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Robert, 19

Barrett, Rev. Tufnell Samuel, 16 Barry, George, 8

Barton-in-Fabis, Notts., Roman remains at, 52 Basford, Notts., 75

Baylay, Rev. Atwell M. Y., on "Chantries at Edwinstowe," 79-93

"Bottle and

Glass" Inn, 37



Gate" Inn, 36


Hole, 36, 38



hangs well" Inn, 36

'Trip to Jeru

[ocr errors]

salem" Inn, 37

Bride, John, Archdeacon of Derby, 3, 4, 7, 8

Bridgford, West, 76

Briscoe, J. Potter, F.R.S.L., 48 on Mansfield

Church, 26, 27 Brodhurst, Rev. F., 48

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Brodhurst, Rev. F., on Hardwick

Hall, 18-22

Bryde, John, 4, 6, 7, 8

Robert, 4, 6, 7

Roger, 4, 6, 7, 8

Budby, Notts., 91

Burlington and Cork, Earl of, 21

Buxton Hall, 19

Byron, Elizabeth, Lady, 70

family, 70

Lord, duellist, 74

poet, 70, 76

William, 3rd Lord, 70

Calneton, Robert de, 87, 89, 90, 93

Caltoft, Alice de, 76
Camden, Lord, 70

Canterbury, Dr. Sheldon, Abp. of, 67

Capron, William, 6

Caunton, 87

Cavendish, Elizabeth, 20

Sir William, 20

Chantry, definition of, 79

priests, duties of, 79, 80

Chartors, John, 17

Sophia, 17

Chatsworth, co. Derby, 19
Chaworth, Anne, 74, 75

ess, 70


Cassandra, 75
Elizabeth, Viscount-

Elizabeth, 70, 74

family, 19, 67-77

George, 1st Viscount,

Sir George, 67

George, 67, 75, 76

Gilbert, 69

Grace, Viscountess,


Henry, 67

Jane, 75

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