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diuerse others, Keepers of the body & certaine pcells of Land which was Robert son & heire of Robert de Rypūn, for one Mess, 240 acres of Land, 30 acres of meadow, 60o rent, with the appurtnances in Stubbs, in the County of Yorke, which Alice late wife of Robert de Riparijs1 Clameth for her dower.

Escheats, 3 H. 5 [1415].

PPP [vol. 82] 86 [See under FRYSTON, vol. x. 541.]

In an old Role containing 2 membranes given to Roger Dodsworth, 6 Dec. by Robert Rockley of Rockley, Esq: titulus Chartæ de Luuersall. BBB [vol. 32] 46 To all that shall see or heare this writeing Richard sonne of Alexander Stubbs greeting &c. Know ye that J haue granted && quit claimed to Robert de Riparijs & his heires or Assignes &c. all the right & Claime which J haue or ought to haue &c. in 4a 8d rent which J was wont to receiue of William Bastard of Kateby & Emma his wife my sister yearly, And 4 bovates of Land &a halfe with the appurtnances in Stubbs, & for 2 bovates of Land with the appurtnances in Luuersall. So that J nor my heires &c. shall claime any right or claime in the foresaid 48 8d rent &c. Jn wittnesse &c.

through William "son of Walding" who about 1180 granted to the monks of Pontefract two tofts under Baghill. He was supported by a large upgrown family of six "super altare mecum eandem elemosinam per baculum offerentibus." Appended is a remarkable provision which shows what a wealthy and prosperous man this son of Walding must have been, for he reserves a right to "hold his court" on the land, "curiam nostram ibi tenere placitendo." I have made out the following small pedigree of this Walding, extending for a century after about 1140, and regret my inability to carry it further :


Henry. Otto.

Theobald. Robert.



Ralph, Robert. Joy. Amabilia.

a monk,

The Domesday record of the place is somewhat singular. It is classed as one manor, which in the time of the Confessor had been in the hands of three lords, Elsi, Archil and Edward, with a capability of maintaining two ploughs

and a taxable area of three carucates and half an oxgang, and who were assessed at forty shillings. But each had been dispossessed, and the whole manor had been granted, with the two Smeatons also (see note 71, vol. x., 527), to Robert de Reineville, who had two carucates in his own demesne, while three sokesmen, one villane and three bordars had two carucates. The value had however fallen to thirty shillings. There was afterwards a quick change owing probably to the death of Robert de Reineville, when Gerald his son failed to make good his

succession, being transferred, it is difficult to see why. to Darrington and Temple Newsom, while the Smeatons presently emerged in the possession of a new man Ranulph, son of Siward (se) note 64), and Stubbs in that of William son of Walding, by whose name it has ever since been known. At one time I thought that the converse was the truth and that Walden gave its name to the family, but I have since made it quite clear that the case is as represented in the above genealogy. In the Poll Tax assessment of 1378, the place is called Tubbes Walding, an acephalous form I have met with nowhere else. The return was rather above the average, for 25 payers contributed as much as 31s. 4d. Of these 21 paid 4d., 2 paid 6d., one paid 40d. and one paid 20s. The two at 6d. were a wright and a tailor, James Vavassour, armiger, was assessed at 40d, and John Stokes was charged" ad valorem militis," 20s.


4 The name of Rivers came into Yorkshire through the marriage of Margaret, daughter of Thomas son of Warin fitz Gerold (who had had knight's fee here in 1166) with Baldwin, the heir-apparent of the Earldom of Devonshire. He died before his father on 1st Sept. 1216, and his widow as Margaret de Ripariis gave the mill of Harewood to the monks of Bolton. There is nothing in the above extract to show the connection of Robert de Ripariis with Margaret, but the "charter from an old Roll with the title 'charter of Loversall," quoted from in BBB, shows how he had acquired the property in which his widow Alice now claimed dower.

[Other references are CCC [vol. 34] 23, 56, 73.]


[This heading is evidently omitted.]

In the writeings of Tho. Barnby Esq: [1632].6

NN [vol. 139] 37 John Wombwell of Wombwell Esq: &c. gaue to Robert Barnby & Alice his wife daughter of Robert Rocklay Esq: all his lands & Tenements in Burghwalleis & Sutton wch he lately had of the guift of John Barnby father of ye foresaid Robert. Wittnesse Nicholas de Worteley &c. Dated at Burghwaleis 17 H. 6 [1439].


NN [vol. 139] 40 J Robert Barnby Esq: haue giuen to Thomas Wortley Kt, Ralfe Dodworth Esq:, Ed. Barnby Chaplaine, & William Barnby, my sonnes, my Mannrs of Barnby & Midhop with the appurtnances, 2 Messuages in Thurleston, & 1 messe in Burghwalleis, 8 acres in Sutton nere Camsall. [7 H. 7 (1491-2) Dodsworth.]


NN [vol. 139] 42 [Entered under BURGHWALLEIS, vol. x. 357.]


NN [vol. 139] 43 [Same as the entry under Burghwalleis (vol. x. 357) excepting 10 Ed. 3 (1337). "Wittnesse

William Scot &c," inserted in this instance before the date.]

5 Sutton and the lost vill of Neuose, if that were not Moss, were reported in the Domesday Survey as having been (with a taxable area of two carucates) in the hands of Elsi, and as having a capability of employing two ploughs. It was doubtless the same who owned part of Stubbs, part of Norton, and (as Alsi) one of the moieties of Campsall. Sutton was returned as being still in the hands of "Elsi," and as being "waste," which does not appear to mean more than uncultivated. For between the Conquest and the Survey it bad made progress, and at the latter date had a mill producing 6s., which seems inconsistent with the ordi

nary idea that the waste manors which are named so frequently in some parts of Domesday had been the scene of some military devastation which had "Laid waste a hitherto smiling, prosperous district. Such could hardly have been the case in this solitary retired manor of Osgoldcross, the only one returned as "waste." At the Poll Tax of 1378, Sutton with Moss seem to have been absorbed in Norton; they had no separate heading.

6 This extract seems to be supplementary to that given under BURGHWALLEIS [vol. x. 356].

Sutton-Rotherfield in Barkston."

Fines, 11 H. 3 [1226].


G [vol. 127] 15 Between Nicholas de Rothersfeld & Eufania [Eufamia (Dodsworth)] his wife complt, & Marmaduke Darel & Helewisia his wife tent &c. daughter & heire [daughters and heirs (Dodsworth)] of William de Jnsula. Lands in Brodesworth, Quendale [alias Queldale, in margin] Sutton, Morle, Newton, Beston, Cottingle, Cherlewall Hauses, Pontefret [Puntfret (Dodsworth)], Eustorp [alias Ousthorp in margin], Dritclington, Gildhus, Poles, &c. [The extract under Wheldale adds Prickburne, Bukethorp, Squalecroft and Finckeden.]

Jn the Rolls of Pontefract A° 38 Ed. 3 [1364] pressa 9.

G [vol. 127] 60 [Roll Pontfect-Ebor (Dodsworth).]

John Rotherfeld

Adam, son & heire of full age.

SSS [vol. 94] 69

Held 2 Knights fees in Queldale, Sutton, Marlay & Austrop & other places, ob. 37 Ed. 3 [1363].

Out of St Maries Tower, Ebor.

[Given under ASKARNE (vol. x. 261) with the exception of what is below.]

[ . . . . shall exact or claime hereafter any right or [any (Dodsworth)] claime in the foresaid Lands or Tenemts with the appurtnances as aforesaid, nor any pcell thereof &c. Jn witnesse whereof J haue to this p'sent writeing set my seale. Dated at Wylmersley [Womersley] on tuesday next after the feast of St Peter quod dicitur ad vincula, the 4 H. 4 [7 Aug. 1403].

[Other entries are CCC (vol. 34) 56, 72.]


Close Rolls, 32 H. 6 [1454] m. 24.

[vol. 41] 66

David Preston granted to Nicholas Wagstaffe & Jone his wife, for the life of the said Jone, Lands and Tenemts in ye townes of Stubbs & Frickley.

GG [vol. 128] 23

Fines, Ao. 1 Ed. 3 [1327].

[This occurs under FRYSTON, vol. x. 539-40.]

Escheats, 6 Ed. 2 GG [vol. 128] 169 [should be 168 B]

7 This entry has evidently come astray.

8 There is a pedigree from this

Nicholas de Rotherfield in SOUTH YORK-
SHIRE, II., 134, in which Euphemia is


The Jurors say that William
Vavasour held the Mann' of

said to be the heiress of William de

In the former case the date was said to be 3 Ed. III. (1329).

Heselwod &c. Allso they say that the said William held the Mann of Fryston [continued as given under GREAT SMEATON, vol. xii. 76].

Ing. 31 H. 6 [1453].

G 172 [vol. 127: should be GG 172, vol. 128] one messuage in Stubbs.

[See vol. x. 532.]

Escheats, 1 H. 5 [1413].

[Given under FRYSTON, vol. x. 540.]

GG [vol. 128] 171 After Earl of Westmorland, it reads "made to the said Henry && Margaret his wife," &c. Also "Hesilwood, Woodhall."

In the writeings of Peter Midleton, Kt.

L [vol. 135] 134 Know prsent & to come that we Geffrey, vicar of the Church of South Kirkby, Thomas Byset of Castleford, & John de Yerdburgh of Cockerington, haue giuen to Robert de Swillington, Chiualer, Thomas de Nessefeld &c. by the Consent of William son & heire of William, sonne of Henry Vavasor, 10 a certaine yearly rent of 54 (qy. 50) to be received of or Mannrs of Heselwod & Stubbs walding in the County of Yorke, & allso of the Mannt of Cockfield with the appurtnances in the Bishoprick of Durham. Witnesse Robert de Roos & Robert Plumpton Kts. &c. Dat. 6 R. 2. [1383].

Sutton nere Burghwalleis."

In the writeings of George Thurgarland of Lile in the pish of Mirfeild 16

No. 1629.

K [vol. 133] 89 J John de Hopton & Jone my wife haue granted & surrendered & by this our present writeing confirmed

to Robert son of James de Midhop all the Lands and Tenemts with the appurtnances which John son of James de Midhop gaue to James my father & to me the foresaid Jone & the heires of our bodies lawfully begotten, as they lie in the territories of Burghwalleis && of Sutton &c. Witnesse Roger de Novo mercato & John de Eland Kts. &c. Dat. at Burghwaleis 3 Ed. 1 [1275].12

Fines, 34 H. 6 [1456].

XXX [vol. 106] 81 [Given under AWSTON, vol. x. 262.]

10 The post mortem of this Henry Vavasour holding these properties is given vol. x. 540, as having been taken in 1413, his son and heir being Henry, then nine years old.

11 This is the same Sutton, already given under Owston. The classification of Harl. 800 is occasionally very defective. 12 And see also note 40, vol. x. 357.


AAA [vol. 26] 87 now 83

Pleas at Westminster (before John de Stonere &c.) Trinit. Terme, 18 Ed. 3 [1344] [vol. 104, Dodsworth]. Entered in Drax Coucher, fo. 86 "of the more of Swynflete," see ante, Inglesmore [vol. xi. 66]. Thomas, Abbot of St Maries of Yorke, was summoned to Answer Guilbert, Prior of Drax, in a plea wherefore he together with Nicholas Fader of Estoft tooke a certaine labouring beast [Jumentum in margin] of the said Priors, & the same vnjustly detained against vad & pleg, &c. And whereof the said Prior, by William de Drax his Atturney, saith that the foresaid Abbot together with &c. on Monday next before the feast of the purification of the blessed Virgin Mary in the 16 yeare of the now king [1342-3] in the towne of Houks in a certaine place which is called le prior place of Drax, tooke a certaine labouring beast of the said Prior & detained the same contra vad et pleg &c. vntill &c. whence he saith he is dampnified

hath losse to the valew of 40 wherevpon he produceth suite &. And the Abbot by Conrad de Tinerington, his attournay, cometh & defendeth &c. And saith that the said Prior held of one Geffrey Lestrop [Geoffrey Le Scrope] 26 p'ticatas of Land & more with the appurtnances in Houk, as of his Mann' of Whitegift by the fealty & service of 5 yearly for all services. Of which services the said Geffrey. was seised by the hands of the foresaid Prior, as by the hands of his true tenant. Which said Geffrey held allso the foresaid Mann's with the appurtnances of the Lord the King in Capite &c. which said Geffrey surrendred ye state which he had in the foresaid Mann' of Whitguift to the Lord the King that now is &c. And afterwards the said King granted the foresaid Mann with the appurtnances to Phillip Q. of England to hold for the terme of the life of the said Q. And he saith that the foresaid Q. afterward granted the foresaid Mann', with the Appurtnances, to the foresaid Abbot & his Successors, dureing the life of the said Q. paying therefore yearly to the said Queene dureing her life 200 Markes at the feast of Easter & St Michaell, by equall portions. And the foresaid Prior Attourned the foresaid Abbot of the foresaid fealty & 3 of the foresaid Rent of 5. And he saith that the now King after the guift & grant of the said Queen, for him & his heires confirmed the grant of the foresaid Queen to the said Abbot & Covent & their Successors. And he further granted to the said Abbot & Covent & their Successors foreuer the foresaid Mann' after the death the said Queene paying therefore to the said King & his successors after the death of the said Queen the foresaid 200 Markes at the termes aforesaid. And because the foresaid Rent of 5 for 5 yeares & 2 last past before the day of the foresaid takings was arreare to the foresaid Abbot, he tooke the foresaid horse in the said place &c. for the foresaid 2 of the 1 yeare of the foresaid 6 yeares as it pleased him &c. And the Prior not knowing that the foresaid Geffrey was seized of the foresaid Rent of 5 by the hands of the said prior, nor that he attourneyed neither to the Lord the King nor the Queen, nor the foresaid Abbot, of the aforesaid 3 &c. He saith that a certaine Prior of Drax the

13 Swinfleet is named neither in Domesday nor in the Poll Tax of 1378.

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