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re-assembled at the tea-tables, each was served with a large bun by the ladies, the National Anthem was sung, and then they left the ground, walking two abreast to the school-yard, when, after singing a hymn, they were dismissed to their respective homes with a brief but suitable address, by the Rev. J. S. Upton. The day was very fine; this caused a considerable number of spectators to be present. On the Wednesday previous, there was a public examination of the infants, under the tuition of Mr. Porter; and on the Thursday of the girls, under the management of Miss Driver, on which occasions Earl Fitzwilliam and the ladies attended, and expressed themselves much gratified with the results of the examinations.

Westminster.-A meeting of Sabbath school teachers of Westminster was held on Monday, September 11th, to commemorate the bicentary of the Westminster Assembly of Divines. C. Hindley, Esq., M.P., presided: Mr. Thomson, a teacher, read a highly interesting essay relating the causes which led to the assembly two centuries back, tracing the reformed church from the time of Elizabeth to the present day, and shewing in every period the superiority of the voluntary operations of christians to all compulsory arrangements. Addresses were then delivered, and the friends separated with an increased knowledge of their principle and attachment to their work of faith and labour of love. Meetings for a similar purpose have been held in Edinburgh.

Yardley Hastings.-On Friday, July 28th, the foundation stone of new school rooms for the Independent congregation, was laid by the Rev. W. Todman, in the presence of a large assembly. Upwards of three hundred friends then took tea together in a booth erected for the occasion. Various addresses were delivered by the Rev. Messrs. Prust, of Northampton; Vaughan and Simmons, of Olney; and Lord, of Wollaston. The occasion was deeply interesting, and the highest hopes are cherished of future usefulness.


Died, on the 2nd of October, at Llanidloes, aged 13 years, Miss Margaret Lloyd Owens, only daughter of the Rev. Robert Owens, Llanidloes. The funeral of this amiable and beloved young person took place on the following Wednesday. At two o'clock the teachers and scholars of the Wesleyan Sunday school of which she was a useful teacher, being, although young in years, aged in religious experience-met at the Wesleyan chapel, where each was properlyarranged to form a procession under the direction of the teachers, and thence proceeded, decently attired. to the house of the deceased. After reading and prayer, the funeral proceeded slowly to the place of interment. the Methodist chapel burying ground, in the parish of Llandinan, preceded by the Sunday scholars and teachers, accompanied by several respectable tradesmen of the town. The Rev. W. Rowlands delivered a most solemn and appropriate discourse from Ecclesiastes, chap. iv. verse 2- Wherefore I praised the dead which are already dead, more than the living which are yet alive;" and afterwards read the burial service, which was closed by an appropriate address and prayer by the Rev. Mr. Evans, Independent minister of Llanidloes. Thus fled a virtuous and promising member of Christ's church from this earthly tabernacle. Her sun has gone down while it was yet day. but only to rise and shine in the firmament of heaven for ever and ever. Her departure has produced the deepest impression among her Sunday school and other religious connexions. To her fellow teachers and the scholars of her school, her early grave preaches deep repentance and earnest devotion.

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In a former paper we alluded to this class of the Chinese Aristocracy, and it remains for us to describe with more minuteness their dress and manners. 'When dressed,' writes Dr. Abel, 'every Chinese of any station wears by his side a variety of accoutrements, which would strike a stranger as being of a warlike character, but which prove on examination to be very peaceful appendages. A worked silk sheath encloses a fan; a small leather bag, not unlike a cartouch box, suspended to the left, supplies steel and flint for lighting the pipe; and the tobacco is carried in an


embroidered purse or pouch.' In addition to these are the girdle to which the above-mentioned articles are fastened, a handsome silk case for a watch, a glass or porcelain snuff-bottle, and a sheath with a small knife, and a pair of ivory chopsticks-the mode of handling these is represented in the wood cut for November.


The difference between their summer and winter dress is chiefly marked by the cap. The summer cap is in shape a cone, the interior being lined with satin, the exterior formed of bamboo, or of a species of matting not unlike chip. On the apex or point of the cap, is a globe or ball, the material and colour of which indicate the rank of the wearer, and to it is attached 'a great flake of red silk, or a bunch of red horse-hair, that falls round about the cap, and reaches to the edges, so that when they walk, this silk flows irregularly on all sides, and the continual motion of the head gives it a particularly pleasing grace.'


The winter cap fits closer to the head, and has a brim turned sharply all round of black velvet or fur, and rising a little higher in front and behind than at the sides. In other respects it resembles the former. The season for mak

ing an alteration in this article of their attire is determined by the chief magistrate of every province, whose change in dress is formally announced in the 'Provincial Gazette.'

'The summer garment of the better classes is a long loose gown of light gauze or linen, hanging free at ordinary times, but on occasions of dress gathered in round the middle by a girdle of strong wrought silk, which is fastened in front by a clasp of agate. In an oppressive climate, where the thermometer is at 80°, or 90°, there is much ease and comfort in the loose sleeves. The winter dress, being nearly as loose as the former, is less calculated to promote warmth and comfort than the European costume, and is at the same time more unfavourable to bodily activity and exertion. Over a longer dress of silk or crape, which reaches nearly to the ancles, they wear a large-sleeved spencer, which does not descend much below the hips. This is often entirely of fur, but sometimes of silk or broad cloth, lined with silk; the neck is protect protected with a narrow collar of silk or fur; their loose dresses always fold over to the right breast, where they are fastened from top to bottom at intervals of a few inches, by gilt or crystal buttons (the latter in mourning) with loops. Stockings of cotton or silk, wove, and not knit, are worn by all who can afford them; and in winter persons of a certain rank wear boots of cloth, satin, or velvet, with the usual thick white sole, which is kept clean by whiting instead of blacking.' The boots worn by a magistrate, distinguished for his equity and integrity, are deemed of great value, and on quitting the province or city over which he has presided, these are taken off, to be preserved as precious memorials of his administration, while their place is supplied by a new pair.

In their general deportment, the civil rulers of the Celestial Empire are exceedingly haughty, austere, and distant. Dignity with them is manifested by sullenness and stiffness; not a muscle of the face or member of the body must be moved unnecessarily, and a slow pace, undiverted eyes and motionless arms are essential to their rank. On appearing abroad, each Mandarin is permitted to have four bearers to his sedan, and a train of attendants and flatterers. These precede the chair; some of them carry gongs, on which they strike at regular intervals-the number of strokes intervening being significant of the grade of the officer; others in a loud and long-drawn shout announce the presence of his Emperor's representative, admonishing them 'Clear the road;' 'Be still and retire;' a third party carry chains, which they gingle in concert; a fourth, acting the part of the Roman lictors, bear the rods for punishing offenders, while the rear consists of a miscellaneous group of servants and followers, who bear large red umbrellas, or red tablet boards, on which are inscribed in 'gilt characters, the name and official dignity of their master and Patron.

In giving the finish to this scenic view of China and the Chinese, the writer would thankfully acknowledge the kind indulgence of his readers. To originality he has made no pretensions. He has culled flowerets from every field open to the research of the curious, and with an eminent French author, it becomes him ingenuously to avow, 'I have gathered a nosegay of flowers, and there is nothing of my own but the string that ties them.' Should the readers of the Sunday School Magazine, however, be tempted to extend their ramblings through 'the region of eternal summer,' the writer can confidently recommend to them as guides, the works of Morrison, Milne, Medhurst, Abeel, Gutzlaff, Kidd, Le Compte, Davis, and Lay.

With one request he closes, -a request which he would affectionately press on all the Sabbath school teachers throughout the British Empire, in your prayers, in your sympathies, my respected friends, in your attempts to enlist the youth of our schools on the side of Christian Missions,


Oh! remember the land of Sinim! Behold its 360 millions enslaved by the prince of darkness! Behold them with outstretched arms, with anxious eye, petitioning you 'Come over and help us!' And shall not the vision of such spiritual misery, woe, and hopelessness, of such craving solicitude for your commiseration, arouse you to immediate, commanding energy, to diffusive benevolence, and believing, wrestling prayer? For you to be faithful now is to save that mighty Empire. Be aroused then, British teachers, to immediate action for their conversion; China for Christ, -China for Christ! Let this be your watchword, every day procrastinated is a day lost. Every hour forestalled ensures an easier and an earlier triumph,


And be my thoughts to work divine addressed;
Do something-do it soon-with all thy might,
An angel's wing would droop if long at rest,
And God Himself inactive were no longer blest.'

China! Be it thy land O Immanuel! Amen.

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