mothers and Sir Rauf Derelove, my brother, &c. To our Lady at the revestre dore one pare of bedes ones over Our Ladys alter of burrall [beryl] with xviij gaudes duble gylte xxx smaller gaudes parcel gylted of this condicion that they shall honor Our Lady every principall feast in the yere, and also that my executors or any of my friends after them shall indent with the Church maisters, and have an obligacion for the same beads of them condicionallie that they shall not lenne nor suffer the said beads to be borowyd or lene owte of the churche yf that yay doo yt shall be lafull for the said executors to take the beads into ther owne hands ageyne. To the four orders at York, each iijs. iiijd. Forty shillings to be dealt out to poor folks the day of my burial, and xiijs. iiijd. for one dyner for honest folkes. To Sir Richard Cundall vs. to pray for my soule. To Sir William Derelove one punst standyng pece with a covering To Richard Derelove one nut as one harelome belonging unto this house, and it to be in the kepyng of his oncle the vicar of Hamstwhat. To Sir Thomas Daker, the vicar of Hamstwhat, and to Sir William Derelove xxs. each, for their labours, and they executors, and Sir John Ruddall and Sir Richard Barker, vicar of Whixley, supervisors. Goods that Margaret Genyngs hath in her keeping, "if Thomas Genyng supire her," to the behoof of her children. Residue of goods to be divided amongst my friends. Witnesses, Sir John Syssotson, Sir Richard Cundall, Thomas Dom. Ric. Baynbrig, curat ibid. ф.1 Gard. Joh. Maу, ф. دو دو Joh. Lasonby, ф. Brianus Fuysdaill, ф. Genyngs. Executors. Pr. 30 April, 1534, by 98 Hogeson was at this time priest of the Chantry of Mary Magdalene in the Church of Knaresbrough (Surt. Soc., vol. xcii.). 1 99 Sir Richard Langfello, clerk, deceased, late of Arkenden, in Knaresburgh. Admon. to Percival Langfello, the brother, March 23, 1568 (see also under Staveley parish). In 1548 he was priest of the Chantry of S. John Baptist in the Church of Aldebrough (Surt. Soc., vol. xcii.). 100 William Wardyll, inst. 1546, on the resignation of Anthony Forest; patrons, Henry Gooderyk of Ribston, esq.; on his death he was succeeded by Thomas Parke, inst. 12 Jan., 3 & 4 P. & M.; patron, Richard Goodryke; he appears at the Visitation of 1562. Richard Baynbridge died about 1556; his will, formerly at Richmond, cannot now be found. Robert Caldbeck, vicar of Kirkhamerton, who appears at the Visitation of 1561, made his Will 21 Aug. 1582. To be buried in the church earth at Kirkhamerton at the porche dore. To Henry Atkinson, son to Nicholas Atkinson, a mare that hath a foal, the said Nicholas keeping the same S. Ellenne's next, and then delivering the mare to the said Henry, keeping "the fole" himself. To Ellen Atkinson my shorte gowne. To Henry Atkinson my best black dublet. To Ellison Atkinson and Allison Atkinson, her daughter, bothe my syde or long gownes. Residue to Nicholas Atkinson, executor to Dom. Joh. Parker, cur' ibid.3 ext. Dunsforth capella parochie de Aldeburgh. Dom. Joannes Parker, cur' φ. Matheus Hewlake. John Precious. Witnesses, Henry Elsworthe, John Leake, Nicholas Sherewodd, John Dicconson, William Abbaie. Pr. 2 Oct., 1582. Dom. David Belle, cur ibid. φ. William Savage, ф. Thomas Webster, ф. 2 John Watson, vicar of Mekle Usburne, Will 25 March, 1551. To be buried in the churche yearth the qwere ende. To my maister the parsone of Thorpe bassett my graye stage. To my brother Sir Robert Reidshaw my horse and my shidewode, my great chare, and two beddes in either parlore one and my bockkes. To John Rowthwaitte vl. and two silver spoons, and half my sheep going at Plomton, and my mare and her folower. Randall Howden, Johne Walker of Standrope and his dau Anne, Jenkyne Walker, Three daughters of Richard Rowthwaitte, William Walker of Rombaldechurche and Robert his brother. To Robert Walker of Usburne a cowe called Sourell, Mabell Stevynsone, William Howden and his wife, Anne Walker, Maister John Carlell, Maister Goldthorpe, William Howden. Residue to my brother Syr Robertt Reidshaw, my executor. Maister deane Sir Robertt Ayrton, parsone of Goldesburghe, supervisor. Witnesses. Sir Thomas Gennett, vicar of Marton, Sir John Parker, curate at Downsforthe, Edwarde Warde. Inventory 19 April, 5 Edw. vi. (1551), by Randolph Warde, Edward Warde, John Tomlinson, John Catton. Robert Redshawe appears at the Visitation of 1562. On the 27 July, 1575, William Dickinson was instituted to the living. 3 Sir John Parker, curet of Dunsforth of ye parych of Aldburght. Body to be layd besyde my sy 4 In 1548 David Bell, aged 48 years, appears as priest of the Chantry of Our Lady in the parish church of Topcliff. * William Barden was deprived of this living and was succeeded by John Tetlowe, instituted 3 Jan., 1580; patron, John Hussey, gent. Alexander Clich? was instituted 24 June, 29 Eliz. (1587), and John Emott on 24 April, 33 Eliz. (1591). exors. 6 It is quite clear that this is meant for Birnand. William Clowdeslye was Clerk of Cundall in 1545, and John Birnand was there in 1548, when he appears as a witness to wills; he made his will in 1558, pr. 3 Nov. in that year. To be buried in the quere of Condall, gives to the Church a read vestment and 38. 4d. to by a patton to ye challes or a paire of basons. Sister Katherine, Brother Thomas' children, John my brother, Robert my brother and his wife. Residue to Sir William Byrnand, Richard, Thomas, Robert and John my brothers my The Birnands were a numerous family. John Byrnand of Borobrygh, preast, made his Will 7 April, 1540. To be buried in the kyrke garth of Sancte Androw the appostle at Aldburgh. To William Byrnand my brother one hart skyn dublet one blacke lather gyrkyn and a secund pare hose. To Margaret Penteth my syster my schort blacke gown. To William Penteth my blake jaket and one bonet. Augnes Hewton, Janet Penteth. To Thomas Porter the younger one hyngare wt scawbert [hanger with scabbard), William and Martyn Porter. To youge John Porter my new testament. To William Howton my portese yff he will have it. Residue of goods within my chawmer and without my chawmer to lytyll John Byrnand whome I make my executor. John Porter to have rewlyng of lityll John Byrnand and hys goods and none of my ،، owne frends to mell with hym in nothyng. To Sir William Gray my best cape. To Sir Thomas Hutrods my say typpet. To ye chappell to serve ye Lord Abbot at Ester and the kyrke graves to have ordryng of yt my best surples. Pr. 9 May, 1541, by John Proctor, the guardian, to the executor. --John Birnand of Knaresborough, esq., made his will 8 Nov., 1565, printed in Surt. Soc., vol. xxvi.- William Birnand of Allerton Malleverer, clerk, Will dated 20 Nov., 1567. To be buried within or under the northe church dore within the church of Allerton Malleverer. To the common box of that Church 4s. To the common box of Nether Dunsfurthe where I was borne for reparinge of the chappell 2s. 6d. Symond Birnand my kinsman and godson and Jane his sister. To Eleanor Hare, Thomas Hare's daughter, one cawdron and allso v marks in money whiche remaneth in Adam Hare hand. To my Lady Ogle Master Latymer sermons. To my brother Martin Birnand my interest in my lease of a tenement in Nether Dunsforth now in his occupation, if he die before the lease expires, same to brother John Birnand the elder, and my nephew John Birnand his son. To Mariorie Lowsonne my parte of hempe of this yere growinge in the garthe and a whiteheaded oxecalfe &c besides her wages, Elizabeth Wilkinson, Robert Tomson the younger. Residue to John Birnand brother and he executor. And my Mr. Richard Malleverer of Allerton Malleverer, esquire, to be supervisor. Witnesses, Lancelott Harrington, Thomas Fewsdalle. Inventory made 3 Jan.. 1569, by Thomas Ynchbald. Martyn Birnand the younger, William Birnand and William Whincop. Dom. Thomas Wise, Vic' recusavit Dom. Thomas Wythes, Vic' ibid. (Distffurth capella parochie de Topcliff.) Dom. Ric. Browne, cur' de Disfurth, 13 8 July, 1557; patron, Richard Huchonson, esq.; he appears at the Visitation of 1562.-On 30 Oct., 1568, administration to the goods of William Maxwell, late of Whixley, Clerk, was granted to Richard his son.-William Atkinson, inst. 17 Feb., 1574, and Walter Ellis, 14 Jan., 30 Eliz. (1587-8). 10 William Burnand, or Byrnand, priest of the Chantry of Our Lady in the Church of Allerton Mauleverer; see his Will ante. 11 He appears at the Visitation of 1562. 12 John Horner was priest of the Chantry of Our Lady in the Chapel of Joh. Hudson. Sum of goods 131. 68. 2d. - John 7 This is apparently Marton cum Grafton. 8 John Lockay, instituted 20 Nov., 6 Edw. vi. (1552), on the death of the last vicar; patron, the King; Let. Pat. 5 Nov., 6 Edw. vi.; he appears at the Visitation of 1562. Thomas Wythes, inst. 2 Nov., 1541, on the death of Richard Knaresborough; patrons, Peter Slingsby and Gregory May, for this turn by virtue of a grant made to them by Thos. Kent, Minister of the Monastery of S. Robert juxta Knaresborough. Peter Hartforthe, inst. Roecliffe. 13 This Richard Browne head been priest of the Northumberland Chantry in Topcliffe Church, and at the same time the incumbent of the Chapel at Dishforth (Surt. Soc., vol. xci., p. 87, and vol. xcii.. pp. 479-480). The following appear only in the Visitation of 1554 : 14 Robert Marshall was collated to the living 10 Jan., 1541-2; on his death he was succeeded by James Plumer (inst. 14 Oct., 1560), who had been curate from 1542 to 1560; he died in 1569 (Y. A. J. ix. 185). It will be seen that at the Visitation in 1548 the clergy of Aldborough did not appear. This vicarage was appropriated to the Dean and Chapter of York. 15 The clergy of these chapelries are given under Gilling. East Cowton is apparently a mistake for South Cowton as Magna or East Cowton appears previously. 16 Thomas Wilson of Barton, clerkto be buried within the church of S. Cuthbert of Barton. To William Wilsoune 20s. To John Wilson of Mansfeld 40s., and to his son Thomas Wilson "a silver spoone and a brasse pot." Ralph Wilson, William Wilsone and his eldest daughter, John Barker, Margaret Wilson, William Best, Agnes Simpsone. Residue to William Pearsone my cousin and executor. Witnesses, Sir Edward Pyckeringe, clerk, Thomas Gylle, John Sadler, Thomas Pearsone, John Hobsone, John Smythe, Henrye Hobson, dated 12 Sep., 1570, proved 26 Nov., 157-, by éxecutors. |