William de Bohun, Earl of Northampton, Elizabeth, dau. of Bartholomew de BadlesK.G., d. in 1360. mere, and widow of Edmund Mortimer. J Lady Elizabeth, dau. of William de Bohun, Richard Fitzalan, Earl of Arundel, beheaded Earl of Northampton, K.G. 21 Richard II. Thomas, Lord Lady Elizabeth Fitzalan,: ୮ Earl of Surrey. Sir Robert Goushill, Knt. of Heveringham. Joan, dau. and coheir of Sir Robert Goushill, Thomas, Lord Stanley, K.G., d. in 1458-9. of Heveringham. T Sir William Stanley, K.G., of Holt, (2nd son of Thomas, Lord Stanley), Chamberlain to HENRY VII. Jane, dau. of Sir William Stanley, K.G. Sir John Warburton, of Warburton and Arley, Sir Piers Warburton, Knt. of Warburton and Elizabeth, dau. and eventual heiress of Richard Winnington, of Winnington. Jane, eldest dau. of SirPiers Warburton, Knt. Sir William Brereton, Knt. of Brereton, Elizabeth, dau. of Sir William Brereton, == buried there, 4 Sept. 1559. =Thomas Venables, Esq., Baron of Kinderton, d. 8 Dec. 1606, Ing. p. m., 4 Jac. Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas Venables, Baron Sir Thomas Egerton, eldest son of Viscount of Kinderton. r Mary, dau. and coheir of Sir Thos. Egerton. Vere, dau. of Thomas, Lord Leigh, of Stoneleigh. Ellesmere. Thomas, Lord Leigh, of Stoneleigh, d. in 1671. Sir Justinian Isham, 2nd Bart. of Lamport. Sir Justinian Isham, Bart. of Lamport, M.P.-Elizabeth, only dau. of Sir Edmund Turnor. for Northamptonshire, d. in 1730. The Rev. Euseby Isham, 3rd son, m. in 1739; he was Rector of Lincoln College, Oxford. Mary, dau. of the Rev. Matthew Pantling, Sir Justinian Isham, Bart. of Lamport, heir-Susannah, dau. of Henry Barret, Esq. Sir Justinian Isham, Bart. of Lamport, d. in Mary, eldest dau. of the Rev. Samuel Close, April, 1845. of Drumbanagher. Sir Charles-Edmund Isham, BART. of Lam-Emily, youngest dau. of the late Right Hon. port; 18th in a direct descent from King Mr. Justice Vaughan. EDWARD I. EDWARD II. King of England, murdered in 1327. Royal Descent of Kingston. Edward E., King of England. Eleanor, dau. of Ferdinand III. King William de Northamp Lady Anne Plantage-William Bourchier, Earl net, dau. and heir of of Ewe, in Normandy. Thomas, Duke of Glou cester, and widow, 1st, Elizabeth, sister of Isabel, dau. of Sir William Gran- Sir Thomas Granville, of Stowe, High Sheriff 21 Edw. IV. Sir Thomas Granville, of Stowe, K.B., d. 6 Henry VIII. T Lucy Knightley, Esq. Elizabeth, dau. of Ed- John Kingston, Esq. of Harriet-Anne, eldest 1. Ar 1. Eleanor, 4. Laura, m. Rev.C. m. Capt. Orlebar, Jas. Cos2nd son of tobadie, thur Bur rard, TT Cambridge, eldest dau. Associate of the late of King's Reid Edw. College, Woodhouse. 1. William==Agnes,eld- 2. George- 3. Charles 5. Edward Henry-Giles est dau. of Templeman Kingston, Kingston, Kingston, the late Kingston, m. March, of Caius Knight of the Chas. Kin- M.A., Cam- 1852, Ca- College, youngest Military Or- loch, Esq. bridge, Prin- therine, son of the der of Christ, of Gourdie, cipal of the Rev.Jacob as conferred Perthshire, Nautical Costoba by Letters Pa- Capt. 52nd College of die, Rec- tent, by the Foot, who Canada, m. tor of Queen of Por- served in 1851, HarWensley, tugal, 1846, Sir John riet, 3d dau. co. York. 15th in a di- Hope's rect descent Staff, during the Pen- R.N. from King EDWARD III. insular London. 6. Francis 4. Frede- Knightley of Edmund rick King- Kingston. Malone, Esq ston, Bar- Laura. rister at Law. Harriet. Caroline war. Alice-Laura-Marion. ୮ Isabel Inglethorpe. John Neville, Sir Henry Jane Bour- in 1469. ୮ chier. Richard Ne-Anne Stafville, Lord Lucy Neville, Sir Anthony Brown, appointed by HENRY VII. Latimer, d. dau. & coheir. | standard-bearer of England, d. in 1506. ford. in 1531. Catherine Parr, afterwards Queen to HENRY VIII. Elizabeth Henry Somerset, Earl Dorothy John Neville, Lord of Worcester. Lady Lucy Somerset, d. in 1582.John Neville, 4th Lord Latimer, d. in 1577. Lucy, dau. and coheir of John Neville, Lord Sir William Cornwallis, Knt. of Brome. Anne, dau. of Sir William Cornwallis, and—Archibald Campbell, 7th Earl of Argyle. eventually coheiress of her mother. Γ Lady Mary Campbell, only dau. of Archibald, James, 2nd Lord Rollo, d. in 1669. 7th Earl of Argyll, by Anne Cornwallis, his 2nd wife. Andrew, 3rd Lord Rollo, d. in 1700. Margaret, dau. of John, 3rd Lord Burghley. J Robert, 4th Lord Rollo, d. in 1758.--Mary, eldest dau. of Sir Harry Rollo of John, 6th Lord Rollo, d. in 1783. Cecilia, dau. of James Johnstone, Esq. James, 7th Lord Rollo, d. in 1784.--Mary, eldest dau. of John Aytoun, Esq. John, 8th Lord Rollo, d. in 1846. William, 9th Lord Rollo, d. in 1852. Agnes, dau. of William Greig, Esq. of Gayfield Place. Elizabeth, only dau. of John Rogerson, Esq. John-Rogerson, 10th, and present LORD ROLLO; 17th in a direct descent from |