not flat. Perhaps want of money, or an outbreak of the Plague, or both, stopped the work, and it had to be finished in plainer style. Of the donors to the rebuilding of the edifice little or nothing is known, and local traditions are scanty. Throughout the fabric has suffered from repeated patching and tinkering. More the pity! The chancel is lighted by an east window of five lights, a two-light window on the north side, and three similar ones on the south. The east window is filled with stained glass, the gift of the late Admiral Duncombe, the central panels representing:- the Nativity, Baptism, Last Supper, Crucifixion, and Ascension of Jesus Christ, and above and below are geometrical designs. The south transept has an east window of three lights, and a double lancet window of no style. On the west there are no windows. On the south there is a handsome four-light window filled with stained glass, the subjects being the Archangels. 1. St. Raphael. 2. St. Michael. 3. St. Gabriel. 4. St. Uriel. Above each is a crown, and under each crown a scroll. 1. O ye angels of the Lord, bless ye the Lord ; 2. Praise him and magnify him for ever. 3. O ye powers of the Lord, bless ye the Lord ; 4. Praise him and magnify him for ever. In the four panels below are: 1. An angel leaning over a stooping figure with the text, "Take him by the gill and draw him to thee." (Tobit, ch. vi., v. 3). 2. St. Michael and the Dragon. 3. St. Gabriel and the Virgin. "Behold the handmaid of the Lord. Hail thou that art highly favoured." 4. St. Uriel appearing to Esdras. (II. Esdras, ch. iv.). Below all there is this inscription:--"To the glory of God, and to the dear memory of Anne wife of Henry Powell, who died Oct. 13th, 1890, this window is erected by her husband in thankful remembrance of forty-two happy years spent together. She hath done what she could." In the tracery above are two angels bearing shields with et 1 Item lego operibus ecclesiarum Arneclyff, Pokelyngton, Donyngton, Scoreburgh, per æquales porciones viijl. Will of Lord Henry Percy, pr 12 March, 1351, Test. Ebor. vol. i. p. 61. Ecclesiis de Poklyngton, Pykeryng, Killum, et Almondbury, xxli, cuilibet. C.s. Lego pro obitu meo celebrando in dictis ecclesiis, cuilibet, xls. - Will of Wm Felter, Dean of York, pr 10 April 1451 (Ibid. vol. iij. pp. 115-17). A and 2 on them, and just under are five cherubin. This window was inserted in 1891, and below was found a pointed arch over a recess, to the west of which is a shield of arms in stone :-" Three bears' heads cabossed." (Barwyck of Pocklington.) If ever there was any effigy, none remains, but from the position of the shield, it must be the burial-place of the Barwycks, and their family pew very near it, for in the list of "Testamentary Burials" it will be found that two testators desire to be buried "in Barwyke Isle." The Lady Chapel has an east window of two lights, the lower portion being walled up, and there is a two-light window. St. Nicholas' Aisle has east and north windows, both two lights. The north transept has a window of four lights on the north, and on the west a one-light window with "1868" in the centre, and below "The Rev. J. F. Ellis vicar. John Kilby, John Smith. Churchwardens." The north aisle has four, and the south three two-light windows. The west window is in the tower and has five lights. The clerestory is lighted by six square-headed windows of two lights on either side. In the north aisle are two stained glass windows : 1. The Crucifixion. 2. The Resurrection. 3. The Raising of Lazarus. 4. The Raising of the widow's son. Above, on scrolls-" I am the resurrection and the life, he that believeth in me though he be dead yet shall he live." Below :-"This window was erected in 1856 by Elizabeth Loftus of Pocklington in affectionate remembrance of her husband John Loftus who died December 16th 1836, aged 52 years. William Loftus his son died January 31st, 1844, aged 35 years, and George Loftus, his cousin, who died December 1st, 1849, aged 72 years." 1. The Good Shepherd. 2. Behold I stand at the door and knock. Above are flowers conventionally treated. Below:"To the Glory of God and in loving memory of William Powell who died July 23rd, 1852. Also of Anne Powell, who died October 29th, 1849. This window is placed by their youngest son Henry Powell of Scarboro." And, on a brass underneath :-"This window was erected to the Glory of God and in loving memory of William Powell, born Aug. 3rd, 1774, died July 23rd, 1852. Also of Anne Powell, born March 22nd, 1773, died Oct. 29th, 1849, by their son Henry Powell of Scarborough." In the south aisle : 1. The Raising of Jairus' Daughter. 2. Suffer little children to come unto me. In the tracery above are flowers. Below:-"This window was erected as a memorial to Kate Ellis, inft, who died Feb 7th, 1848, John Ellis, died July 3, 1849. Solamina Ellis died March 1, 1850, aged 12 years, By their Father, J. F. Ellis, Vicar of Pocklington, who died July 31st, 1878." 1. Moses with the tables of stone. 2. Aaron with a censer. And this inscription :-" In memory of Revd Fred James Gruggan, M.A., late Fellow of S. John's College, Cambridge, and 24 years Head Master of the Grammar School at Pocklington, died March 30th 1872." In the south porch are two three-light windows, both filled with stained glass. The central light on the east has the Presentation in the Temple and on either side "The Holy Dove" and "The Agnus Dei." Below :- "To the Glory of God and in loving remembrance of Richard English, died March 4th, 1855, aged 63. Also of Jane his wife died April 16th, 1884, aged 90." The other window has "Mary and Martha," and on the sides sacred monograms. Below :-"This window was placed here by William Shaw Parish Clerk of this church, in loving memory of Ann, his wife, A. D. 1884." Over the chancel arch on an escotcheon is painted the Royal Arms, W.R. IV. John Todd. John Beal. Churchwardens. R. Scaife. 1834. On a beam in the roof of the nave, "R. Scaife, 1834," and on a square board, "Rev. C. Hawkins. Vicar. John Todd and William Cook. Churchwardens. 1834." On a beam in the south transept a board with :The Rev. J. F. Ellis. Vicar. Thos. Scaife and Thos. Wright. Churchwardens. 1858. On a pew in the south aisle : C. Smeatham and -- Byas. On a beam in the south aisle : Ch Wdns, 1761. W. B: I. C. CW. 1782. On another in same aisle : R. Jenkinson. W. Hagyard. CW. 1800. |