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It may be news to some of our American readers to learn that there was once a New York in Scotland. It was a village near Strontian, some 20 miles from the Point of Ardnamurchan in Argyllshire, built about 1730 to accommodate the lead miners of the York Buildings Company.

What bids fair to be a hot controversy has arisen in Dumfriesshire over the armorial bearings of the county. Not having had arms


of a great link in time and history, and it is pitiful that it should be left so far under the control of two or three self-willed and uninformed country gentlemen. Happily, Mr. Balfour Paul is a Lyon King who can smile at the local omnipotence of rural squires. He will see that Dumfriesshire gets its due.

OUTSIDE the gate of St. Isaia in Bologna, some ancient Italian tombs have been explored; in one of which, near the bit of a horse, of uncommon type, has been found a horse-shoe just like those used to-day, the nails and shoe being of iron. The occurrence is unusual in prehistoric tombs of that neighbourhood.

At Borgo Panigale, in the same province, a Roman tomb has been found, containing elegant vases in glass, and the figure of a lion made of some artificial paste, with vitreous surface, like those found in the tombs on the Esquiline.

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hitherto, a shield had to be devised for the Motes of the Month (Foreign). seal to be used by the new County Council. A committee was appointed to see to the matter, and in due course reported. There was no discussion, and the report was adopted recommending a shield consisting of the orle or the escarbuncle (it is not clear which) of Balliol, the saltire and chief of Bruce, and the heart of King Robert-all surmounted by a crown royal. The tout ensemble was to symbolize the close connection of the county with both the rival houses of Bruce and Balliol, and thus with the Scottish Crown. It seems to have been taken for granted that the Lyon Office-the standard and sole authority on heraldic-had either suggested or sanctioned these arms. Strong objection was taken by one antiquary of the county, after the proceedings of the Council had been reported in the newspapers, on the ground, chiefly, that the outstanding fact of Dumfriesshire history was that the county of old never had anything to do with the Balliols, and did not want anything to do with them; that, indeed, to put the cognizance of Balliol on a par with that of Bruce on a shield for the county, was a downright insult to the best traditions of a warlike shire. Nothing came of the first protest, but it has now leaked out that the Lyon Office had all along condemned the Balliol-Bruce shield as unheraldic. It is, therefore, probable that the matter will not again run the risk of being smuggled over altogether by an unhistoric committee. It is, however, a little discreditable that these things should be disposed of without the advice and assistance of persons who have made the local antiquities a study. The arms are probably the solitary thing which will last down the ages as a memorial of this particular County Council; it is the forging

At Corneto, an Etruscan tomb has been opened, in which was found a very fine ancient bowl, cratera, on which is represented the rape of Europa. The other tombs opened had already been rifled; but amongst the remains of painted vases left by the Roman or modern depredators, is an ancient amphora, on which is the figure of Jupiter about to give forth to the world the Goddess of Wisdom.

At Rome, excavations are still being made under the Basilica of SS. John and Paul. Pieces of red granite columns, and architectural remains have been found in making the sewer in the new Via Cavour, near the area of the Foro Transitorio; while in the works of the Tiber Quay, near the demolished theatre of Apollo, a tufa platform with Attic bases of marble columns prove that a temple once stood upon that site.


In dragging the Tiber a piece of silver has been brought up from the bed of the river,

but unfortunately broken in two and wanting the upper part.

A Hebrew ritual inscription

is engraved upon it. Near the Torre degli Anguillara, during the works on the Tiber, a marble plinth has been brought to light, with the lower portion of a statue, probably of Æsculapius.

Near the bridge of Roviano, where the ancient road of Subiaco separated from the Valerian, milestones have been found with the numeral 'xxxvI.,' and, what is of more importance, a square stone block on which is cut the same number, with an arrow pointing to the direction taken by the Valerian Road where the Via Sublacensis began. * * *

In making a sewer in the Via Agnello, a piece of an old road, formed of the usual polygonal blocks of lava, was found at a depth of four mètres and a half below the

street in modern Rome.

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At the village of Avlon, in Euboea, two ancient tombs have been discovered containing funeral vases and two statuettes. Near one of the sarcophagi stood a pithos, having within it a hydria, both of terra-cotta. On the same island, while destroying the castle of Chalcis, some inscriptions have been found, one being a long decree, and some well-preserved mural paintings belonging to the long-buried ruins of an ancient Byzantine church.

In the excavations at the tumulus on the plain of Marathon, begun six years ago by Dr. Schliemann and now resumed by the Archæological Society of Athens, an important discovery has been made of the remains of burnt human bones, which will, most probably, establish the identity of this mound with that raised for the burial of the Athenians who fell in battle against the Persians. Several painted vases and cups with black figures have been found on the site; but further researches are still necessary and are being made, as latterly the traditional identity of

the tumulus has been discredited.

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the names of different tribes. On all of them is to be read in addition the name of a certain Antiochos, who, in capacity of agonothetes, had dedicated the seats, and also the water conduit. The Greek Inspector of the excavations, Dr. Kastromenos, has found in the house of a peasant an inscription of 248 lines, which appears to have come from the city Agora. It is a list of prices of various things, and dates from the lower Roman Empire, probably from the time of Diocletian. The slab has been placed in the museum of Megalopolis, which is now rapidly growing in importance.

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The Morgenblad of Christiania contains two interesting papers upon the earliest inhabitants of the Christiania Valley-i.e., the district around the capital. The earliest immigrants were those of the Stone Age, and traces show that they came up along the west coast of the Fjord from the Swedish Province of Bohus. Of remains found in and around the capital of these primæval dwellers are axes, spear-heads, and wedges, all of flint. However, no traces have been found of the domestic animals kept by them, as the case has been in other parts of Scandinavia. Neither has a single grave from the Stone Age been found near the capital; in fact, only two or three such have been found in the whole of Norway, although frequent enough in Sweden and Denmark. It seems that no graves from this age are found on the fjord north of the province of Bohus, on the south-west coast of Sweden, nor, even in the neighbouring province of Smaalenene, in Norway, otherwise rich in flint implements, has a single grave been found. In addition to flint implements, some thirty others of various kinds of hard stone have been found around the capital. * * *

Coming to the Bronze Age very few objects from the same have been found in Norway, as these, being manufactured in the south of Europe, were no doubt costly. Around Christiania only two objects have been found, viz. a handsome buckle, from about the second century B.C., and a bronze celt. Whilst few objects from the Bronze Age have been found, there are none whatever from the transitory period—perhaps many centuries—

between that age and the Early Iron Age; and even objects from the latter are scarce. Near the capital, however, several so-called "loom shuttle" shaped stones of quartzite have been found, worn by the men in their Celts or hanging from the same, which were, no doubt, used for the striking of fire. These may be said to date from the second or third century B.C. Of other objects from this age there have been found in and near Christiania swords, arrow-heads, part of a shield, a spear-head, and a pair of spurs-all of iron, and a gold bracteat. The latter are thin round pieces of gold, chased on one side, and worn as medallions. They appear to have been imitations of West-Roman coins of the fourth and fifth century; but the present ornament is assigned to the sixth century.

Of finds from the Late Iron Age-the Viking era-there are many from Christiania, where, no doubt, many tumuli have stood. They consist of double-edged swords, a hammer, a fire steel, an arrow, and spear-heads, axeheads, etc., with calcined bones and clay urns, and-curiously to relate-the fragments of a wooden chess board, with three dice and eleven figures of bone. Dating from this age are also some oval convex bronze buckles and some shamrock - shaped ones, richly chased with the figures of animals, characteristic of this age, and a silver treasure, consisting of seven armlets, silver bars, and wire, and sixteen Arabic coins struck in the period from the eighth to the tenth century. The coins are Cufic, viz.: hailing from the town of Cufa, near Bagdad, and numerous such have been found in Scandinavia and even Iceland. They are, no doubt, spoils of the Vikings.


During some excavations in the ancient cathedral of Lund, in Sweden, a sarcophagus of burned bricks has been encountered in the centre of the nave and facing the pulpit. When uncovered it was slightly damaged in one corner, whereby is displayed a skeleton, part of the swathing, and some bits of silver, the latter being no doubt the plates from the coffin. The sarcophagus awaits opening pending the arrival of a State Archæologist from Stockholm.

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The last portion of an interesting work, Drawings of Ancient Northern Architecture, has just been issued in Copenhagen. There are eighteen handsome plates, among which are six of the ancient castle of Vadstena, in Sweden, a splendid specimen of the Renaissance style, and a drawing of an altar-table in Linköping Cathedral, originally Roman in style, but with additions and restorations in pure Gothic. The original dates from the transition period between the two. From Thelemarken, now in the Bygdö Park, near Norway we have portion of a "Stabur" from Christiania, where are many ancient Norse buildings collected by King Oscar. Among the Convent Chapel over Danish plates is an epitaph from Horsen's councillor, from 1635, and one representing a burgher and a the southern portal of Velling Church, richly

ornamented with fantastic forms of animals.

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ago a peasant found, on ploughing a field, a spiral-shaped finger-ring of gold, which he sold to a man for five shillings. The latter in turn offered it to the Royal Museum of Northern Antiquities at Copenhagen, and, to his surprise, was informed that the ring being "Danefæ," or an antiquarian object found on Danish soil, could not be the object of sale, and was, by law, the property of the crown-i.e., the museum. Moreover, although its weight in gold would be paid, it could not be paid to the holder, but only to the finder, as the sale was illegal. Finders and purchaser had to settle the matter afterwards between them. The metal value paid was 195., with 3s. 6d. reward to the finder for the discovery.

A Recent Uisit to Pompeii.


HE excavations of the last few months have been carried on at the southern extremity of the city, viz., in the suburban quarter of the Porta Stabiana, and at some houses of the second Island of the Eighth Region, situated to the south of the Forum, where the so-called Via della Scuola crosses the Vicolo dei Teatri.

Already last year, on the left of the road leading from the Porta Stabiana, was found the beginning of a series of sepulchral monuments, two of which are now completely excavated; while a third cannot for the present be cleared of the superincumbent earth, on account of its proximity to some modern dwelling-houses. These two funereal monuments are in the form of a high-backed semicircular seat, like the tombs of the priestess Mamia, and Mamia, and of the duumvir A. Veius, on the road to Herculaneum. They were erected, as we learn from their respective inscriptions, by decree of the decurions, and at the public expense, the one to a certain Marcus Tullius, Marci filius; the other, to one Marcus Alleius Minius, Quinti filius. During the last few weeks a hole has been made in the pavements of both

tombs, but without finding the place of burial, or any trace of funereal deposits, which will now be sought for in the small area at the back.

On the right side of the road, on which hitherto no tombs have been found, there is a low wall of fine opus reticulatum, and buried in the soil before this were found the objects lately described in the "Foreign Notes" of the Antiquary, viz., the trunk of a tree, four cavities formed by human corpses, showing on the mould-taken by means of the Fiorelli process-painful contortions in the mouth and members of the body, and the lion's head in tufa, with pierced and open mouth, evidently used as a waterspout, or gargoyle.

The excavations in the Eighth Region have during the last few days thrown light upon the houses numbered 16 to 21 of the second Insula, Via III. and Via IV., where the remarkable discovery has been made of a building five stories high. Houses of any great height are not common at Pompeii, and none so high as this has been found before, though houses several stories high have indeed been found in this very quarter of the city, which looks towards Stabiæ, and enjoys a fine sea view. It is well known that ancient Pompeii was built on a platform or ridge of prehistoric lava, which finished by slanting abruptly down to the seashore. Consequently, the houses built at a later period of the city's history, after the old circuit-walls on this side had been destroyed, were built several stories high, the upper ones being entered from the higher level, and the others from the basement at the lower level. The upper story of this five-storied house was profusely decorated with mural paintings of various kinds. The principal room or hall presents in the middle of the wall, which has fortunately remained entire, a half-ruined and much faded painting of the myth of Bellerophon. The hero is represented nude, holding with one hand the bridle of a horse ready to start on a journey, while he receives a letter and order from King Protus, who is seated on a throne before him. To the right and left of this principal picture are two paintings of an architectural character, having figures in the centre. That on the left represents a door of some building, with standing in it

The other

the figure of a man, richly clothed, who is on the point of entering, having in his hand a papyrus roll, probably a teacher, savant, or philosopher. The picture on the right hand also shows a man entering another door, holding in his hand a cantharos, and having his brow crowned with laurel, in the act of going to perform a sacrifice. walls are decorated in a simple manner with statuesque figures of women, each on a pedestal, represented on a black ground. In other rooms are seen gracefully-twining vine-branches, on which are perched birds, lizards, and other animals, all on a black ground.

Two covered porticoes (cryptoportici) pass under these rooms just described, and lead by a steep descent to the floor below. While, however, the upper story appears to have been a private dwelling-house, the part below seems to have contained a bathing establishment in the hands of the proprietor, to which the public would be admitted by payment. One of the galleries gives it an exit direct on the Via della Scuola, the other connects it with the house above and the Via dei Teatri. In this second story, just below the level of the higher part of the city, can be seen the calidarium and the frigidarium, the latter in perfect preservation. There are three steps by which the water was entered. The surrounding walls of this apartment are painted in their upper portion red, and in their lower portion blue. On the former can be seen ornaments of an architectural character, with some figured scenes. Some further excavations, however, will have to be made, and some of the upper walls, which have been broken through, will have to be reconstructed on the old lines before a full examination can take place. One picture, however, must be mentioned, though of not perfect style, which occupies the centre of the right wall. Here we see a nymph, semi-nude, riding over the waves on a seahorse. The ornamental band which divides the red from the blue surface is formed of scenes of a caricaturist or comic character, representing dwarfs and pigmies in combat with various animals. The scenery is that of the Nile country. One dwarf is in the act of throwing a large stone at an Egyptian ibis. Another is endeavouring to save the life of a woman,

who has fallen into the river; but while drawing her to the bank he is himself seized by a crocodile. Hereupon he is represented fastening himself with a rope to another dwarf behind him, who is seen straining every nerve to prevent his comrade from being drawn down by the weight into the water. The ceiling of the frigidarium was formed of a vault, of which now only a few pieces remain. It was decorated both with stucco and with painting. The stucco ornaments represent graceful figures of animals, fishes, centaurs, marine monsters with nymphs, an amorino with the club of Hercules, Hermæ of Apollo, and of Mercury, the latter with a cock, etc., etc. The calidarium was adorned only in stucco. . Only one lunette of the vault has been preserved, in which are seen two genii, or winged fantastic figures, with between them a cantharos, and another of a gladiator or gymnast coming fresh from the palæstra, and in the act of wiping off the dust from his right arm with a strigil.

Adjoining this house, another, which has been numbered 16 on the Via della Scuola, has been excavated during the last few days. It consists of a wide vestibule, leading to a spacious atrium, with white mosaic pavement bordered with black, of which the impluvium is in a very ruined condition. The vestibulum is flanked by two small recesses, one probably used by the porter, close to which is seen a small corridor, with traces of a staircase (now destroyed) leading to an upper story. The atrium is surrounded by seven rooms, three on the right, and four on the left, one of the latter serving as the lararium, containing a chapel, of which the lower part alone is preserved entire. The upper portion, adorned with small columns, appears to have been divided into two compartments, one above the other. Here, on the pavement amidst the ashes and lapilli, were found a number of small common lamps, a fine mask of terracotta in the shape of an anthemion, and a coin. From the atrium we pass into a small peristyle, not yet cleared out, which gave a view of the beautiful country before Stabiæ and of the sea. hereabout have windows, that the view of the gulf. are entered, of

Indeed, most of the houses very large openings for inhabitants might enjoy the On the left other rooms which one had its walls

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