: seal, which, in honor of the Wriths, who presided when the College was founded, or if it is more proper, when they first received their charter from Richard, bear the arms of that family. 66 In the curious relation of the interment of Mary, given in the fifth volume of Leland's British Antiquities, amongst the miscellaneous pieces it is said, that at the proceedings of the mass of requiem, on Sunday, first went all gentlemen, esquires, and knights, then the offycers of armes," then barons, then bishops, &c. This shews their precedence. At the burial, Lancaster bore the banner of Mary Magdalene, York that of St. George, Windsor that of the Trinity. GARTER, PRINCIPAL KING AT ARMS. Edo. VI. Sir GILBERT DETHICK, Knight. -See next reign. PROVINCIAL KINGS, CLARENCEUX. Hen. VIII. THOMAS HAWLEY, Esq. Clarenceux had originally been a messenger to Henry VIII. Going with the Earl of Surrey, who commanded the English army against James IV. of Scotland, in 1511, he was employed by him in taking messages to that Monarch, previous to the battle of Flodden, as Hay, Isley Herald, was in behalf of James. Hawley acted with singular judgment, as all our histories, chronicles, and ancient ballads mention, particularly the poem intitled " Floddon Field." He had been detained a prisoner, contrary to the law of arms, previous to the engagement, but was liberated after it was over. The reason probably was, because the Earl of Surrey, whilst encamped at Wooler-Hauch, September 17, 1513, had sent him with a challenge, signed by the heads of his army, offering James battle in the plain the next day, between the hours of twelve and three; but the King not choosing him to return, to report the state of his army, affected to treat him as a spy. He brought the news of the discomfiture of the Scotch, and of James' death, bringing to Queen Catherine the skirts of his coat as a confirmation. Her Majesty immediately dispatched him to France, where Henry VIII. then was, with a letter, and token of the vanquished King's MARY I. King's destruction. The English Monarch was so well pleased with the Provincial victory, and with the conduct of Rouge-croix, that he was soon promoted Kings. Clarenceux. to an herald's place. Whilst Carlisle, he attended at the most splendid interview between Henry VIII. and Francis I. Anstis, Garter, says, Edward VI., March 19, 1550, ratified and confirmed the grant of Clarenceux' place, with all its rights; but he seems to mistake him for Harvey, Clarenceux, his successor. Unfortunately he was with the Duke of Northumberland at Cambridge, whither he went to promote the interest of his daughter-in-law, Lady Jane Grey, but left his Grace before he had given up the cause; for when Rouge-croix went to demand that he, and " all his band" should submit to the Queen, he called for an herald and a trumpet to have proclaimed Mary, Queen, but finding neither, he, attended with the Mayor of that city, and the Marquis of Northampton, published the proclamation himself, throwing up his cap in pretended joy; an hour after, letters came from the council, commanding him to dismiss his army, forbidding im to come within ten miles of London. The cause being lost, and his followers dispersed, he was arrested in King's College, by a serjeant at arms. Though he had quitted Northumberland, yet Mary treated him as a disaffected person. She did not, however, deprive him of his office. He regained some portion of favor, by his prudent conduct during Sir Thomas Wyat's rebellion, prevailing upon that rash, imprudent man, to submit to the Queen, without sacrificing more of the lives of the deluded multitude whom he had seduced from their duty. It is singular, that he had thrice a ratification of his letters-patent, or a renewal of them, besides that mentioned above; for in that given him by Philip and Mary, dated at Westminster, March 19, 1555, it recites, that Henry VIII., of famous memory, gave him the original patent, 2d July, in his twenty-third year, another 19th May, twenty-eighth of his government, and that " our dear and well-be" loved brother, Edward VI., 28th June, in his sixth year, gave him one "also." This of Philip and Mary is as full and ample as it could be drawn. Besides his foreign services, he is known as having twice visited Kent, in 1555. He resided in Barbican, where he died, August 22, 1557, and was buried on the 24th in St. Giles' church, without Cripplegate, having a very splendid funeral, at which were carried his coat armour, penons, and escotcheons of arms, (i. e. Vert, a Cross invecked Argent), two white branches, twelve staff-torches, four great tapers, and a crown. 2 He was interred Provincial interred on the north side of the choir, where were hung the ensigns of his MARY I. arms. After the dirge, the heralds, who attended, went to Mr. Green's the wax-chandler, a man of note, being wax-chandler to Cardinal Pole, living near, where they had spice-bread and cheese, and wine in great plenty. The morrow mass was celebrated, and sermon preached; after followed a great dinner, at which were all the heralds, together with the parishioners: the company supped as well as dined there. His will is dated August 21, 1557, and was proved the 25th, in which he appointed William Harvey, Esq., Norroy, his executor, and gave him his books. WILLIAM HARVEY, Esq. - See next reign. "The Queen set a crown upon the head of Mr. Norroy, king at arms, at the above time, and created him Clarenceux, with a cup of wine, at St. James', her Grace's place." NORROY. Edw. VI.-WILLIAM HARVEY, Esq. -See Clarenceux. Patent, September 6, 1557.-Created by the Queen at Somerset-place, Norrey. ULSTER. Edw. VI. BARTHOLOMEW BUTLER, Esq. -See next reign. HERALDS. WINDSOR. Hen. VIII. CHARLES WRIOTHESLEY, Esq. See next reign. CARLISLE. Hen. VIII. LEONARD WARCUP, Esq. No doubt, he came into the College of Arms, through the alliance between his family and that of Writh or Wriothesley. Probably he was a X Ulster. Heralds. Windsor. Carlisle MARY I. son of Robert Warcup, Esq., whose widow married Sir Thomas Writh, who took the name of Wriothesley, Garter. Carlisle's arms were Sable, three covered Cups, Argent. This office of Carlisle expired in him, having never been revived. reign. MARY J. Pursuivants Blue-manile. BLUE-MANTLE. NICHOLAS NARBOONE, Gent. - See Richmond. 1557.-JOHN HOLLINGWORTH, Gent. - See next reign. Though nominated in this, yet his patent is not dated until the next ROUGE-DRAGON. Edw. VI. MARTIN MAROFFE, Gent. - See York. PORTCULLI S. Edw. VI. RICHARD WITHERS, Gent. Rouge-dragon. Lant says he was degraded. This unfortunate man was the pursuivant Portcallis.. who accompanied the criminally-ambitious Dudley, Duke of Northumberland, down to Cambridge, when he went thither to establish Lady Jane Grey, his daughter-in-law, upon the throne; but finding the whole kingdom unwilling to embrace the project, he obliged Portcullis to proclaim Mary Queen, whilst he remained in that city: but this came too late to save his own life, or to prevent the ruin of this officer of arms. If this statement is just, Northumberland, though he had no herald, had a pursuivant with him when Mary was proclaimed. His arms were Argent, a Chevron Sable, between three Crescents' Gules. JOHN COCKE, Gent. -See next reign. Created at Greenwich, December 25, 1553.-Patent dated January 3, 1554-5. PURSUIVANTS EXTRAORDINARY. ROSE. RICHARD, Gent. He was sent with a letter from the council to the Duke of Northum berland, to require him to disarm himself and disband his followers, prof Pursuivants 1 |