19.20 miles, Munn's brook to Spruce swamp, 11.50 Spruce swamp to G. W. pond, 6.65 Green Water pond to Hop brook, 37.35 66 Level to 80 ft. Level to 28 ft. 79.28 ft. The consequence is, that, if it should be necessary to use an assistant engine, upon the steep grades, its operation, on the north route, might be confined to a distance of 21 miles, while on the south route, it would necessarily extend over a space of 37+ miles. ESTIMATE OF THE COST OF CONSTRUCTION. The computations for the estimate, have been made for a track of 20 feet in width, in the excavations, and for 16 feet at the embankments, with slopes of earth of 11⁄2 to 1, and for rock, 1 to 5. Bridge abutments are calculated for a double track. We find, by the data assumed, that the cost of grading and bridging the north route will be $1,144,637.16, and for the south route $1,120,823.14. To the above amount we add 10 per cent., not for contingencies, as they are generally considered in an estimate, but to enable us to meet probable difficulties. In such an extent of mountainous country, we must expect to encounter obstacles, not anticipated at this time, and to be discovered only as they develop themselves during the progress of the work. As a prominent item we may mention rock cutting. The precise amount of which, cannot, of course, without repeated borings, be estimated with any degree of accuracy. Upon the north line, and caused perhaps by the action of the river, a greater proportion discovers itself, than upon the south; but it does not follow that the actual difference would be so great, if as much of the nature of the cutting were exposed to view, upon the south line. Upon the north route, we have provided in the estimate for the excavation of 247,000 yards of rock, and 17,000 yards loose rock. Upon the south line, the estimated quantity is 137,000 yards rock, and 87,000 yards loose rock. This is a large amount certainly, but it is a mountainous region throughout a great portion of the route, and we think it safer to make the addition stated, to cover not only this, but other difficulties, not to be foreseen. Accordingly we state the cost of grading and bridging as follows: South Route $1,232,905.45, or, per mile 19,762.21. From these comparisons, it results that the actual distance, by the south route, is of a mile less than by the north-that the principal summit is 51 feet higher upon the south route, than upon the north, and that the additional elevation of all the summits, upon the south line, amounts to 113 feet more than upon the north, and that the equated distance corresponding thereto, is 5.28 miles, against the south line that the amount of curved line, by the north route exceeds that by the south, by of a mile, but that the whole deflection, which is the full measure of all the curvature, is 390°, or 30° more than an entire circle, greater upon the south route, than upon the north-of grade less than 40 feet, the south route has 34.86 miles ; and the north route 38.60 miles, or 3.73 miles, in favor of the north route; from 40 to 82 feet the south has 27.56 miles, the north do. 24.50, difference in favor of the north route 3.06 miles; above 71.57, the south route has 16.66, and the north route 8.905 difference in favor of the north route, 7.63. Hence it appears that the equated distance by the north line is less than that by the south line-that there is a greater amount of low grades, and a less amount of high grades, by the north line than by the south-that the distance between the eastern and western extremities of the high grade, is less upon the north route, than upon the south, and finally that the curvature is less. Upon the south route, the actual distance is of a mile less than by the north line-the maximum grade is 2.18 feet less than by the north, and the estimated cost of grading and bridging $26,195.42 less. The two first items are of small amount, and we attach but little importance to the estimated difference in the cost of grading the two lines. We think, also, that it should not receive too much consideration from the Board, in deciding upon the route. A small error in estimating the quantity of rock, even, at particular points upon either route, would counterbalance the difference. But independently of the cost, we consider that the table of results bear us out in awarding the preference to the northern route, and accordingly we recommend, respectfully, that it be adopted. The surveys and approximate locations from Stony hill to Pittsfield, were made by Mr. Childe, and his assistant, Mr. Foster. The several routes through the Garden brook valley were also made by Mr. Childe. Those from Pittsfield to the New York state line, were made by Mr. Potter, and his assistant, M. Bartlett. The surveys upon the south line, and the approximate location of the same, were made by Mr. Morgan and Mr. Barton, with the occasional assistance of Mr. Williams, Mr. Featherstonhaugh, and Mr. Roots, as levellers. Respectfully submitted, GEORGE W. WHISTLER, On a careful perusal of the foregoing Report and a comparison of statements with results, I fully concur with Messrs. Whistler and Swift. WM. GIBBS MCNEILL. Boston, December 30th, 1837. MAPS, PROFILES, TABLES, &c. 1. Map exhibiting the location from East Brookfield to Stony hill, in Wilbraham. Scale, 1000 feet to an inch. 2. Profile of the same. 3. General map of the country between Stony hill, and Tekoa mountain, exhibiting the located line to Armory Street, and the lines approximately located, from Ashley's mill to Westfield, by the south route, and to Tekoa mountain by the north route. 1000 feet to an inch. 4. Profile, Stony hill to Tekoa mountain. 5. Map of the several lines, through the valley of Garden Brook, across the Connecticut River, and to Ashley's mill, on the Westfield River. Scale, 12 inches to a mile. 6. Profiles of the same. 7. Map of the country traversed by the south routes from Westfield to the Otis summit. Scale, 1000 feet to an inch. 8. Map of the country traversed by the south (route, from the Otis summit, to the New York line. 1000 feet to an inch. 9. Profile of the approximate location of the same. 10. Map of the approximate location of the north routes from Tekoa to Pittsfield. 1000 feet to an inch. 11. Map of the same from Pittsfield to the New York state line. 1000 feet to an inch. 12. Profile of the same. 1000 feet to an inch. TABLES. A contains a synopsis of the south route, as approximately located, from the Connecticut river to the New York line, exhibiting the length, ascents, descents, grades, excavation, embankments, bridges, culverts, and estimated cost. It also contains the length of each curve, with its corresponding radius. B contains the same of the north route. C contains the cost of grading the 5 lines across the Connecticut River from Armory Street to West Springfield meadows. APPENDIX. No. I. Mr. Childe's descriptive Memoir of the north route. No. II. Mr. Morgan's descriptive Memoir of the south route. APPENDIX NO. I. Springfield, May 29th, 1837. TO CAPT. W. H. SWIFT, ENGINEER OF THE WESTERN RAIL ROAD. SIR, The northern route to the State line through Pittsfield, is the continuation of the Garden Brook route from Station 872 (14 miles from Connecticut river,) where the estimate for that route was terminated. The line as traced follows the valley of Westfield river, and that of the Western branch to the highest summit, a little north of the boundary line between Washington and Hinsdale-40 miles from Connecticut river; thence through Dalton and Pittsfield village to a second summit in Richmond, 574 miles from Connecticut river; whence it descends to and joins the Hudson and Berkshire Rail Road at the state line in the north west corner of West Stockbridge; the entire distance from Connecticut river is 62.925 miles. The features of the country traversed are truly exhibited by the maps and profiles. From Westfield to Washington is strictly a transverse mountain valley, worn down by the action of water, until the bed of the river, through the whole distance, is either the original rock "in place," or paved with blocks and bowlders too large to be frequently moved by the force of the current. From Washington to Pittsfield is a second valley like the former, though less broken. Five miles of it through Hinsdale being nearly level. From Pittsfield to Stockbridge, is a third valley like the former two, elevated in Richmond and the west part of Pittsfield, forming the 2d summit, and draining water east and west. This valley is broadest of the three and undulating. |