Railroad Share List .... .... Stock Exchange and Money Market [WHOLE NO. 1,853, VOL. XLIV. and iron country; the facilities for cheap transportation will create numerous iron furnaces, salt and oil works; the coal which now lies under so large a part of the great Kanawha lands will be mined for consumption in the East as well as the West and South West. I am told that the best Kanawha cannel coal can be sold, in New York, when the road is completed, for $6 50 per ton. The Hartford Tunnel. The new Hartford tunnel for the Hartford and 1189 were Messrs. A. A. Low, Wm. H. Aspinwall, Jonas 1188, 1190 G. Clark, Richard Irwin, Wm. B. Hatch, P. Fisk, 1190 and C. P. Huntington, the last named being Pre-New Haven Railroad, is nearly completed. The .1198 sident of the Company. .1205 1207 ...... Pittsburg and Castle Shannon Railroad.... Gen. W. C. Wickham, Gen. Anderson, and seve enlargement of the old tunnel was made through ral other Virginians are also among the Directors. an exceedingly troublesome strata of quicksand With men like those at the back of it the work is and clay, which had a tendency to cave in, and 1208 going on rapidly, and will be completed next Oc . 1207 .1210 thus seriously impede the operation of excavating tober. I have been struck, all along the new line now building with the solidity of the masonry and pile driving, which was carried on at the same and the thoroughness with which every part of time. The tunnel passes under two busy streets, American Railroad Journal. the work is done. The tunnels and bridges are one having a horse railroad track, and both hav New York Saturday, October 28, 1871. First Class Railroad Construction. From Mr. Nordhoff's letters to the Tribune, from Virginia, we extract the following particulars concerning the portion of the Chesapeake and Ohio Road now in operation : Change of Gauge. all, with the exception of two tunnels, prepared ing gas pipe, aqueduct pipe, etc., all of which had for a double track; the whole line can be double-to be moved and removed, so as not to discomtracked at a comparatively small expense when mode the public. Trains passed upon the road itself ever it becomes necessary, and the land investments made, not only at Huntington, but all along fact which necessitated considerable calculation. on an average every five minutes during the day a the line, at every point where there is likely to be The number of piles driven was 1781, or measuran important town, promise in themselves to paying the part actually under ground, seven miles. magnificently. The work is done for cash, and The work was under the immediate supervision of accordingly there is no waste; with a country of E. M. Read, superintendent of the Hartford and wonderful mineral and other wealth to develop, New Haven Railroad, who is a practical and efEast of the White Sulphur, and between that and Western connections, which will make it, ficient engineer. point and Covington, we passed over that part of when completed, one of the great through lines the Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad which was sur- connecting the West, with tide-water-consider. veyed and built by the State of Virginia before ing also its low grades, and its small cost comthe war. This part of the line crosses the Alleg-pared with other through lines, it will have great We hear discussed the propriety and profitablehanies, and the work done here, in tunnels and advantages over its competitors. ness of changing the gauge of the Wilmington and cuttings, is remarkable for its courage and that East of Covington lies a famous iron region, Manchester and Charlotte, Columbia and Augnsdisregard of cost which is a characteristic of Gov- which has already a few large furnaces. But they ta Roads from five feet to four feet eight and oneernment work. The Virginia Central Railroad need the coal which the Chesapeake and Ohio half inches. The present difference in gauge inwas completed, from Richmond to Covington, a Road can bring them so cheaply when it is comvolves a transfer of freight and passengers at Chardistance of 205 miles, in 1861. While it was pleted, to enable them to work to advantage, for lotte and Wilmington. Such a change, producing building the State of Virginia undertook to build they have "skinned" their forests for charcoal, uniformity, would ensure a continued line to Bal a railroad from Covington to the Ohio River, to A Pennsylvanian, an expert in iron, who had timore and New York of uniform gauge, quickencomplete the line from the west to tide-water. been "prospecting" in this region reported it to ig intercommunication, and lessening the cost of On this work the State spent $3,400,000, and what be very rich, having a distinct and very heavy trasportation. it did was magnificently done. The masonry tun- vein of iron ore, and, in fact, he asserted that this A direct, uninterrupted transit from Augusta nels are all double tracked, the cuts are straight region was for it on what the great Kanawha Val-to Norfolk and Baltimore, so far from operating and clean, and the line its engineers laid has ad-ley is for coal. injuriously upon the interests of Augusta, will, if mirably low grades and easy curves. It is marvelous to me that a region so near the we apprehend prevailing views correctly, be reBut the war stopped this work. After the war great monetary center of the country; and so won-ceived with favor by our commercial citizens. The the State was unable to finish it, and finally a law derfully rich in mineral wealth, should have been great current of trade is now, and for a long time was passed granting to the Virginia Central Com-left untouched until now. Bat the blight of to come will continue to set Northward. Interior pany all the franchises and property of that por- Slavery hung over it, and capital and free labor trunk lines of railroads have entered successfully tion begun by the State, on the condition that alike avoided it. The Chesapeake and Ohio Rail- into competition with water carriage by circuitous they should complete it to the Ohio River. The road, when it is completed, will quickly create a routes for all the finer classes of merchandise and two portions were consolidated under a new name new Virginia. From its completion will date, I in the way of return freight, for the heavier prod-the Chesapeake and Ohio-and, at a later do not doubt, the real prosperity of both Virginia ucts of the country close uninterrupted connection period, New York capitalists, discovering the great and West Virginia. It will draw capital and labor by rail, bringing cheap rates over roads of low advantages of the route, and its immense re-to the now sparsely settled and undeveloped coal gradients with the ports of Wilmington and Nor |