William Boyne, F.S.A. THIS well known Yorkshire Antiquary died at his residence in Florence on the 13th Nov. 1893, aged 78. It is now almost a generation since Mr. Boyne left England, when his valuable collections were dispersed by public auction. He was one of the earliest in the field of Yorkshire Antiquaries, and in 1869 he compiled his well known “Yorkshire Library," wherein the first attempt was made to give a biographical account of all Yorkshire topographical books, and engravings of places and persons connected with the county. This book still maintains its value; it was followed by his " Yorkshire Tokens," and by other works of a kindred character, though not immediately associated with Yorkshire. After settling in Italy, Mr. Boyne still indulged his collector's instinct and turned his attention to Italian medals and coins. The writer of this notice visited him in Florence and saw the medals, which he was at that time busily engaged in arranging; his remarks were most interesting, and showed keen appreciation of their artistic beauty and intimate knowledge of the persons represented. Mr. Boyne was an enthusiastic Grangerite, and spent much time and money on the illustration of the history of Leeds, expanding Whitaker's two volumes to seven. This interesting work is now in the possession of Mr. John Stansfeld, a member of the council of this society, who has many of Mr. Boyne's MSS. connected with Yorkshire and with municipal and ecclesiastical heraldry. Mr. Boyne was elected a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries in 1853. G. W. TOMLINSON. Notes. [The Council have decided to reserve a small space in each Number of the Journal for notices of Finds and other discoveries; it is hoped that Members will assist in making this a record of all the matters of archæological interest which may from time to time be brought to light in this large county.] LIII. YORKSHIRE STAR CHAMBER PROCEEDINGS, No. II By W. PALEY BAILDON, F.S.A. (Star Chamber, Henry VIII., Vol. I., No. 110.) To the Kyng our most drad souereigne lord, In most humble wyse compleynyng shewith unto yor maiestye Nicholas, Bysshop of Wigorn, Highe Almonor vnto yor highnes, That wher one Thomas Savelle,1 late of Clyfton in the Countye of York, being seducyd by the devylle about the xjth day of Merche in the xxxvth year of yor most gracyous reigne [1544] in the Ryver of Tames over agaynst Seynt Kateryns nyghe London, did then & ther felonyously drowne & distroy hymself contary to you peasce [peace] by reason wherof he thear immedijatly died, as by an Inquysicion takun at Seynt Kateryns afore seid before Anthony Hussey, Esquyer, coronor of the Adymraltye, vpon the vewe of the body of the seid Thomas more pleynly doth & may appear, by reason wherof all suche goodes, debts and chatalles as wer of the seid Thomas the day of his seid deth did & ought of right apperteyn & belong vnto the only ordre & dissposicion of yor seid Almono in augmentacion of you most gracyous almez by vertue & according to the tenor and effect of you most gacyous lettres patentes made vnto hym in that behalf as by the same more at large doth appear, And wher yor seid Almonor by his Graunt in writyng sealid with the seale of his office did gyffe & Graunt in yor almez vnto Elizabeth Savelle of Clyfton afore seid, wedowe, late wyffe of the seid Thomas, & all her childerne, All suche goodes & chatalles of the seid Thomas as ben conteyned in an Inventory therof made by John Cordyngley, one of the particuler deputyez of yor seid Almonor within yor seid Countye of York, amountyng to the some with a prouiso conteynyd in the same Graunt declaring that if it shall happen to be prouyd within the space of iij yearez then next & immedyatly folowing aft the deth of the seid Thomas, that he the same Thomas or eny other to hys vse had & possessid eny other goodes and chatalles then wer comprysid & expressid within the seid Inventory, that then it should be laufulle for your seid Almonor to diss of 1 Eldest son of Robert Saville, second son of John Saville of Hullingedge. Thomas married Elizabeth, dau. of James Shaw, and had two children. Cuthbert and Elizabeth. Cuthbert had livery of his father's lands July 1, I. Edw. VI., 1547.-Foster's Yorkshire Pedigrees. pose & ordre the same at his pleasure, eny thyng conteynyd in the seid Graunt made vnto the seid Elizabeth & her childerne to the contrary notwithstonding. And wher the seid Thomas Savelle the day of his seid deth was possessid of certen Corne & other goodes & chatalles to the value of xlu sterling or thear about ouer and beside the seide goodes & Catalles comprisid within the seid Inventory, so it is most gracyous lord that one Willam Holmes seruant to the seid Elizabeth with certen other personez to yor seid Almono unknowen, by the Commaundement of the same Elizabeth, inmedyatly aft the deth of the seid Thomas did remoue the same corne & other goodes & Cathalles not comprisid in the said Inventory from the house & mansyon place of the seid Thomas, but whether or to what place yor seid Almonot knowith not, And albe it yor seid Almonor by his seid deputye & other of his seruantes hath often & sondry tymez requyrid & instantly desyerid the seid Elizabeth & Willam Holmes & euery one of theym to restore & delyuer vuto hym to th'use aboue seid, the seid corne & other goodes and Catalles so by theym falcely & vniustly takun & caried away, yet that to do the same Elizabeth & Willam Holmes, & eyther of theym wrongfully & contemptyously refusid & denyed & yet doth, not only in contempt & disspite of yor most gracyous lettrez patentes to th' entent aboue seid grauntid & made to yor seid Almonor but also to the hyndraunce & lett of yor maiestyez almez which shold haue bene mynystrid & dissposid by yor seid Almonor to yor poore & impotent subiectes, & to the perilous evill example of all suche & lyke offendo's if condigne punysshement & spedy remeady therin by yor most excellent maiestye be not shortly prouyded & had in this behalf, In concideracion wherof and for as moch as yor seid Almono is without remeady by the ordre of the commen lawes for the obteynyng of the premyssez it may therfore pleas yor highnes to Graunt you most gracyous writtes of sub pena to be directid seuerally vnto the seid Elizabeth & Willam & to eyther of theym, Commaundyng theym by the same personally to appear before yor highnes & the lordes of yor most honorable Counceille in you sterrid chambre at Westminster at a certeyn day & vpon a certen payn therin to be lymyttid then & thear to answer to the premyssez, And yor seid Almonor shall dayly pray to Almyghty god for the preseruacion of yor maiestye longe prosperouslye to enduer. An inquisition was also taken at Wakefield, Sep. 20, 38 Hen. VIII. 1546, when it was found that Thomas Saville was seised of the Rectory of Mirfield, late belonging to the Nunnery of Kirklees, and of a messuage, a tithe-barn, a close of land containing 6 acres, and the tithes of grain and hay in Mirfield, and the advowson of the church there, which were held of the king in chief as the 10th part of a knight's fee, by an annual rent of 10s. 4d. for all service. The property is worth £4 9s. 8d. yearly. Thomas died March 12, 35 Hen. VIII. 1544; Cuthbert is his son and heir, who was aged 18 at his father's death. Inq. post mortem, Chancery, 38 Hen. VIII., no. 61. LIV. CUT PURSE IN WESTMINSTER HALL. 1299, Ebor. Adam Heryz, captus in aula hic die Jouis proximo post quindenam sancti Michaelis ad sectam Willelmi de Claverynge pro bursa ipsius Willelmi excussa hic et septem solidis et quatuor denariis ipsius Willelmi ut asserit asportatis, quesitus per Justiciarios hic qualiter se velit acquietare de excussione burse predicte, Dicit quod clericus est, et salvo sibi privelegio clericali, de bono et malo ponit se super juratam aule hic, etc. Et. xii. jur[atores] in aula hic electi dicunt super sacramentum suum quod predictus Adam non est culpabilis de excussione burse ipsius Willelmi nec de denariis illis asportatis, etc. Ideo idem Adam inde quietus. Et Willelmus in misericordia, etc. De Banco, Mich. 27 Edw. I., m. 118. W. PALEY BAILDON, F.S.A. LV. I have been much interested in that part of Mr. Holmes's paper on Dodsworth's Yorkshire Notes in the last number of the Yorkshire Archæological Journal which relates to the West Riding family of Stapelton, but I cannot agree with him that there is no connection between that family and that of the North Riding. I am well aware that this was the opinion of Mr. Joseph Hunter, the historian of Doncaster, many years ago, but I ventured to question it in a paper on "The Stapeltons of Yorkshire" which your Council did me the honour to publish in the Journal in 1884 (vol. viii., p. 79); and since that time I have been more than ever convinced of the correctness of the opinion which I then expressed, for the following reasons: - That the same Christian names occur in both; and when the Stapeltons of Richmondshire took the arms of Bruce, the Cudworth family took the same. Both families were, for some reason which I have been unable to ascertain, interested in the Preceptory of the Knights Templars at Templehurst; and members of both are occasionally found acting together. William de Stapelton of Cudworth and Sir Nicholas of Middleham Castle were witnesses together, about the year 1220, to a grant of William de Mowbray (died 1222) to the "brethren of the Knights of the Temple of Solomon." (Yorkshire Arch. Journal, viii. p. 281.) And when Sir Nicholas or his son gave half his wood at Wilsenden to Mowbray's great abbey at Byland in 1244, Robert de Stapelton of Cudworth (5) was one of the witnesses. (Burton Mon. Ebor., p. 338.) The name of the vill of Stapelton next Dardington, or Darrington, is at least as old as the Domesday Survey, but the record in Domesday is no evidence that the name existed there in Saxon times. There is as little evidence to show how it came there. It may have been brought by a colony from Tees side as late as 1072, when the exodus took place (Yorksh. Arch. Journal, viii., p. 70), or at some earlier date. At the survey in 1085 Dardington and Stapelton formed part of the fee of De Lascy, or Lacy. Gislebert was at that time De Lacy's tenant at Stapelton. About 1100, under the description of Gilbertus filius Damæ, Gilbert gave two garbs in Stapelton to St. Clement's Chapel in Pontefract Castle. A few years later Hugo de Stapelton seems to be the tenant, and witnessed a grant of land by Robert de Lascy to the monks "for the recovery (pro remedio) of Henry I. and his wife Matilda, by the advice of Thomas, Archbishop of York," 1108-14. (Collections of Gervase Holles, Lansdowne MSS. 207a, fo. 543.) The same Hugo also witnessed another grant by Hugh de Laval, the then lord of Pontefract, after the Lacies were banished the kingdom (Ibid.) Hugo seems to have been a name in use in the North Riding family too. In 1175 Galfridus (Geoffrey) de Stapelton, of Stapelton-on-Tees, owed (or paid) £5 on account of the chattels or cattle of "Hugo and his friends" (de Hug. et suis amicis). (Dodsworth's Collections in the Bodleian Library, xii., p. 133.) And about a century later Dugdale mentions no fewer than four Gilberts in the Richmondshire family. (Visitation of 1663.) Roger and Robert were also names common to both. After the restoration of the Lacies, Hugo's descendants are again found witnessing their charters. The Lacies were great church builders. Robert de Lascy founded the monastery at Pontefract in the reign of Rufus, and when Henry de Lascy returned in 1155 and confirmed the founder's grant at Dardington and the chapel of Stapelton, Robert de Stapelton was one of the witnesses. The same Robert gave the abbey a toft in Pontefract, and two other |