Montauk, and the Common Lands of Easthampton, Long Island. Published in the Magazine of American History, April, 1883. By J. F. JAMESON. The Genesis of a New England State (Connecticut). By ALEXANDER JOHNSTON, A. M. Rutgers, 1870. The Past and Present of Political Economy. Read before the Historical and Political Science Association, October 20, 1882. By R. T. ELY, Ph. D. Heidelberg, 1879. Review of American Economic Literature since 1876. This review will first appear in Conrad's Jahrbücher der National-oekonomie, Halle. By E. J. JAMES, Ph. D. Halle, 1877, and B. J. RAMAGE, A. B. Newberry College, S. C., 1880. Taxation in the United States from 1789 to 1816. A revision of a thesis first published in the Tübinger Zeitschrift, 1879. By HENRY C. ADAMS, Ph. D. Johns Hopkins University, 1878; Lecturer on Political Economy in the University of Michigan and at Cornell University. An Essay on the Financial History of the United States during the Civil War. Read before the Historical and Political Science Association, February 10, 1883. By ARTHUR YAGER, A. B. Georgetown College, Ky., 1879. The Baltimore and Ohio Employés' Relief Association. Read before the Historical and Political Science Association, February, 23, 1883. By B. J. RAMAGE. The Study of Political Science in Continental Schools. By E. J. JAMES. The Growth of Internationalism. Read before the Historical and Political Science Association, May 19, 1882. Published in the International Review, April, 1888. By ALBERT Shaw. NOTE. Copies of Numbers I., II., and IV., of the "STUDIES" can no longer be supplied except to regular subscribers for the First Series of twelve numbers. Price, $3.00, payable in advance. IN HISTORICAL AND POLITICAL SCIENCE HERBERT B. ADAMS, Editor History is past Politics and Politics present History. Freeman VII OLD MARYLAND MANORS With the Records of a Court Leet and a Court Baron BY JOHN JOHNSON, A. B. BALTIMORE PUBLISHED BY THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY MAY, 1883. OF THE Johns Hopkins University Studies IN HISTORICAL AND POLITICAL SCIENCE. H. B. ADAMS, Editor. The following Studies are either ready for the press or in active preparation. Some of them will be published in the first instance by the University. Others will be reprints from the proceedings of learned societies, magazines, etc., where they appear in some cases under titles slightly different from those here adopted. The idea of this series is to bring together, in numbered monographs, kindred contributions to Historical and Political Science, so that individual efforts may gain strength by combination and become more useful as well as more accessible to students. The Studies will be published at monthly intervals, but not necessarily in separate form or in the following order. A limited edition only of each monographic number will be issued and a price will be set upon each as soon as it appears. A few single copies will be sold upon applica tion and receipt of price. By paying $3.00 in advance, subscribers may avoid the inconvenience of small remittances and be assured of receiving, at lower rates, the first twelve numbers, comprising more than twelve papers and about 400 pages. A title-page and table of contents will be furnished upon completion of the First Series. Scientific communications should be addressed to the EDITOR; business matters, subscriptions, questions touching exchanges, etc., to the PUBLICATION AGENCY (N. MURRAY), JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY, BALTIMORE, MARYLAND. Subscriptions will also be received, or single copies furnished, by G. P. PUTNAM'S SONS, LONDON (18 Henrietta St., Covent Garden) AND NEW YORK; PORTER & COATES, PHILADELPHIA; CUPPLES, UPHAM & Co., (successors of A. Williams & Co.), BOSTON; SOULE & BUGBEE, BOSTON; ROBERT CLARKE & Co., CINCINNATI; JANSEN, MCCLURG & Co., CHICAGO; JAMES ANGLIM & Co., WASHINGTON; TRÜBNER & Co., LONDON; KARL J. TRÜBNER, STRASSBURG; PUTTKAMMER & MÜHLBRECHT, BERLIN. I. An Introduction to American Institutional History. By EDWARD A. FREEMAN, D.C.L., LL.D. With an account of Mr. Freeman's Visit to Baltimore, by the Editor, republished from the Johns Hopkins University Circular, No. 20. (Now ready. Price, 25 cents). II. The Germanic Origin of New England Towns. Read before the Harvard Historical Society, May 9, 1881. By H. B. ADAMS, Ph. D. Heidelberg, 1876; Associate Professor of History, Johns Hopkins University. With Notes on Cooperation in University Work. (Now ready. Price, 40 cents). III. Local Government in Illinois. Reprinted from the Fortnightly Review. By ALBERT SHAW, A. B. Iowa College, 1879; Johns Hopkins University, 1881-2: and Local Government in Pennsylvania. Read before the Pennsylvania Historical Society, May 1, 1882. By E. R. L. GOULD, A. B. Victoria University, 1881; Fellow in History, Johns Hopkins University, 1882. (Now ready. Price 30 cents.) "You would present her at the leet because she brought stone jugs and no sealed quarts."-Taming of the Shrew. "I know my remedy; I must go fetch the third borough" [Tithingman).- Taming of the Shrew. "A Tything-man in each Manor, a Constable in each Hundred."-Bacon, Laws of Maryland, 1638. "Proces in Court Baron est Summons, Attachement & Distres, que est proces al commo Ley."--Le Court Leete et Court Baron, John Kitchin. London, 1623. "And By-laws for the common weale may be made in a Leet."-Antiquity, Authority, and Uses of Leets, Robert Powell. London, 1641. "We also, by these Presents do give and grant licence to the same Baron of Baltimore and to his heirs, to erect any parcels of land within the Province aforesaid into manors, and in every of those manors to have and hold a Court Baron . . . . and view of FrankPledge, for the conservation of the peace and better government of those parts."-Charter of Maryland, Art. 19. "And We do . . . . authorize you that every two thousand acres. . . . so to be passed be erected and created into a mannor.... ... And we do hereby further authorize you that you cause to be granted unto every of the said Adventurers within every of their said manors respectively, . . . . a Court Barron and Court Leet, to be from time to time held. . . . ."-Instructions from Lord Baltimore to Governor Calvert, 1636. .... |