REPORTS FROM COMMITTEES: TWELVE VOLUMES : — CONTENTS OF THE EIGHTH VOLUME. N.B.-THE Figures at the beginning of the line, correspond with the N° at the 370. REPORT from the Select Committee on METROPOLITAN BRIDGES; VOL. XIV. Sess. 1854 231 Ordered, THAT a Select Committee be appointed to inquire into the State and Condi- tion of the BRIDGES over the THAMES in the METROPOLIS; to report whether they are adequate to the present vastly-increasing traffic; whether it be desirable to construct one or more Bridges over the River, and, if so, at what point or points; whether it would be desirable to provide, out of local funds, the means of throwing open to the Public the present toll-paying Bridges; and, if so, upon what terms such Bridges could be thrown open. Mercurii, 1o die Martii, 1854. Ordered, THAT the Committee have power to send for Persons, Papers, and Records. Ordered, THAT Five be the Quorum of the Committee. Ordered, THAT it be an Instruction to the Committee to extend their Inquiry to the Bridges over the Thames within the area subject to the Coal-tax. Ordered, THAT the Committee have power to Report their Observations, together with |