JOURNAL OF THE FRANKLIN INSTITUTE OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA, FOR THE PROMOTION OF THE MECHANIC ARTS. SEPTEMBER, 1865. CIVIL ENGINEERING. On the Wear and Tear of Steam Boilers. By FREDERICK ARTHUR PAGET, Esq., С.Е. (Continued from page 102.) From the Journal of the Society of Arts, No. 649. 4. The Chemical and Physico-chemical Effects of the Feed-water. The wear and tear of a boiler which occurs in the form of corrosion, properly so called, may be divided into two principal kinds: (1.) Internal, and (2.) external. The progress of both is necessarily intensified by the mere effects of temperature; each, however, has its strongly marked, distinct character-not merely as to position, but also as to origin and results. A steam boiler is in the position of a vessel into which large volumes of water are continually forced; while the heat applied, driving off all volatilizable matter, leaves behind a concentrated solution with a chemical character dependant on that of unvolatilizable matters in the feed-water. The specific gravity of the substances found in the water naturally causes them to sink towards the bottom, at which part the solution is generally more concentrated, however much it may be stirred up by the ebullition. Mr. J. R. Napier lately stated that a piece of zinc "about four feet long, by three inches broad, by threesixteenths thick, placed in a marine boiler for three weeks" to a depth of 18 inches in the water, showed a corrosion which rapidly decreased "up to the highest part, which, in the steam, appeared to be little affected."* This accounts for the fact that all boilers, even those * Institution of Engineers in Scotland, Session 1864-65. VOL. L. THIRD SERIES.-No. 3.-SEPTEMBER, 1865, 1 internally fired, like locomotive boilers, have their plates most affected towards the bottom, and that internal corrosion always shows itself to a greater extent below the water line. The bouilleur of the form of boiler known as the French boiler, is also generally more affected than any other part. To resist this sort of slow action, it is clear that the more the bulk of metal the better, and it is for this reason that the bottom plates of most marine boilers are made thicker, while these same plates in locomotive boilers have to be often renewed. Any chemical or physico-chemical action of the kind is, of course, intensified by temperature, and this is one of the causes why externally fired boilers give way most a little in front of the furnace. But the plates above the water line also get more or less corroded, and not merely with the usual character of rusting, but in that peculiar form known as pitting, which generally shows itself much more strongly marked below the water line. The presence of a concentrated solution of an acid or alkaline character, kept at a high temperature for years in contact with iron plates, would be sufficient to account for much corrosion. But the internal Fig 4. (The internal surface of a plate of an old wrought iron boiler, showing one-quarter of the full size the ordinary appearance of pitting.) corrosion of steam boilers has many features of such a mysterious character, that no accredited explanation of its attendant phenomena has yet been put forward. In the first place, plates thus attacked show a number of irregular holes like a pock-marked human face, or like the small craters seen on the moon's surface. (See fig. 4.) The writer has also sometimes observed two or three little irregular excavations like this in a plate otherwise showing a large surface quite intact. Sometimes the plate is most pitted round a projecting bolt; at others, one plate will be perfectly sound, while that riveted to it will be almost eaten away, both having been the same time at work, and under, of course, apparently exactly similar conditions. With locomotive boilers this pitting has been ascribed to galvanic action between the brass tubes and the iron plates. But it is notoriously well known to locomotive superintendents, that boilers with iron tubes are often worse pitted than those which have run the same distance with brass tubes. Besides, all iron boilers, with or without brass, whether used for stationary, locomotive, or marine purposes, are subject to pitting. An explanation which seems to meet all the circumstances of the case is the following: Mr. Mallet, in a report addressed to the British Association some years ago, showed that wrought iron and steel (blister steel probably) "consist of two or more different chemical compounds, coherent and interlaced, of which one is electro-negative to the other." In fact, ordinary wrought iron, being also welded up from differently worked scrap, is far from being an electro-homogeneous body. In a boiler, the hot water, more or less saturated with chemical compounds, is the exciting liquid, and the electro-positive portions of the plates are thus quickly removed to a greater or less depth. This explanation meets most of the known circumstances with respect to pitting; it even, in a great measure, explains how plates above the level of the water, especially in marine boilers, get very rapidly corroded in portions, while another part of perhaps the same plate is scarcely affected. The concentrated water in a marine boiler is known to be generally acid. "Of all the salts contained in sea water," says Faraday,* " the chloride of magnesium is that which acts most powerfully" on the plates. He shows that a cubic foot of sea water contains 3.28 oz. of salt; and, at the same time, points to the danger of voltaic action in a boiler through the contact of copper and iron. In a smaller degree, the contact of cast with wrought iron, or between the different makes of wrought iron in the same plate, or between contiguous plates, acts in the same way. It is not improbable that some hydrochloric acid is present in the steam of marine boilers. "Mr. J. C. Forstert has tested some of the condensed steam from the safety valve casing, and from the cylinder-jacket of the Lancefield, and found both decidedly acid."‡ With an exciting liquid in the condensed steam, it is thus explicable how the plates of marine boilers often get corroded in a most capricious manner; while, at the same time, the current of steam would create a certain amount of friction on the oxide, clearing it away to act on the fresh surface. The crucial test of this explanation of pitting would be the observation of the absence of the phenomenon from plates of an electrohomogeneous character. This homogeneity could only be expected from fused metal such as cast steel. Accordingly, while the writer was in Vienna a short time ago, he was assured by Mr. Haswell, the manager of the Staatsbahn Locomotive Works, that some locomotives made of cast steel plates in 1859, for the Austrian Staatsbahn, had been working ever since without showing signs of pitting, though, under similar conditions, iron plates had severely suffered in this way. Pitting may thus be fairly defined as a form of corrosion localized to particular spots by voltaic action. It is also probably aggravated through the motion of the plate by chemical action, and the expansions and contractions through alterations of temperature. All boilers are most pitted near the inlet for the feed-water, and with inside cylinder locomotive boilers there is generally more pitting at the smoke-box end -no doubt caused by the more or less racking action on these plates. A state of corrosion at particular spots would probably be kept up to a greater intensity by the incrustation being mechanically thrown off. With a quicker voltaic action, caused by any usual intensity of the exciting liquid, the sides of the cavities in the plates would be sharper and less rounded off, as in the case of the boiler fed with mineral water from ironstone workings, which exploded last year at Aberaman, South Wales. (See Fig. 5.) * Fifth Report of the Committee of the House of Commons concerning the Holyhead Roads, p. 194. † Institution of Engineers in Scotland, 1864–65. Introductory address by Mr. J. R. Napier. ‡ When a solution of chloride of magnesium is evaporated nearly to dryness, the salt and the water are decomposed, magnesia and free hydrochloric acid being formed; or MgCl+HO=MgO+HCl. The fact that pitting occurs in marine boilers when distilled water from surface condensers is used, does not affect this explanation. Water distilled in this way, from whatever cause, after repeated boiling, is stated to carry the salinometer even higher than sea water, thus proving it is not pure.* In the next, there is the absence of Fig. 5. (From a photograph of surface of corroded plate cut from one of the two boilers that exploded on Wednesday, February 17th, 1864, at Aberaman Iron Works, Aberdare. The corrosion was internal, and in some parts the plate was not more than one-eighth thick. Thirteen persons were killed, and many others seriously injured.) incrustation, which to some extent always protects the plates of boilers from the chemical action of its contents. In this way the mechanical buckling of the plates, directly and indirectly causing the furrows we have spoken of-by continually clearing particular lines of surface from incrustation and oxide, reduces these particular spots, with respect to corrosion, to the condition of the plates of a boiler fed with water which deposits no incrustation. Corrosion will also act more rapidly at a furrow through mere increase and renewal of surface. To resist that form of internal corrosion specially known under the name of pitting, a maximum of electro-homogeneity is evidently required in all the component parts of the boiler. While the action of internal corrosion, often very equally corrugating the plates over a large surface, as a rule scarcely, at any time only gradually, affects their mechanical strength, external corrosion, being localized to particular spots, is of a much more dangerous character. The one is gradual and easily perceptible, while the other is rapid and insiduous in its progress. Apart from accidental circumstances affecting the brickwork on which a stationary boiler is erected, or the outside of the bottoms of marine boilers, it is clear that external corrosion can only occur through leakage. When leakage takes place through a crack in the plate caused by mechanical action, or at a hole burnt out by heat, the effects of leakage are only secondary results, due to a primary cause which of itself may cause the stoppage of the steam generator. But a leakage at a joint may in itself gradually cause the destruction of a boiler. Here we see another reason that the character of a boiler, not merely as to ultimate strength, but also as to wear and tear, intimately depends upon the form of its joints. It is often noticeable that very good lap-joints, even when tested under hydraulic pressure up to only 50 per cent. above the working load, sweat more or less. The tendency of the internal pressure to form a correct circle bears indirectly on these joints, causing them to open more or less, and to leak in spite of the caulking. Mr. Robert Galloway, C.E., who, as an engineer surveyor of long standing of the Board of Trade, has probably made more than three thousand careful inspections of marine boilers, states that he has often noticed a furrow or channel on the outside of a joint, running parallel to the outside overlap for some distance, and evidently caused by leakage. Along the water line, condensed water will act on the joints, while below it the concentrated contents of the boiler will come into chemical action. A leakage in a marine boiler often eats away a plate within a year. In some cases a jet of hot water from a leakage has a frictional action; in fact, even with such an incorrodible and hard substance as glass, an effect like this has been perceived, and a slight leakage continued during several days, sometimes produces a noticeable furrow on a glass gauge tube. With sulphurous fuel, a powerful chemical action will come into play on the plates. One volume of water takes up about thirty volumes of sulphurous acid gas; and these sulphurous fumes of the fuel coming into contact with the water from a leakage, will be more or less absorbed. An acid solution like this must quickly eat away the plate. It is certain that a leakage acts much quicker on a boiler fired with sulphurous fuel than on one fired with wood. M. G. Adolphe Hirn has observed a plate nearly seven-eighths thick, to be pierced, in the course of time, as with a drill, by means of a little jet which struck it after passing through a current of hot coal smoke.* * Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 1863. Discussion on Mr. James Jacks' paper "On the Effects of Surface Condensers on Steam Boilers." Legislative Enactments. No stronger proof can be adduced of the empirical state of existing knowledge of the management of boilers than that afforded by a consideration of their average duration. While some marine boilers last only about three years, there are carefully worked land boilers which have lasted as long as thirty. Captain Tyler, R. E., estimates the average duration of a locomotive boiler at from five to twenty years. * Bulletin de la Société Industrielle de Mulhouse, 1861, p. 558. |