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that they are descended from Thoresby of Thoresby in Yorkshire, who allwaies bore the armes they claime, and iff you thinck theire may be any other families, that bearing the same armes, may think themselves injured, I pray assign some difference of a besant, trefoyle, or any such minute distinction, that may not blemish the bearing, which will be all that will be needfull, and in which doing you will gratifye my friend, and oblige,

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Sr, I receiued yors of the 12th instant, takeinge notice of the contents. I were fully intended to haue gone to Pudsey, Wedensday or Thursday were a senit, and by vertue of your demyse of the premisses unto Wm Whitley and my selfe, then to have taken possession, that we might have thereby a been in better capacity to have lit it over in our names unto them we could have best entrusted, but it pleased God to put a period to William Whitley life in this world. Our deare freinds were buried 15th instant. Now, Sir, I am sorry that I am occasiond to give you the relation how insydeously and knavishly yor tenant hath trapanned both you and vs. I knowe you are in a general measure prepared to meet wth what providences God shall in his wisdome see meet, though I confesse it troubles me out of measure, yet we all can wittnes there hath not anything fallen out thorrow neglegence or want of due caire, but we could not divine or foresee how mischeifously Smith and this knave, the tenant, should devise to circumvent us in a darke way of proceeding. If they had done it knoweingly to you or yor freinds, noe doubt but they had been prevented. The truth is, Smith contracts with yo tenant and in the hearinge of your tenant reads a declaration upon the said premisses, and never acquaints you or vs, and brings downe in execution, and this day senit, the 10th instant, brings two or three bayliffs and throws all your books and goods, not a rainge standinge. The bayliffs were very civill, as such men could be expectd to be. Noe things were spoyld or wasted wilfully. Mrs Side and Mrs Jenkinson tooke caire of yor books and papers, and all other goods of most value they are at Mrs Jenkinson's. As soon as the messenger came, Mr John Thursbie, Robert Hickson and my selfe, tooke our horses wth all speed, and took a

note of such chests, cubards, bedstocks, etc., as were caryed in to a neighbor house, hard belowe the corner of yr wall, on ye other syde. I have got his name. But however I would not have you too much troubld, for they have got this advantage indierectly. For we question some what, wheather there were a declaration read or noe, and wheather the writt were legally procurd or noe. I have caused Mr Brooke to write to London to xamine, wheather or when any writt were granted to Sir M. against you, and a coppy of their affedavit to declaration, wch they must sweare to at London, and noe notice being given, and soe none to apeare, they procurd this maner of proceeding by default. However since we now knowe after our full information of the truth, we intend to give him a declaration this or next weeke, and bringe it to a tryall next Asizes at Yorke, wch will fall in August. At present I take leave, desireinge the Lord to sanctify his severall providences, that we may have a spirituall advantage by all to his glory & our comforth, wch is the prayer of him who rests

Leeds 25th March


Yor assurd lo. couz. James

To Mr Elkanah Walles


in Lartington neare


to be left wth Anne

Wharton in Barncastle

wth caire &



(Ibid., p. 15.)

Sr I am informed by all hands of your extraordinary studiousnesse and proficiency since your departure from vs. I must acknowledge my love to learning, although I dare not boast of much improvement. Goe on and prosper, whereby you will be a comforth to your friends and receive to your selfe praise, the due reward of vertuous meritt. I must not complaine of the losse of your good company, since it hath so much returned to your gaine. I pray you, Sr, at some spare time let me receive a line from you, and though you say you have nothing to write, let the subiect be to certifie of your health, which is the principall thing I desire to heare of. I shall adde no more, but yt I am

Clitherow 'Marc: 28 (68)

Your affectionate kinsman
and servant

Jo: Lister.

ffor Mr William
Lodge this is.

13 A brother-in-law of Lodge.



(Ibid., p. 21.)

JULY 7, 1668.

Mr Gyles, I and (my w)ife, son and daughter doe remember vs ha. you, your father, and mother, & hoping of your good healthes, this is to let you vnderstand that my son hath receaved the booke and that I heard from you by John Cowton, and did inquire of the vice maker wherof there is but one in London, his name is Cresswell, and liues nere More lane by Criplegate. And if I can serve you to the best of my skill I will follow your directions. I vnderstand by Mr Oliver's man a good one will be worth 5 pounds. This is to let you vnderstand, that my son and I haue ventred our 40s apeece in Mr Oglebyes lottery for bookes, they beeing vseful bookes for you. If you please to send me word by the next, whether I shall venter for you, I will. The Bookes are Royall bibles, but ther is but few of thos, then there are 500 and odd Book (sic) of Virgill, each valued at 5 pound, as many Homer's Illiads, each at 5ll, Homer's Odessy with larg Brass cutts, at 4 pound the peec, Histories of Chinaes at 4 pound the peec, a first and second part of Esopes together at six pounds. For your 40 shillings you shall haue nine lotts which if all blanckes you shall haue your choise of Bookes of nine pound, six pound, or fiue pound, or 4 pound, as is fittest for your vse. The cutts be very good. My son hath had for his ventur Virgill and both Esopes, vallued at 11, and I haue had two Virgills and one Esope, vallued at thirteen pounds. Let me heare from you by the next, and if I can, I will get Georg Levitt, he beeing in towne, to be with me when I draw for you, if you desire it. The least lott that can happen beeing vallued at three ll, so you can be no looser. Thus much from your friend at this time at the lottery. This seventh day of July, anno 1668

Sylvanus Morgan.



SEPT. 26, 1668.

(Ibid., p. 28.)

Mr Gyles, being in much haste not doubting but you haue receaved the designe, this is to let you vnderstand, that ther was one Humphrey Gibson, that came out of Cumberland from Mr Benson, Mr Thompson's son-in-law, who fell into work at the Exchange, but it pleased God that yesterday his back was broake by the fall of the shceers (sic), which the masons draw vp stones by, and from that time to this, though he be very harty, he is dead downeward and lyes in a very languishing condition, not being able to receave any thing or to void any thing downeward, wher you may cut or slash him he feels nothing. He takes it very patiently, submiting to God's will, saying he came against his friends' consent. It was my hap to se him this day in the hospitall, all broken in peeces, who on Sunday was sevenight dined at my howse. The Lord prepare vs for every sudain chaing, he beeing in the sence of

all men not for this world. Pray advise Mr Thomson of it, that he may acquaint his brother and servant of it. So I rest your assured frind to

serve you

London the 26th of

September 1668

Sylvanus Morgan.

At the writing hereof my son Pickering is very ill and hath so continued this whole week. I pray God I may send you better newes the next time.



(Ibid., p. 29.)

London, the first of December, 1668.

Mr Gyles, Truly my son continues very ill still, which hardly giues me leaue, (the dayes beeing so short), to write to you. I receaved a direction from Georg Levit to get you two christalls, but before I doe it I am willing to giue you notice how dear they are. For if they be pure christall, they will stand you in about 20 sh the peece; but if they be christall glasses ground for that vse, they will not cost aboue 6 or 7 sh the peece. Pray let me heare your desires in the next, and I will indeavor to answer your expectation. As for your lott in Mr Ogylbyes lottery I conceaue you haue seen the last gazett which giues notice they will begin to deliver bookes on the sixth of this mounth, and then I will look after it with my owne. In the meane time hoping all your relations ar well, desireing to be remembred to your father and mother and selfe, I rest

[blocks in formation]


(Ibid., p. 30.)

I commend me to you, And I should be glad to hear how your vncle Mr Paule Thirsby & his family doe & other friends, Mr Iles, and how his son pleaseth him I writ to Mrs Dawson & Mr Iles a month agon but neuer heard so much as of the reseit of my letters. I pray when you can to, and then so might learn if such letters came to them & what they saye. I would know if you have any intelligence with my son at London of late, if he bee anything in your bookes besides love & good will, & if you please how all stands with you to your good likeing in that corporation, or other novells come, to git intelligence about non conformists' minister (sic), so that if this you can write now, this bearer will call, if you direct her so to come to you and you write. This winter tyme I stir little abroad & have a cold, only that send, for that I should

20 John Clayton of Oakenshaw, Recorder of Leeds, 1626-1661. Appeared at Dugdale's Visitation (p. 260) in 1666,

aged 74. His handwriting is very difficult to read.

be glad to heare how yourself & all freinds with you doe, & are in good health & comfortible living in this insensable world of providences & judgments. I have no more but to assure you I am

[blocks in formation]

[Note at bottom.] Late Recorder of Leedes & author of tracts relating to the law.



[P. P. C. Reg. Pembroke, fo. 115.]

Nov. 1, 1648. In the name of God Amen. William Lodge of Leeds in the county of Yorke, Marchant, being of good and perfect understanding and memory, did make this his last will and testament nuncupative in these words, or in words to the like purpose. First I give vnto my wife, Elizabeth Lodge, all my lands which I am now possest of, in whose occupation soever they bee dureing the tearme of her naturall life, with these conditions and restrictions following, that if my said wife be with child and have a soune, then my will is that he shall have of my said lands to the vallue and worth of forty pounds by yeare, when he shall attaine the age of twenty one yeares; And if my wife have not a sonne my will is that the said John Lodge, sonne vnto my brother Richard Lodge, shall have the dwelling howse wherein I now live, with the buildings and appurtenances to the same belonging, when he shall attaine the age of twenty one yeares to him and to his heires male for ever; And for default of such heires male to returne and descend to my heires generall. Item I give vnto my wife all the howshold goods in the house I now live in, as they now stand, without any apprizement. Item I give vnto my wife one lease or the revercion of one lease of the tyth corne of Hanslett (sic) and Houlbecke, which lease I tooke of the late Earle of Cumberland, for and dureing the remainder of yeares therein vnexpired, for and towards the education of my children. Item I give vnto my said wife the sume of fower hundred pounds in mony to be paid by my executors in satisfaction of her thirds. Item I give vnto my

21 Son of William of Briggate, Leeds, who was buried in the parish church there. June 5, 1661-4, by Alice

buried Feb. 13, 1638-9. He married Elizabeth, daughter of John Sykes, Esq., eldest son of Richard Sykes, Alderman of

Leeds, and brother of William Sykes, ancestor of the Sledmere family. He was buried at Leeds, Nov. 6, 1648. M.I. His only child, William, was posthumous being baptized at Leeds July 4, 1649. Sic, but not mentioned before.


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