Recapitulation. In Wereltun (Wrelton), the King one car. and a half. In Bartun (Barton-le-Street), the King half a car. In Caltorn (Cawthorne), the King one car. In Croptun (Cropton), the King five car. In Lestingha' (Lastingham), the Abbat [of York] two car. same place, B. Todeni one car. In Baschesbi ( ), the King one car. In the In Apeltun 21 (Appleton-le-Moor), the Abbat [of York] two car. In Siuenintun (Sinnington), B. Todeni three car. In Martun (Marton), B. Todeni five car. Maneshou Wapentac (Part of Ryedale Wapentake). In Tornentun (Thornton Riseborough), the King four car. In Cherchebi (Kirkby Misperton) and the other Cherchebi (Kirkby Moorside), B. Todeni, and the Abbat of him, seven car. In Abetune (Habton), the King six car. and a half. In the same place, the Count of Mortain half a car. ( In Salescale 22 ( ), the King six bov. In Ritun (Ryton), the King two car. and a half. In Neuhuse (Newsham; par. Appleton-le-Street) and Andebi ), the King three car. and six bov. In Wich (Wykeham), the King one car. In Andebi ( ), the King two car. and a half. In the samé place, the Count of Mortain 23 one car. and a half. In the other Wich (Wykeham Hill?), the King two car. In the same place, the Archbishop half a car. In the same place, Ra. Pagenel six bov. In Maltun (Old Malton), the Archbishop one car. In the same place, the King eleven car. and a half. In the same place, the Count of Mortain one car. and a half. In Broctun (Broughton), the King eight car. and two bov. In the same place, B. Todeni one car. In Suintun (Swinton), the King eleven car. In Apletun (Appleton-le-Street), the King five car. In Saletun (Salton), the Archbishop nine car. In Bragebi (Brawby), the Archbishop six car. In Berg (Great Barugh), the Archbishop three car. In the same place, the King two car. In the other Berg (Little Barugh), the Archbishop half a car. In the same place, the King one car. and a half. In Micheledestun (Great Edston), B. Todeni eight car. In the other Edestun (Little Edston), B. Todeni three car. In Holm (South Holme), the King one car. and a half. In the same place, B. Todeni one car. and a half. In Siuerintune (Sinnington), B. Todeni two car. The Abbat was the under-tenant. See page 13, antea. 21 This "Apeltun" is not entered in the manorial returns. See Kirkby's Inquest, ed. Surt. Soc., vol. 49, p. 123. 22 "Salescale" is not mentioned elsewhere. 23 "Andebi" is not included in the 'Land of the Count,' antea. Recapitulation. In Nageltune (Nawton), the Archbishop four car. In the same place, B. Todeni two car. In Wellebrune (Welburn), B. Todeni one car. In the same place, the King one car. In Winbeltun (Wombleton), the Archbishop one car. In Waleton ( ), B. Todeni one bov. In Spantune (Spaunton), B. Todeni, and the Abbat of him, six car. and a half. In the same place, the King, 24 and the Abbat of him, one car. car. In Apeltun (Appleton-le-Moor?), the Abbat, of the King, two In Normanebi (Normanby), the King three car. In the same place, the Abbat, of the King, three car. In Bartun (Barton-le-Willows), the Count of Mortain eight car. In Osuualdescherce (Oswaldkirk), B. Todeni one car. In the same place, the Count of Mortain one car. In Neutun (West Newton), the Archbishop four car. In the same place, the King two car. In Gellinge (Gilling), Ra. Mortemer four car. In Neutune (East Newton), the King two car. In Sprostune (Sproxton), the King five 25 car. In Fademore (Fadmoor), the Count of Mortain five car. In Scaltun (Scawton), Ro. Malet four car. In Grif (Griff), the Count of Mortain two 26 car. In the same place, the King two car. In Tilstune (Stilton), the King one car. In the same place, the Count of Mortain three car. In Elmeslac (Helmsley), the King three car. and a half. In the same place, the Count of Mortain seven car. In Pochelac (Pockley), the Archbishop one car. In the same place, the Count of Mortain one car. In Bodlun (Beadlam), the Count of Mortain four car. In Harun (Harome), the Count of Mortain five car. In the same place, the King one car. and a half. In the same place, B. Todeni two bov. In Ricalf (Riccal), the King two car. In Nonnintune (Nunnington), Ra. Pagenel six car. In the same place, the Count of Mortain six car. In Steinegrif (Stonegrave), the Archbishop six bov. In the same place, Ra. Pagenel five car. and two bov. car. In Neisse (Ness), Ra. Pagenel three car. In Holm (North Holme), Ra. Pagenel one car. In Ampreforde (Ampleforth), the Archbishop three car. In Coltun (Colton), the King one car. In Coletun [Quære-Colnun 27] (Cowlam), the Archbishop half a In the same place [Coletun] (Colton), the Count of Mortain one car. and a half. In Caluetun (Cawton), the Count of Mortain three car. 24 "Spantune" and "Apeltun" do not occur in the 'Land of the King.' 25 Four car. and two bov. on page 339, vol. xiii. 26 Omitted in the manorial survey. 27 See vol. xiii., page 493. 28 See vol. xiii., page 512. Recapitulation. In Selungesbi (Slingsby), the Count of Mortain fourteen car. In Fritun (Fryton), the Count of Mortain half a car. Bolesford Wapentac (Bulmer Wapentake). In Hotun (High Hutton), B. Todeni five car. and a half. In the same place (Hutton-upon-Derwent 29), the King eight car. and a half. In Ilderschelf (Hinderskelfe), B. Todeni four car. In Dalbi (Dalby), Berengar, and the Abbat of him, three car. In Scacheldene (Scackleton), the King half a car. place, the Count of Mortain one car. and a half. In the same In Bolemere (Bulmer) and Stidnun (Stittenham), the Count of Mortain fifteen car. In Hotune (Sheriff Hutton), the Count of Mortain eleven car. In the same place, the King four car. In Wellebrune (Welburn), the Count of Mortain three car, and a half. In Gameltorp (Ganthorpe), the Count of Mortain two car. and a half. In the same place, the King half a car. In Teurintune (Terrington), the Count of Mortain six car. and three bov. In the same place, B. Todeni two bov. In the same place, Earl Alan one car. and a half. In Wich'gastorp (Wiganthorpe), the Count of Mortain one car. In the same place, the King one car. In the same place, B. Todeni one car. 30 car. In Ildingeslei (Hildenley), the King two car. In Coningestorp (Coneysthorpe), the Count of Mortain three In Martun (Marton-on-the-Forest), the Count of Mortain six car. In Farlintun (Farlington) and Fornetorp (Upper Towthorpe ?), the Count of Mortain seven car. In the same place [Fornetorp 31], B. Todeni one car. In Corlebroc (Cornbrough), the Count of Mortain nine car. In Scoxebi (Skewsby), the Count of Mortain eight car. In Lilinge (West Lilling), the King three 32 car. In the same place, the Count of Mortain two bov. In Torentun (Thornton-le-Clay), the Count of Mortain three car. In the same place, Earl Alan two car. In the same place, [Robert Malet 33] two car. In Crambon (Crambe), the Count of Mortain four car. In the same place, the King four car. In Bartun (Barton-le-Willows), the Count of Mortain eight car. In Claxtorp (Claxton), the King three car. In the same place, the Count of Mortain one car. In Hotun (Sand Hutton), the King one car. 29 See vol. xiii., page 339, and page 14, antea. Orig., fo. 380, col. 1. - Facsimile Edit., page lxxxv. 31 See page 13, antea. 32 See page 19, antea, where four car. are assigned to the King. 33 The name of the tenant is omitted. I have supplied it from page 45, antea. Recapitulation. In Dic ( ), the King two car. In Hamelsech (Over Helmsley), the Count of Mortain four car. In Suton (Sutton-on-the-Forest), the King three car. In Holtebi (Holtby), the King six car. In the other Hamelsech (Gate Helmsley), the Archbishop four car. and two bov. In Wardhille (Warthill), the Archbishop three car. In the same place, the Count of Mortain two car. In Careltun (Carlton Farm), the Archbishop three car. In Witeuuelle (Whitwell), the Count of Mortain nine car, and a half. In Lilinge (Fast Lilling), the King one car. and six bov. In the same place, the Count of Mortain one car, and two bov. In Strenshale (Strensall), [the Archbishop 4] five car. In Touetorp (Towthorpe), [the Archbishop 34] three car. same place, the Count of Mortain one car. In Edrezuic (Earswick), [the Archbishop 34] three car. In the In Huntindune (Huntington), the Count of Mortain five car. In the same place, the King two car, and six bov. In the same place, Earl Alan one car. and two bov. In Flaxtune (Flaxton), the King two car. and a half. In the same place, the Archbishop six bov. In the same place, Earl Alan one car. and a half. In Hobi (Huby), the King six car. In Quennebi 35 (Whenby), the King eight car. In Fostun (Foston), Earl Alan eight car. In Stiuelinctun (Stillington), the Archbishop ten car. In Molscebi (Moxby), the King three car. In Mortun (Murton), the Archbishop two car. and a half. In the same place, the King two car. In Torp (Thorpe Hall), Chelestuit (Kelset Grange), Sutune (Sutton-on-the-Forest) and Carebi ( seventeen car. ), [the King In Eisinceuuald (Easingwold), the King twelve car. In Raschel (Raskelfe), the King eight car. In Coteburun (Corteborne), [the Archbishop ] three car. In Neuton (Newton-upon-Ouse) and Toresbi (Linton-upon-Ouse?), Ra. Pagenel nine car. In Inguluestuet ( ), W. Perci eight car. In Haxebi (Haxby), the Archbishop six car. and one bov. In Tolletune (Tollerton), eight car. In Alne (Alne), eight car. In Ioletun (Youlton), four car. In Mitune (Myton-on-Swale), two bov. In Turoluestorp (Tholthorpe) and Wibedstune ( ), seven car. In Hilprebi (Helperby), six car. These [are] the Archbishop's. In Ilprebi (Helperby), the Archbishop four car. In Mitune (Myton-on-Swale), the Archbishop four car. and a half. In the same place, the King three car. and two bov. 34 I have supplied the name of the tenant from page 495, vol. xiii. 35 "Quennebi" is not mentioned elsewhere. 36 See vol. xiii, page 328. 37 The tenant's name is omitted. Ses vol. xiii., page 495. Recapitulation. In Aldeuuerc (Aldwark), the Count of Mortain eight car. In Bradfortune (Brafferton), the King six car. the Count of Mortain one car. In the same place, In Stirsbi (Stearsby), the Count of Mortain two car. In Muletorp 38 (Mowthorpe, par. Terrington), the Count of Mortain three car. In Hipton 39 (Shipton, par. Overton), Earl Alan six car. In Bosciale (Bossall), [Hugh son of Baldric 40], two bov. and a half. Gerlestre Wapentac (Part of Birdforth Wapentake). In Turmozbi (Thormanby), the King one car. and a half. In the same place, half a car. Gam' held it. In the same place, Ro. Malet four car. In Creic (Crayke), the Bishop of Durham six car. In Baschesbi (Baxby), the Archbishop six car. and one bov. In Carletun (Carlton Husthwaite), the Archbishop four car. and a half. In Torp 12 ( ), Gospatric three car. In Uluestun (Oulston), Gospatric six car. In Begeland (Old Byland), Ro. Malet six car. In Bernebi ( ), Ro. Malet four car. and a half. In Sezai (Sessay), the Bishop of Durham five car. In Horenbodebi (Hornby, par. Great Smeaton), the Bishop of Durham three car. In Topecliue (Topcliffe), with four 43 berewicks, W. Perci twenty six car. In Bergebi (Borrowby), W. Perci eight car. In Rainingeuuat (Rainton), W. Perci four car. In Catune (Catton), W. Perci six car. In Carletun (Carlton Miniot?), the King four car. In Hotune (Hutton Sessay?), the King six car. In Bracheberc (Breckenbrough), the Count of Mortain six car. In Tresc (Thirsk), the King eight car. In Neuhuse (Newsham), the King two car. and a half. In Sorebi (Sowerby), the King five car. In Cheniuetune (Knayton), the Bishop of Durham four car. the same place, the King two car. In In Cheluintun (South Kilvington), the King eight car. In the same place, and in Upsale (Upsall) and Hundulftorp (Thornbrough), the Count of Mortain thirteen car. Aluretun Wapentac (Allerton Wapentake). In Aluretune (Northallerton), Bretebi (Birkby), Sourebi (Sowerby-under-Cotcliff), Cherchebi (Kirkby Wiske), Landemot 38 "Muletorp" is not included in the survey of the Count's land. 39 "Hipton" is omitted in the survey of the Earl's land. 41 See page 45, antea. 42 This "Torp" is omitted in the sur vey of the 'Land of Gospatric.' 40 The tenant's name is not given. See page 271, antea. 43 ،، antea. "iiij" superscribed. See page 60, |