resented Mr. Price's speech and the proceedings in Parliament against the Earl of Portland, yet His Majesty so highly regarded Mr. Price's merits, as a judicious and honest lawyer, that he made him a Judge of the Brecknock Circuit. In 1702 Judge Price resigned the representation of the borough of Weobley, which he had held for 20 years (1682-1702), in favour of his son Thomas, who was unanimously chosen as the representative of that borough. Queen Anne, immediately on her accession, made Judge Price one of the Barons of the Exchequer, which office he held till 1726, when, on the death of Mr. Justice Dormer, he was made a Justice of the Court of Common Pleas. He died, aged 79, at Kensington, on the 2nd of February, 1732, of a contagious disorder that overspread the country, and his body was interred in the Parish Church of Yazor. The following sketch of the character and achievements of this great man is based on the somewhat lengthy analysis in which his grandson John Ivie paid tribute to his memory : As a Member of the House of Commons, he exerted himself on all occasions in the glorious cause of Liberty and of his Country, more especially when the tide of preferment was rolling to another shore and grants of Crown lands were made to foreigners. What a noble, brave, and successful stand did he make in opposing the passing of these grants! Early in life he won the first rank at the Bar. The business of the Exchequer Court was never at a greater height than when Judge Price sat there. He approved himself a master of that learning and knowledge which 1 The speech contained too many truths to bear the light during that reign, but a year after King William's death it was printed under the following title, viz., "Gloria Cambriæ, or the Speech of a Bold Briton in Parliament against a Dutch Prince of Wales," and bearing this just motto, OPPOSUIT ET VICIT. those places required, and he was an exact and strict observer of Justice. Such merit might reasonably give the possessor a just claim to preside in the highest court, though he never coveted honours or preferment any other way but by just and honourable actions. His greatest pleasure was in doing acts of kindness and charity to all indifferently. He was of such delight in conversation, of such flowing courtesy, of such goodness to mankind, combined with such agreeable cheerfulness, that all were equally pleased as they were improved. Just in his friendships, true to himself, obedient to his God, a strict observer of all religious duties, and so unwearied in doing good that no one sued to him in vain, or was denied help and assistance. No one was ever heard or read of who more justly deserved to be distinguished by the titles of the Great and the Good Man, than Mr. Justice Price. Turpe mori post Te, solo non posse dolore. Baron Price had three children, two sons and a daughter. His elder son, Thomas, died, s. p., in 1706 at Genoa, probably through foul play. The daughter, Lucy, who married Bamphyld Rodd and became the mother-in-law of John Ivie (eulogist of Baron Price), died in 1725, leaving several daughters. The sole surviving child of Baron Price was Uvedale Tompkins, whose eldest grandson, Uvedale, was created a Baronet in 1828, being succeeded in 1829 by his son Robert, who died in 1857, when the Baronetcy became extinct. Sir Uvedale Price, who distinguished himself in the literary world by his "Essays on the Picturesque," was a patron of the fine arts, securing from the brush of Sir Joshua Reynolds a very fine portrait of his wife (the Lady Caroline); this, with other portraits from Foxley, was sold at Christie's in 1892. On the death of Sir Robert Price, Bart., the representation of the Price family passed to Thomas Price, Esq., of the Albany, London, son of Barrington Price younger brother of Sir Uvedale by his first marriage with the Lady Mary J. Bowes. Thomas Price died unmarried in 1892, and his half-nephew Capt. Geo. Barrington Price dying, s. p., in 1910, Barrington Price born 1841 became the sole survivor1 in the male line of Baron Price. This last-named Barrington was halfbrother of the Capt. Price who died in 1910. POSTSCRIPT. From information obtained at the moment of going to press, and kindly supplied by Mr. T. A. Glen, of Meliden, near Prestatyn, Abbot Hugh Price cannot have been son of Sir Robert ap Rhys, for the following reason: Dr. Ellis Price was at Cambridge in 1534, and was living after 1606, as can be proved from old deeds. The date of his birth was about 1514 or later, so that it would be impossible for his younger brother to have been Abbot in 1528, and then an aged man. Abbot Hugh Price might have been the brother of Sir Robert, who, from Ministers' Accounts and other deeds, was living as late as 1558, so that he must have been born from 14751480. The same remarks apply to Abbot Richard Price. 1 The writer wishes his deep indebtedness to Mr. Leonard Price, of Ewell, Surrey, for materials by which Baron Price's descendants have been traced down to the present day. THE CASTLE OF SENGHENYDD BY COLONEL W. LL. MORGAN, R.E. STANDING as it did on the borderland of Morgannwg and Deheubarth, on the shore of a bay into which the navigable river Tawy flowed, the Castle of Senghenydd played a conspicuous part in the history of these provinces and of South Wales, as related in the pages of Brut y Tywysogion, especially that Gwentian Version of it which Stephens taught us ought to be called the Book of Aberpergwm-but where it stood has been the subject of as much speculation by past antiquaries as perhaps the site of the more celebrated Castle of Rhydy-gors in Carmarthenshire. It has at last been recognised as the Castle of Abertawe, otherwise the original Castle of Swansea. But the exact site of that Castle has been long lost to memory, although it could be located within comparatively narrow limits, for from the description given by Leland it stood north of the present or new Castle built by Bishop Gower in the reign of Edward II. From this Castle, northward, runs a road called Worcester Place, as far as a cross-road leading down to the river on the east, known by the modern name of Welcome Lane. Nearly parallel with Worcester Place, a little to the west of it, ran, until the spring of 1912, the narrow, tortuous old street called Castle Bailey Street, and to the east of it an old lane called Castle Walls, a cul-de-sac, the only entrance to which is from Welcome Lane. The highest point is on the long quadrangular piece of land between Castle Bailey Street and Worcester Place. The ground falls to the north to Welcome Lane, slowly to the west and south, but much more abruptly to the east down to the river Tawy. The lane is about a third of the way down this declivity. On its western side is a wall, somewhat in the nature of a retaining wall, against the hill side, which has every appearance of great age and gives the lane its name. But, were it not for the modern cottages on the eastern side of the lane, this wall must be visible from the river and Kilvey Hill beyond it, and it is not shown upon Buck's view of Swansea, taken from that point of view about 1750, nor in an older, very small, view of Swansea: both of these give the hill side unbroken by any wall or lane, and have naturally led observers to believe that the wall is not nearly so old as it seems, and, indeed, could not have been in existence when Nathaniel Buck made his drawing. Another reason why this locality, between Castle Bailey Street and Castle Walls Lane, has never (in spite of these suggestive names) been accepted as the site of the old Castle (though it has often been suspected), has been, that local antiquaries, Leland notwithstanding, have always considered that the new Castle must have been built on the site of the old one. It has always been recognised that the narrow Castle Bailey Street was entirely within the old Bailey or Base Court, whence its restricted width, for the foundations of the Tower of its Northern Gate, commonly called Harold's Gate, were disclosed in 1845, and the wall and ditch have more than once been found on the southern side of College Street-which runs westward in a line with Welcome Lane. This ditch was last exposed in the course of some town improvements in 1909; it was 15 ft. below the present roadway, its scarp was well preserved and stood at an angle of about 50°. The counterscarp was under the road, so that the width of the ditch could not be ascertained. The undisturbed passage across the ditch showing the site of Harold's Gate was again observed. The ditch bore the appearance of having been filled in, and not of having silted up. A few coins of the early Georges were found not far below the surface. The wall and ditch turned to the south, making the western limit of the Bailey along a road called Bunker's Hill (supposed to be a corruption of Banc y Gaer) where they are now almost entirely destroyed. |