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C. E. Conyers, James Allan, David Forbes, H. A. Proctor, Edward Parkinson, T. F. Wade, Richard Egerton, William Chalmers, C. Η. Churchill, James Grant, T. W. Taylor, Felix Calvert, J. M. Wilson, Thomas Willshire, Henry Oglander, Edward Fleming, Philip Bainbrigge, Sempronius Stretton, T. E. Napier, Nath. Thorn, W. H. Sewell, Joseph Thackwell, Alex. Macdonald, Sir W. L. Herries, T. S. St. Clair, G. W. Paty, T. J. Wemyss, R. B. Gabriel, William Rowan, J. S. Kennedy, G. L. Goldie, George Couper, Henry Rainey, the Hon. Charles Gore, G. G. Lewis, and G. J. Harding; Lieutenant-Colonels John Gurwood, W. F. O'Reilly, A. K. Clark, E. T. Michell, Thomas Blanchard, Thomas Dyneley, William Reid, W. B. Dundas, J. N. Wells, William Brereton, John Owen, and C. C. Dansey.

July 20. Major-Gen. Sir Alex. Caldwell, of the Bengal Army, к.с.в., Мajor-Gen. Sir J. L. Lushington, of the Madras Army, к.с.в., and Richard Jenkins, esq. of the East India Company's Civil Service, to be Extra Knights Grand Cross of the Bath; and the following Officers (all previously C.B.) in the service of the East Company, to be Knights Commanders-MajorGenerals John Rose, Thomas Corsellis, William Richards, Thomas Whitehead, John Doveton, David Foulis, and Sir Thomas Anburey, knt. To be Companions of the Bath; Colonels Wm. Turner, William Hull, Sir James Limond, knt. William Sandwith, J. F. Salter, H. G. A. Taylor, Herbert Bowen, F. S. T. Johnstone, Sir R. H. Cunliffe, Bart., P. De la Motte, Edward Frederick, James Kennedy, Sir Jeremiah Bryant, knt., E. F. Waters, W. S. Whish, William Battine, Arch. Galloway, Lechmere Russell, and Robert Home; Lieut.-Colonels J. H. Frith, Henry Cock, Charles Herbert, John Morgan, Josiah Stewart, William Williamson, Henry Hall, John Cheape, John Low, John Colvin, Alex. Tulloch, S. W. Steel, Joseph Orchard, Charles Graham; Majors John Herring, Sir Edw. A. Campbell, P. Montgomerie, W. J. Butterworth, John Purton, John Cameron, Thomas Lumsden, and Thomas Timbrell.

July 24. Major-Gen. Sir Alex. Dickson, K.C.B. to be G.C.B.

July 26. The Hon. Lawrence Harman King, second and youngest son of Viscount Lorton, by Lady Frances dau. and heir of LawrenceHarman Earl of Rosse, to take the name of Harman after King.

July 27. A. D. J. Arbuthnot, esq. Capt. R.N. K.C. III. to accept the cross of the third class of St. Ferdinand conferred by the Queen Regent of Spain, for his services at the assault and capture of Irun, 16 and 17 May 1837.Coldstream Foot Guards, Lieut. and Capt. G. Knox to be Capt. and Lieut.-Col. 4th Foot, Brevet Lieut.-Col. R. Macdonald to be Major. -27th Foot, Capt. M. C. Johnstone to be Major. -54th Foot, Major W. Betham, from the 4th Foot, to be Major.-93d Foot, Major R. Spark to be Lieut. Col.; Capt. J. Burgh to be Major. Brevet, Col. T. Dalmer to be MajorGeneral. To be Colonels in the Army, Lieut.Col. J. Crowder, Lieut. Col. W. C. Seton, Lieut. Col. W. Douglas. To be Major in the Army, Capt. J. H. Cooke.

Aug. 3. William Mackie, esq. K.H. to be Lieut.-Governor of her Majesty's settlements in the Gambia; John Gervas Hutchinson Bourne, esq. to be Chief Justice of Newfoundland.

Aug. 6. Charles Augustus Mylius, esq. Civil Commissioner, Government Agent, and Collector of Taxes at the Scychelles Islands, dependencies of the Island of Mauritius. Knighted by patent, Capt. Alexander Burnes, of the 21st Bombay N. Inf, on a mission to the Chiefs of Afghanistan.

Aug. 7. Brevet, Capt. Sir A. Burnes to have the local rank of Lieut.-Col. in Affghanistan and Persia, and Lieut. R. Leech, of the Bombay Engineers, the local rank of Major, while employed in those countries.

Aug. 9. Charles-Arthur-Hill Heaton (formerly C. A. H. Ellis, and latterly known as Charles Heaton or Charles Ellis Heaton), of Mortimer-st. esq. to reassume the name of Ellis (being the ancient surname of his family), after that of Heaton, he having, by the death of his elder brothers, succeeded to certain family estates, under entails created by the wills of his great-grandfather the Rev. John Ellis, D. D. and his grandfather Brabazon Ellis, esq. Alexander Spiers, esq. to be Lieutenant and Sheriff Principal of the shire of Renfrew.

Aug. 10. Royal African Colonial Corps, Lieut.-Col. R. Doherty to be Lieut.-Col.

Aug. 17. Brevet, Capt. John Marshall to be Major.


Capt. J. N. Tayler, C.B. to the San Josef 110; Commander W. Luckcraft to the Bellerephon 80; Comm. J. F. Fletcher to the Wellesley 74; Comm. H. Lydiard to the Donegal 78; Comm. F. Liardet to the President 52; Comm. G. G. Lock to the Fly 18; Lt. Hon. E. Plunkett to command the Savage 10; Lt. J. Simpson (a) to command Weazle 10; Lieut. N. Robilliard to command Seaflower 4. To be Captains, Commanders W. H. Henderson, G. A. Elliott. To be Commanders, Lieuts. A. S. Hamond, Fred. Warden, Hon, J. R. Drummond, Josiah Thompson, Hon. G. F. Hastings, and T. V. Anson.


Rev. J. A. Addison, Middleton P.C. Yorksh.
Rev. J. Armitstead, Thorpe St. Peter V. Linc.
Rev. E. P. Armstrong, Skellingthorpe V. Linc.
Rev. Silvanus Brown, Porlock R. Somerset.
Rev. G. A. Browne, Rattendon R. Essex.
Rev. H. L. Blosse, Michaelstone le Pitt R.

Rev. C. Borckhardt, Lydden V. Kent.
Rev. J. Cooper, Coppenhall R. Cheshire.
Rev. H. Corrie, Kettering R. Northamptonsh.
Rev. H. Cottingham, Ballymachugh R. Cavan.
Rev. E. B. Creek, Preston Patrick C. Westm.
Rev. J. W. Edwards, Astley P.C. Lanc.
Rev. W. M. Ellis, Ickford R. Bucks.
Rev. G. W. Heathcote, Ash near Farnham R.

Rev. B. Hoskyns, Montacute V. Somerset.
Rev. D. Hughes, Southstoke V. Somerset.
Rev. R. Mayor, Acton V. Cheshire.

Rev. N. J. Merrison, Ower Darwen C. Lanc.
Rev. H. H. Morgan, Lugwardine V. Heref.
Rev. G. Musgrave, Borden V. Kent.
Rev. J. F. Ogle, Boston V. Linc.
Rev. H. Padden, Shaw new Ch. Wilts.
Rev. W. Simpson, St. James's P.C. Halifax.
Rev. S. F. Surtees, Newlyn V. Cornwall.
Rev. Christopher Smyth, Little Houghton V.

Rev. T. S. Smyth, Brunswick Ch. Marylebone.
Rev. W. Spencer, St. Michael's R. Stamford.
Rev. Mr. Thomlinson, Crosby upon Eden V.

Rev. Fortescue Todd, St. Austell and St. Blazey V. Cornwall.

Rev. R. T. Tyler, Llantrithyd R. Glam.
Rev. W. Wallace, Thorpe Abbot's R. Norfolk.
Rev. F. J. Wethered, Hurley V. Berks.
Rev. J. Williams, Euxton P.C. Lancashire.

Rev. T. L. Wolley, Portishead R. Somersetsh.

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Lord Duncannon to be Lord Lieutenant of co. Kilkenny, Hon. John Ponsonby of co. Carlow. C. Cooper, esq. to be Chief Justice in South Australia.

Mr. Nicholls to be Commissioner of Poor Law in Ireland, resident in Dublin. (salary 2500l.) Mr. Forster Owen to be High Constable of Westminster.

Mr. Alderman Thomas Johnson is one of the new Sheriffs of London and Westminster (not Ald. White, as in p. 206).

Rev. W. Whewell to be Professor of Casuistry at Cambridge.

Rev. Philip Kellard, of Queen's coll. Camb. to be Professor of Mathematics in the University of Edinburgh.

J. H. Christie, esq. Sec. R. S. to be Professor of Mathematics in the Royal Military Academy, Woolwich.

Rev. J. P. Lee, M.A. to be Head Master of Birmingham grammar-school; John Abbott, esq. B.A. Mathematical master; and Mr. George Moyle, B.A. an assistant master.

Rev. Mr. Willis (late third master of Shrewsbury school) to be Head Master of Ludlow school.

Rev. C. Penny to be master of Crewkerne


Rev. J. Richardson to be master of Appleby school.


June 30. In St. James's-place, the Lady Sondes, a dau.

July 3. At Sanwell, Staff. the Countess of Dartmouth, a dau.-10. At the rectory, Abington Pigotts, the wife of the Rev. C. F. Pigott, a son.-12. In Eaton-pl. the wife of J. W. Childers, esq. M.P. a dau.--14. At Houghton, co. York, the wife of the Hon. Charles Langdale, a son.-13. At the Bishop of Oxford's, Montagu-sq. Lady Chas. Thynne, a son.-18. In South Audley-st. the Hon. Mrs. George Hope, a son and beir. - At Merstham, Lady Jolliffe, a dau.- 22. At Clifton, the wife of H. Gore Langton, esq. a son.23. At Woburn Abbey, Lady Charles Russell, a dau.-25. At Brighton, Lady Rivers, a son. -At Acton, the lady of Sir A. D. Croft, Bart. a son.-28. At Buckworth rectory, the wife of the Rev. John Duncombe Shafto, a dau.

Lately. At Boxley, Kent, the Lady Margaret Marsham, a dau.-At Cheltenham, the Hon. Lady Williamson, a son. - At Ballinlough House, Roscommon, the wife of the Rev. John Le Poer Trench, a son.--At Fareham, the wife of the Rev. Sir H. Thompson, Bart. a dau.-At Maidstone, Lady Katherine Balders, a son and heir.

Aug. 1. In St. James's-pl. the wife of Wm. L. Wiggett Chute, esq. M.P. a son and heir. -5. At Sudbury, Harrow, the wife of W. E. Ferrers, esq. a dau.-6. At Staplehurst-place, the Hon. Lady Mary Hoare, a son and heir. -7. At Ketton Hall, Rutland, the wife of George Sowerby, esq. a son.-9. The wife of William Bagge, esq. M.P. a dau.-12. In Whitehall-gardens, Right Hon. Lady Vernon, a dau. In Hereford-st. the lady of Sir Cul ling Smith, a son.


May 10. At Algoa Bay, South Africa, Edw. M. Gore Clough, esq. son of the late Dr. Clough, of Berners-st. to Ann, eldest dau. of Henry Lovemore, esq. of Bushy Park, Algoa Bay, 23. At Cheltenham, Capt. J. Norman Campbell, C.B. of the Royal Navy, to Georgiana, only dau. of the late George Martin, esq. É. I. C. Service.

June 13. At Malta, the Baron H. T. Abela, to Mary Ramsay, third dau. of the late A. Anderson, esq. of Chapel-st. Park-lane.-14. At Nackington, near Canterbury, F. Pembroke Jones, esq. late of the 4th Dragoons, youngest son of Lieut. Col. Jones, of Lowestoft, to Emma, eldest dau. of Wm. Delmar, esq. of Nackington House.--At St. Luke's chapel, Norwich, Capt. T. Mathias, R.N. to Emily, fourth dau. of the late Rev. John Taylor, Rector of Hainford. - 19. At Gretna Green, and on the 19th of July, at Ingleton, Yorkshire, the Rev. Slingsby Duncombe Shafto, B.A. to Frances, sixth dau. of Joseph Hunter, esq. of Walbottle.The Rev. Percival Bowen, Head Master of Sheffield School, to Mary Anne, sister of the Rev. John Hand, Rector of Handsworth, Yorkshire. At Trinity church, Marylebone, J. H. Williams, esq. of Bedfordrow, to Isabella, dau. of the late W. Stavers, esq. - 20. At Cheltenham, J. Pratt Tynte, esq. of Tynte Lodge, co. Leitrim, second son of Col. Pratt, of Cabra Castle, and grandson of Lady Tynte, of Tynte Park, co. Wicklow, to Geraldine, second dau. of William Hopkins Northey, esq. and granddau. of Lieut. Gen. Northey Hopkins, of Oving House, Bucks. --At Wilton, Somerset, the Rev. John Warren, B.A. to Jane Mary, second dau. of the late Sir H. M. Farrington, Bart. - At Northtawton, Fred. Wm. Cornish, esq. of Gatcombe House, Devon, and of the Bengal Art. to Sarah-Baker, only child of Wm. Orchard, esq. of Ashridge House.-21. At Maidstone, J. Pegus, esq. Lieut. R. M., son of Capt. P. Pegus, late 88th regt. to Ellen Rosa, dau. of S. Hood, esq. late of Llanelly, Carm. cousin of the late Sir S. Hood, Bart. At Brussels, Mons. Auguste Charles Joseph de Janti, to Katherine, widow of Richard Elwes, esq. eldest dau. of the late Isaac Elton, esq. of Stapleton House, Glouc. - At Liverpool, George N. Prior, esq. Bombay Army, to Maria Louisa, dau. of the late Benj. Way, esq. of Denham-place, Bucks. - At Kensington, the Rev. Thomas T. Lewis, M.A. of Aymestry, to Miss Ferguson, of Yatton Court, Heref.-At Wirksworth, co, Derb. the Rev. N. Hubbersty, M.A. to Margaret Emma, third dau. of R. Hurt, esq. --At Leamington, the Hon. W. M. Vaughan, brother of the Earl of Lisburne, to Louisa, dau. of Edmund Wigan, esq. of Lapley, Staff. At St. George's, Hanover-sq. the Rev. Wm. Horatio Walsh, to Anne, second dau. of Edmund Treherne, esq. of St. George's terrace, Hyde Park. At St. George's, Hanover-sq. Capt. G. D. Paterson, 98th regt. to Augusta, youngest dau. of Sir W. P. Call, Bart. 23. At St. Mary's, Marylebone, Sir Dudley St. Leger Hill, K.C.B. Governor of St. Lucia, to Mary, widow of Mark Davis, esq. of Turnwood and Holnest, co. Dorset. At the Cathedral, Peterborough, the Rev. R. Waterfield, B.D. Fellow and Tutor of Emmanuel Coll. Camb. to Anne, eldest dau. of the late Rev. R. T. Cory, D.D. formerly Master of that College. At St. George's, Queen-sq. the Rev. H. Ward, of Burlington Quay, Yorksh. to Jane, eldest dau. of H. Sandwith, M.D. of Great Ormond-st.-Rev. J. T. Pine Coffin, M.A. of Portlege, Devon, to Frances, dau. of William Speke, esq. of Jordans, Som.-25. At Torr, Devon, Edmond Maria Charles Count de Roullée, of France, to Anne, dau. of late General Wm. Scott, of Thorpe, Staines. Charles Alex. Wood, esq. second son of Col. Wood, of Littleton, M.P. to Sophia, eldest dau. of J. S. Brownrigg, esq. M.P.-At Brighton, H. J. Butt, esq. only son of Capt. Butt, R.N. to Sarah Louisa, third dau. of T. Moore, esq. of Dorset-sq. London. At St. George's, Hanover-sq. R. A. Seymour, 49th Reg. youngest son of the late Gen. Seymour, Governor of St. Lucia, to Miss Susetta Rees, niece of Dr. Elwyn, of Lower Grosvenor-st. At Loudon Castle, Charles Henry, esq. Capt. 56th regt. nephew to the Duke of Leinster, to the Lady Selina-Constantia, dau. of the late Marquis of Hastings.-26. At Quendon, Essex, the Rev. G. R. Tuck, Rector of Wallington, Herts, to Marianne, only dau. of the Rev. John Collin, Rector of Quendon. At Richmond, James Murray, esq. of the Foreign-office, to Charlotte, dau. of J. G. Ravenshaw, esq. of Richmond.At Kington St. Michael, Wilts, the Rev. Robt. Kilvert, Rector of Hardenhuish, to Thermuthis, eldest dau. of Walter Coleman, esq. of Langley Fitzurse.-27. At Moreton Corbet, Shropshire, the Rev. P. Wynter, D.D. Pres. of St. John's, Oxford, to Diana Anne, only dau. of the Rev. M. D. Taylor, of Lymme Hall, Cheshire, Rector of Moreton Corbet.--At St. George's, Bloomsbury, the Rev. T. L. Gleadowe, M.A. of Roughton rectory, Linc. to Harriet, youngest dau. of the late W. Anderson, esq. of Newham, Camb. At the Vale church, Guernsey, Augustus Fred. Dobree, esq. of Ronceval, to Margaret, second dau. of the late Rev. Thos. Le Mesurier, Rector of Haughtonle-Skerne, Durham.-30. At St. George's, Hanover-sq. Capt. Sir E. W. C. Astley, R.N. to Ellen, eldest dau, of the late Jonas Toby, esq. of Parliament-st. and Richmond.

Lately. J. Beresford Gahan, esq. Capt. E. I. Co.'s Service, to Hannah, dau. of the Very Rev. Usher Lee, Dean of Waterford. - Major H. G. Roberts, Bombay Army, to Julia, dau. of the Rev. R. N. Raikes, Vicar of Longhope, Glouc. At Gosforth, the Rev. E. Pemberton, of Belcham St. Paul, Essex, to Sarah, dau. of the late W. Senhouse, esq. and sister of Sir H. Le Fleming Senhouse. --At Worfield, Shropshire, William-Reynolds, eldest son of Wm. Anstice, esq. of Madeleywood, to Helen, third dau. of John Bache, esq. of Chesterton. -At Dublin, Lorenzo M. Stewart, esq. son of the late Rev. A. A. Stewart, cousin of the Earl of Donoughmore, to Emily, dau. of the late R. Quinton, esq. At Florence, Sir Wm. W. Knighton, Bart. to Clementina, dau. of John Jameson, esq. of Edinburgh. At St. George's, Hanover-sq. the Rev. W. C. Purdon, Vicar of Laxley, Warw. to Augusta, only child of the late Rev. G. F. and Lady Augusta Tavel. --At Great Stainton, near Darlington, John Blanshard, esq. of the Indian Army, second son of Richard Blanshard, esq. of Northallerton, to Emily, dau. of the Rev. D. M. Peacock. -In Scotland, Follett W. Pennell, esq. Post Capt. R.N. 6th son of W. Pennell, esq. late Consul-general of Rio de Janeiro, to Miss McMurdo, late of the Isle of Man. At Newcastle, Capt. H. Beresford, son of the Hon. and Rev. G. Beresford, to Dora, dau. of the late W. Watson, esq. of North Seaton. -At Epsom, the Rev. John Harris, of Cheshunt college, author of Mammon, &c. to Mary Anne, dau. of W. Wrangham, esq.

July 1. At St. Bride's, Fleet-st. E. Y. Steele, esq. of Bath, to Eleanor, youngest dau. of the Rev. W. Pace, Rector of Rampisham and Wraxall, Dorset.-2. The Rev. William Colston, of Broughton Hall, Oxford, and of Theescomb, Glouc. second son of the late E. F. Colston of Filkins Hall, esq. to Julia, eldest dau. of the Jate Dr. Felix, of Clifton. At Paris, the Hon. John St. Vincent Saumarez, of the rifle brigade, to Caroline, eldest dau. of W. Rhodes, esq. of Bramhope Hall, and Kirskill, co. York,

-At St. George's, Hanover-sq. Henri Count de Cigala, of Sardinia, to Anne, dau. of H. Bacon, esq. of Bounds-green, Middlesex.At St. George's, Bloomsbury, R. J. Hansler, esq. eldest son of Sir J. J. Hansler, F.R.S. of Tavistock sq. to Marianne Sophia, dau. of J. Collis, esq. of Upper Bedford-pl.--At St. George's, Bloomsbury, E. J. Bevir, of Lincoln's Inn, esq. B.A. to Mary, second dau. of the late Major Thornden, E. I. Co.'s Service. 3. At Farnham, Surrey, the Rev. W. H. Stephens, Curate of Chobham, Surrey, to Caroline, third dau. of W. Crump, esq.-At Hampstead, by the Right Hon. and Rev. Lord Berners, H. R. Upcher, esq. of Sheringham, Norfolk, to Caroline, only dau. of the late J. Morris, esq. of Ampthill House, Beds.The Rev. W. H. Mann, Vicar of Bowden, Cheshire, to Frances, third dau. of the Hon. and Rev. L. Powys, Rector of Titchmarsh.-At St. George's, Hanover-sq. the Hon. F. Thelluson, to Eliza Charlotte, widow of J. Duff, esq. eldest dau. of Sir G. Prescott, Bart. - At Ludlow, the Rev. F. J. Burlton, to Elizabeth, eldest dau. of George Anderson, esq. At Gloucester, the Rev. Edw. Thrupp, M.A. to Katharine, dau. of Wm. Stewart, esq. of Seapark, co. Antrim. At Alton, Hants, Frederick Smith, esq. of Horsham, to Isabella Octavia, youngest dau. of the late Rev. Thos. James, D.D. Preb. of Worcester. - At Spennithorne, Yorksh. Alfred Horatio Darley, esq. of Elvington Hall, near York, to Elizabeth, third dau. of John Clervaux Chaytor, esq. of Spennithorne Hall. 4. At Colchester, Charles Gray Round, esq. M.P. for North Essex, to Emma Smith, second dau. of George Brock, esq. of St. Mary's, Colchester. At Cirencester, Cullen Forth Wordsworth, esq. to Elizabeth Mary, eldest dau. of the late Henry Newburn, esq. of Down Ampney.-5. At Great Witchingham church, Norfolk, the Hon. H. M. Sutton, second son of Viscount Canterbury, to Georgina, youngest dau. of the late С. Tompson, esq. of Witchingham-hall, Norfolk. -F. W. G. Calder, esq. 2nd Life Guards, to Mary Martha, youngest dau. of the late Rev. W. Roberts, Rector of Llandisnolen, co. Carnarvon.--At Southampton, John Dennistoun, esq. M.P. to Frances Anne, youngest dau. of Sir Henry Onslow, Bart.--At Leamington Priors, Capt. H. F. Mackay, of the Inniskillen Dragoons, only son of the late A. G. Mackay, esq. to Caroline Matilda, youngest dau. of Lieut.-Gen. Ainslie. At Whitburn, Capt. R. E. Fullerton, 30th regt. to Eliza Russell, youngest dau. of Russell Bowlby, esq. of Cleadon-meadow, co. Durham.--At St. Pancras, William Thos. Squire, esq. of Bartonplace, Suffolk, only son of the late W. T. Squire, esq. of Peterborough, to Anne Alphonsa, eldest dau. of James Stewart, esq. of the Regent's park, formerly of Baltimore.--7. The Rev. H. M. Wagner, Vicar of Brighton, to Mary-Sikes, dau. of Joshua Watson, esq. of Park-st. Westminster.-9. At St. George's, Hanover-sq. Charles-Barham, only son of Barham Livius, esq. to Annette, only dau. of W. H. Surman, esq. --At Rodmersham, Kent, the Rev. James Morant, M.A. Chaplain at Madras, second son of Geo. Morant, esq. of Wimpole-st. to Barbara-Wilson, third dau. of W. J. Lushington, esq.-10. At St. George's, Hanover-sq. T. C. Higgins, esq. of Turvey House, Beds. to Charlotte, dau. of the late Sir R. Price, Bart. of Trengwainton, Cornwall.

William, fourth son of the late Henry Davidson, esq. of Tulloch Castle, N.B. to LouisaEleanor-Barnard, second dau. of John Barnard Hankey, esq. of Fetcham Park, Surrey.-At St. Pancras, the Rev. Alex. E. Sketchley, Vicar of St. Nicholas, to Augusta Elizabeth, third dau. of the late Rev. T. Powys, Rector of Fawley, Bucks.



Lately. Aged 80, General Alexander Leith Hay, of Rannes and Leith hall, co. Aberdeen, a Deputy Lieutenant and Justice of the Peace for that county.

He was born Dec. 21, 1758, the second son of John Leith, of Leith hall, esq. by Harriot, daughter and heiress of Alexander Steuart, of Auchluncart. He succeeded his elder brother John in 1778; and inherited the estate of Rannes in 1789 upon the demise of Andrew Hay, esq. when he assumed the additional surname and arms of Hay: being descended from that family through his paternal grandmother. His younger brother was Lieut. Gen. Sir James Hay, G.C.B. K.T.S. Governor of Barbadoes, who died in 1816.

The late General Hay was appointed Lieutenant in the 7th dragoons, immediately upon his birth; Captain June 8, 1768; and Colonel in the army March 1, 1794. In that year he raised a regiment which was called after his name, and numbered the 109th; his commission to be its Colonel was dated Oct. 1, 1794. He was promoted to the rank of MajorGeneral in 1796, to that of Lieut. Gen. 1803, and full General 1813.

General Hay married, in 1784, Mary, daughter of Charles Forbes, esq. of Ballogie, and had issue two sons and four daughters. The former are 1. Lieut.Col. Sir Andrew Leith Hay, now Governor of Bermuda, and late M. P. for the Elgin district of Burghs; he married, in 1816, Mary Margaret, daughter of William Clark, esq. of Buckland house; 2. John, a Captain R.N. The daughters are, 1. Harriot-Christian, married to Sir Harry N. Lumsden, Bart. and died in 1820; 2. Mary, married to Major Mitchell, of Ashgrove; 3. Elizabeth, married to Alexander Forbes, esq. of Blackford; and 4. Margaret.


June 12. In New Brunswick, aged 87, General John Coffin.

He was uncle of Adm. Sir Isaac Coffin, Bart. K.C.H. being the third son of Nathaniel Coffin, esq. cashier of the customs at Boston in America, by Elizabeth, daughter of Henry Barnes, of Boston, merchant. He commenced his military career as a volunteer at the battle of Bunker's-hill, and soon rose to the rank of Captain in the Orange Rangers, from which he exchanged into the New York Volunteers in 1778. At the battle of Savannah, at that of Hobkirk's-hill, under GENT. MAG. VOL, X.

Lord Rawdon, at the action of Cross Creek, near Charleston, and on various other occasions, he conducted himself most gallantly. On the 8th Sept. 1781, the battle of Eutaw was commenced by brevet Major Coffin, who greatly distinguished himself, and drew forth the admiration of the American General Green in his despatches to Congress. He was hereupon appointed Major of the King's American regiment by the Commanderin-Chief, Sir Guy Carleton. At the peace of 1783 Major Coffin retired with his family to New Brunswick, where he has resided ever since, and where he filled the situations of representative to the House of Assembly for King's county, a member of Council, and chief magistrate of that district for many years. He was appointed a Colonel in the British army Jan. 26, 1797, a Major-General 1803, Lieut.-General 1809, Colonel of the New Brunswick Fencibles 1813, and General 1819. The veteran was scarcely less distinguished in private life than in his public capacity. He was active in business, and ever attentive to the claims of the poor.


He married Anne, daughter of William Matthews, of St. John's Island, South Carolina, and had issue four sons: Guy-Carleton, Major R. Art. who married in 1808 a daughter of the late Wil. liam Larkins, esq. of Blackheath; 2. Nathaniel, who died young; 3. JohnTownsend, a Post Captain R.N.; and 4. William Henry, R.N.; and three daughters, 1. Caroline; 2. Elizabeth, married to Capt. Kirkwood; and 3. Anne, married to Capt. Pearson.

LIEUT. GEN. SIR T. BROWN, K.C.B. May 19. At his residence at Thames Ditton, Lieut. - General Sir Thomas Brown, K. C. B. of the East India Company's Bengal establishment.

This officer entered the Company's service as an Ensign of infantry in Sept. 1779. In 1789 he went as a volunteer to Bencoolen, and in 1793 he succeeded to the command of the troops at Fort Marlborough, with local rank. His prudent measures had the effect of preserving the fort, when it was threatened in the fol. lowing year by a squadron of four French ships of war.

In March 1797 Capt. Brown was removed to the cavalry, and appointed to the 4th regiment, with which he went to Benares, on the tumult excited by Vizier Ally. In 1798 he was removed to the 1st

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regiment of cavalry, and employed in Oude against the rebels whom Vizier Ally had stirred up. In October of the following year he commanded the escort which, at considerable risk, conveyed Vizier Ally prisoner from Jeypoor through the Mahratta territory to the British camp at Futtehgurh. For this service he received the public thanks of the Marquis Wellesley.

He attained the rank of Major in 1800, and of Lieut.-Colonel in 1802; and on the latter promotion was posted to the second cavalry, which he commanded under Lord Lake during his first campaign, and in the second campaign had the command of a brigade. Under the walls of Deeg he commanded a brigade with Major-Gen. Fraser, who was mortally wounded in the action.

In 1807 Lieut. Col. Brown was removed to the command of his former regiment, the 1st cavalry; and in 1809 he joined the force assembled at Bundlecund, to oppose Meer Khan. In the following year he was detached to oppose a popular marauding chieftain, named Gopal Sing, and spent nearly two years in pursuing and harassing that active leader, whose forces, whenever Colonel Brown attempted to draw them together, were dispersed. At last Gopal Sing was so wearied out with Col. Brown's incessant pursuit, that he came and surrendered himself to the Governor-general's agent. Col. Brown received repeatedly the thanks of government for his judgment and exertions in this very fatiguing and difficult service; and the Court of Directors afterwards expressed their high approbation in a letter which was published in general


He received the rank of Colonel in 1811, and at the siege of Callinger, in Jan. 1812, he commanded a covering force. After the place surrendered, his regiment was sent to Muttra, where Col. Brown commanded; and in the same year he was appointed to the government command of the Muttra and Agra frontier, which he held until his embarkation for Europe at the end of 1814. During this time he was appointed second in command under Major-Gen. Marshall, of a force assembled against the Rajah of Alwarand. He was promoted to the rank of Major-General June 4, 1814.

In May 1816, after a visit to Europe, Major-Gen. Brown returned to Bengal, and was immediately placed on the staff, and appointed to command a division of the army in the field. At the siege of Hatras in Feb. 1817 he commanded the cavalry; and in Oct. 1817, when the Marquess of Hastings took the field

against the Pindarries, he was appointed to command the centre division of the grand army, with which his Lordship fixed his head quarters.

From this situation

he was selected to command a light force, chiefly of cavalry, with which he was detached to the westward. In Jan. 1818 he successively took the towns of Rampoorah and Jawnd by assault. The latter achievement was of most essential service; as it deterred many of the native chiefs who were inclined to be trimmers, from secretly favouring the Pindarries. Lord Hastings thanked Gen. Brown in public orders for his services in this detached command; and soon after, the campaign in that quarter being over, the centre division of the grand army was broken up, and Major-Gen. Brown returned to command the Caunpoor division of the army. He subsequently commanded the Dinapoor division. In 1822 he returned to England; since which period he had been promoted to the rank of Lieut.General; and on the 26th July 1823 was nominated a Knight Commander of the Bath.


April 18. At the Abbey house, Malvern, Colonel John Hicks, C.B. late of the 32nd foot.

He entered the army by purchasing an ensigncy in that regiment in Feb. 1786; joined at Gibraltar, and served there until 1788, when he was sent on the recruiting service to England. In Nov. 1789 he purchased a Lieutenancy, and in 1791 he re-joined at Gibraltar. In 1793 he was again ordered to England on the same service as before, and in 1794 he joined the regiment at Jersey. In Feb. 1795 he purchased his company; and in Feb. 1796 embarked for the West Indies, and served at St. Domingo and New Providence. In 1799 the regiment returned, and in 1801 went to Ireland. In 1804, being promoted to a majority, he joined the second battalion of his corps, then forming at Launceston. He was afterwards in Guernsey and Ireland, until, in June 1811, having received the brevet of Lieut.Colonel, he sailed with the regiment for the Peninsula. He was present at the investment of Ciudad Rodrigo, the battle of Salamanca, and siege of Burgos. In 1813 he commanded the regiment at part of the battle of Pampeluna, and on the 28th July, at the battle of the Pyrenees, Lt. Col. Wood being mortally wounded, the command of the regiment devolved upon this officer, who, with four companies of it, drove the enemy from an advantageous position they had taken on the river Lanz, his horse being wounded

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