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Fig. 2. Section on the horizontal line ƒ, fig. 3.

Fig. 3. Geometrical elevation of the apparatus complete.

The figures are of the full size, and represent the half-inch service-valve.

At a, fig. 1, is a cap, secured firmly by screws, which serves the purpose of fastening and protecting the pliable substance b. When the gas is to be admitted this pliable substance is raised by the screw through the centre of the cap; and when it is desired to shut it off, it is pressed upon the aperture c.

In fig. 1 this pliable substar.ce may be described as a neutral point, neither raised nor depressed, although partially open; but when raised by means of the screw as inuch above the level as it requires to be depressed for the purpose of shutting off the gas, the column of fluid on passing through the aperture (c) expands into a column of more than eight times the ca. pacity of the service; consequently, the small elevation of the valve requisite to prevent any undue strain upon the pliable substance b, is more than sufficient to carry as much fluid as the diameter of the pipe can convey.

The apparatus, when placed in the position of figs. 1 and 3, with a fall towards the main on the one side, and a fall towards the meter on the other, can never be choked by condensation; and if placed in the position of fig. 2, or vertically, it must be evident that no inconvenience can ever accrue from any accumulation of condensed matter.

The valve may be made of any dimen. sions, so as to suit equally the smallest burners and the largest service-pipes.

In applying this valve to water-works, Mr. Carter proposes to make the cap cylindrical which covers and secures the pliable substance, so that the disc may be extended to the full dimensions of the enlarged column; the extended disc will af ford a protecting resistance against the pressure of the enlarged column of water upon the pliable intervening substance.

URE'S PHILOSOPHY OF MANUFACTURES. The following is the preface to a late interesting work by Dr. ANDREW Ure, upon the manufacturing operations of Great Britain.

We give the preface, with a view of calling attention to the work, from which we shall make copious extracts hereafter.

CARTER'S PATENT Valve for regulATING || capes of gas, and the losses to proprietors THE FLOW OF GAS AND OTHER fluids. by the waste from innumerable leaks, The apparatus hitherto in use for regu. which, though trifling upon a single ser. lating the flow of gas has been formed vice or street burner, amount upon the upon the principle of the ordinary liquor aggregate to a very serious sum. cock, and that, even for its original pur- Mr. Carter, by a simple and novel ar poses, is but an imperfect instrument.rangement, has succeeded in keeping all Mr. Carter, in constructing his new appa- the parts of his apparatus which are sub. ratus, has altogether discarded the cock-ject to friction entirely separate from the plug and substituted a valve, by which all gas; and in wholly confining the gas to the parts subject to friction are kept sepa-the conducting pipe when shut off. The rate and totally excluded from the action valve by which the flow is regulated can of the gas. The plug and socket of the neither stick fast nor leak; and any es. The present is distinguished from every ordinary cock are acted upon chemically cape of gas is rendered impossible. preceding age by an universal ardor of enby carburetted hydrogen gas, be the in- We anticipate from the introduction of terprise in arts and manufactures. Nastrument ever so well constructed and of this improved valve a great increase in the tions convinced at length that war is althe very best metal; and to shield them consumption of gas; for there need be ways a losing game, have converted their from corrosion, and prevent their longer any danger of explosion from swords and muskets into factory impleing in consequence immoveable, they the accumulation of the inflammable fluid ments, and now contend with each other must be frequently lubricated with oil or in cellars, or of annoyance from its es- in the bloodless but still formidable strife of some other unctuous matter. Now it caping into the apartments of dwelling-trade. They no longer send troops to fight must be evident, that where oil can be ad- houses where gas-lights may be used. on distant fields, but fabrics to drive before mitted as a lubrication there must be a Description of the Engravings. way for the escape of gas, in consequence of its very volatile properties; hence the Fig. 1. A longitudinal section on the ver. frequent annoyance to consumers by estical line de, fig. 8.

them those of their old adversaries in arms, and to take possession of a foreign mart. To impair the resources of a rival at home, by underselling his wares abroad, is the

new belligerent system, in pursuance of
which every nerve and sinew of the people
are put upon the strain.
Great Britain may certainly continue to
uphold her envied supremacy, sustained by
her coal, iron, capital, and skill, if, acting
on the Baconian axiom, "knowledge is
power," she shall diligently promote moral
and professional culture among all ranks
of her productive population. Were the
principles of the manufactures exactly ana-
Îyzed, and expounded in a simple manner,
they would diffuse a steady light to con-
duct the masters, managers, and opera-
tives, in the straight paths of improvement,
and prevent them from pursuing such dan
gerous phantoms as flit along in the monthly
patent-lists. Each department of our use-
ful arts stands in need of a guide-book to
facilitate its study, to indicate its imperfec-
tions, and to suggest the most probable
means of correcting them. It is known
that the manufactures of France have de-
rived great advantage from the illustrated
system of instruction published under the
auspices of its government and patriotic ||

ual exercise, he left London in the latter ||ogy may be found, in the vague and con-
end of last summer, and spent several tradictory opinions entertained by experi-
months in wandering through the factory enced manufacturers on many departments
districts of Lancashire, Cheshire, Derby- of their business. Those of his readers
shire, &c., with the happiest results to his who have most deeply considered the diffi-
health; having everywhere experienced culties of his undertaking will not be the
the utmost kindness and liberality from the least indulgent.
mill-proprietors. Neither they nor the
great mechanical engineers who construct
their buildings and machinery, use any
mystery or reserve towards a visitor actua-
ted by legitimate feelings and principles;
but, on the contrary, most readily show and
explain the curiously-productive inventions
which surround them.

The few individuals who betray jealousy of intelligent inspection are usually vain persons, who, having purloined a few hints from ingenious neighbors, work upon them in secret, shut out every stranger from their mill, get consequently insulated and excluded in return, and thus, receiving no external illumination, become progressively adumbrated; till, after a few years of exclusive operation, they find themselves undersold in the market, and deprived of their oldest or best customers by the inferiority The present volume, introductory to a of their goods. Were it not invidious, the series of works in more ample detail, is author could point out several examples submitted to the public as a specimen of of clever people having thus outmanoeuvred the manner in which the author conceives themselves, in trying to steal a march upon technological subjects should be discussed. their friends in the dark. Mystifiers of Having been employed in a public semina- this stamp are guilty of the the silly blunry for a quarter of a century, in expound-der of estimating their own intrinsic reing to practical men, as well as to youth, sources above those of all the world beside. the applications of mechanical and chemi- It is, however, not more for the advantage cal science to the arts, he felt it his duty, of the kingdom, than for that of every indion being solicited from time to time by his vidual manufacturer in it, to receive light pupils, now spread over the kingdom as from all quarters, and to cause it by reproprietors and managers of factories, to pre-flection to irradiate the sphere around him. pare for publication a systematic account of their principles and processes. With this view he resolved to make afresh such survey of some of the great manufacturing establishments, to which he had liberal access, as might qualify him to discharge the task in a creditable manner. This tour of verification would have been executed at a much earlier date, so as to have enabled him, ere now, to have redeemed his pledges both publicly and privately given, but for an interruption of unexpected magnitude.


The Right Honorable the Lords of the Committee of the Privy Council for Trade and Plantations requested him, about three years ago, to undertake a series of experiments on the refining of sugar, in order to ascertain the relation of the drawbacks on exportation of refined loaves to the duties paid upon the raw article. Under an impression that these researches might be set sufficiently in train, in the space of two or three months, to lead to the desired information in the hands of experienced operatives, he undertook their arrangement; but encountered so many difficulties from the delicacy of the material operated upon, and other circunstances stated in his official report printed by order of the House of Commons, that he did not get entirely extricated from them till nearly two years were expired, nor till he had suffered considerably from anxiety of mind and bodily fatigue. Being advised by his medical friends to try the effects of travelling, with light intellect

The body of facts distributed throughout the volume have been most carefully verified, and will, it is presumed, bear the strictest scrutiny, though a desire to keep the volume at such a price as would bring its purchase within the reach of working-men has precluded the multiplication of notes of reference to authorities. The main portion of these, indeed, would have been to the reports of Parliamentary Committees; many great folios of which have been diligently consulted in quest of authentic information-though sometimes to little purpose. In consequence of the judgments of even honest men being strangely perverted by passion, prejudice, and self-interest.

The engravings at pages 48, 49, 120, 162, 271, 273, afford specimens of the original drawings of machines made under the author's eye, for illustrating modern manufactures; the complete series of which, when published in his forthcoming works on the cotton trade, dyeing, calico-printing, &c., will, it is hoped, constitute an interesting gallery of practical science.

London, June 18th, 1835.


We have recently conversed with several officers of the Prussian government In tracing the progression of the British in reference to their system of education. system of industry, according to which To enter fully into this system and to unevery process peculiarly nice, and therefore derstand completely any portion of it, it liable to injury from the ignorance and must be remembered that in this kingdom, waywardness of workmen, is withdrawn the State, the church, and the school, are from handicraft control, and placed under inseparably united by numerous and inthe guidance of self-acting machinery, the timate bonds. The government is at the author has made it his business to study head of the church and the school-if we the descriptions of most of the patents of may be allowed to use the latter term in that nature obtained in Great Britain, the same general sense as the other, to inFrance, and America, during the last twen- clude all the schools of the kingdom. It ty years,- -a task in which he has been assumes the right to prescribe that every assisted by Messrs. Newton and Berry, of village must have its church and its school, Chancery-lane, gentlemen deservedly es- that every man shall have the means of reteemed for the soundness of the specifica-ligious instruction-that every child shall tions which they professionally prepare for patentees.

To James Cook, Esq., of Mincing-lane, he is indebted for the extensive assortment of samples of raw cotton, wool, flax, and silk, which have formed the principal sub jects of his microscopic researches upon textile fibres, as also for much valuable information on the statistics of trade.

attend some school. It does this on the ground that its citizens should be prepared to become good subjects, and that they cannot be so without receiving both intellectual and religious instruction. Its right is undisputed to preserve the bodies of its subjects from injury, and to have them trained to military exercises, and military skill, that they may be prepared to serve and defend Nor ought he to leave unacknowledged their country by physical power, and the polite readiness of S. M. Phillipps, prevented from becoming burdens for want Esq, Under Secretary of State, and of Mr. of it. It claims the same right to guard Porter, of the Board of Trade, to aid his for their minds from debasement and corrup mation of a census of the factory population-to require, that they should receive tion, and his inquiries into the commerce of the kingdom.

In delivering this general Treatise on Manufacturing Industry into the hands of the public, the author is not unconscious of defects, both in its matter and arrangement; for most of which, however, an apol

that instruction which will aid them in gaining a subsistence, and being useful to their country; and that moral training, which will make them good subjects,

It does not seem to enter into the con ception of any officer of State, or church, or school here, that order can be secured

in a community without religion, or that mo- ||nominations, that the teacher of such schools || Bank, rich in this world's goods, and rich rality can have any other sold basis than is sometimes of one sect, sometimes of ano- too, in public spirit and deeds of benevoChristian instruction and Christian training, ther. lence, came from an obscure town in Conin a Christian spirit. In reference to mere It is in this manner that the Prussian necticut, pennyless-a shoemaker. Persecular instruction, the state prescribes the system of education establishes certain severance, energy and industry, and moral subjects and directs the modes of teaching fixed points of support, which leave room worth, produced this consummation of huthrough a number of instructors, and a for universal and indefinite improvement, man wishes. With one more example we body of inspectors appointed for this pur-and which brings every institution of so will close our sketch. pose, and appointed simply for their quali-ciety in harmony with the rest. It secures Thirteen years since, a poor boy, 'hired fications in this respect without any of permanent superintendents devoted to these himself' to the captain of one of the steamthose distracting questions and jealousies objects, previously well-qualified, and gain-boats on Lake Champlain, in some humabout party or sect which would embarrassing every year stores of experience for ble occupation. Few know the temptaour governments. But in regard to religion, themselves, and the minister of education, tions to which young men are liable in the it assumes only the right to decide, and to by their regular tones of inspection and mixed, irregular company of a steamboat insist, that instruction shall be given; leav-examination, and aided by the more detail--surrounded by evil company, and under ing to the clergy of each church the entire ed reports of local inspectors. It is in this equally bad influences. But the poor boy direction of the subjects and the manner of manner they furnish every child in the had a talisman to keep him from falling.— instruction. land with a complete and harmonious course He recollected that there was one human of instruction of the best kind, and confer being who relied on and cared for him— no power on a subject, without endeavoring' He was the only son of his mother, and to instil the principles and form the habits she was a widow.' He faithfully disof thinking and feeling which shall direct charged his humble duties. His conduct him in using it aright. was marked by those who passed that way, The nature of the Government also en- and by his employers. Aspiring for what ables them to execute a law,-which how- he merited, he gradually reached the top of ever reasonable, might meet with resistance his profession. He commanded one of the elsewhere, to secure by civil regulation first steamboats on the Lake. His uniform the attendance of every child on the in-politeness and attention to those who were struction thus provided. necessarily thrown in his way, commandIt would seem at first sight difficult to ed for him universal respect and esteem.apply such a system to countries differently His reputation reached the ears of the situated. It is certain indeed, that where greatest steamboat associations in the In the application of these principles the the direction rests with the mass of the peo-world; and many who knew him when a laws appear to secure every important point. ple, light must be more extensively dif- boy on the Lake, now see him at the head Provision is first made for the preparation fused, and education better understood, and of the most splendid boat that foams and of Christian school masters, of the leading more highly appreciated, before such mea- dashes through the waters of the noble denomination, by the establishment of dis-sures can be executed, or even adopted. It north, and from a salary of $5 per month, tinct seminaries for teachers, sustained by is not less true, however, that if we admit his pay increased to $1500 per annum. government, but regulated and inspected the fundamental principles, that the State by the clergy of the respective churches. has as much right to claim the mental, as Where the parents in a school district are the bodily services of its citizens, and to agreed in reilgious opinions, a teacher of require suitable preparations for it, and that the same sect gives religious instruction, religious instruction is indispensable, as the under the direction of the pastor, and basis of moral principle, and of a spirit of everything goes on with regularity and in obedience to the laws, and of genuine harmony. liberty, the plans adopted to carry them into effect, are the most simple and excellent lately presented to the Academie des Seiwhich could be devised.

The laws, however, decide one point ab. solutely, that religious instruction must take the first place in importance, and from a part of the business of this school daily, for not less than one hour in six. It will not permit that it should be confined to the weekly catechetical instruction of the clergy, which is given with a regularity and minuteness unknown to our clergy in general, and still less to the irregular and uncertain instruction of parents, so many of whom cannot if they will, or will not if they can, attend properly to this part of

their children's education.

Frankfort on Mayne, Nov. 27, 1835.

Thirteen years have not altered the good principles of his youth; he still retains that simplicity and purity of character which must ever be regarded as the true nobility of human nature.-[N. Y. Messenger.]


The most favorable

In places where each of two or more denominations is sufficiently numerous to susences of Paris a sample of this substance, tain a school, the Government, although extracted from the stem of the plant, which connected of itself with the reformed, or has been found to contain nearly 6 per cent. as it is now termed the evangelical church, THE POOR BOY.-We delight to trace of sirop boiled to 40 degrees, a part of consisting of the old Lutherans and Re- the progress of genius, talent, and indus- which will not crystalize before fructifica formed united, establishes and sustains try, in humble life. We dwell with pleastion; but it condenses and acquires more schools for each. The Catholic Seminaries ing emotion on the character and conduct consistency from that period to the state of supply teachers for the Catholic schools, of individuals who, from a 'low estate' of time to obtain the greatest quantity of sucomplete maturity. and even the Jewish children are furnished obscurity and poverty, have raised them-gar, is immediately after the maturity and with an instructor of their own sect. selves by their own native energy, to af gathering of the fruit. The matter left afThe most perplexing case is that influence and stations of respectability and ter the extraction of the sugar, is capital to which the inhabitants of a small village or renown. Our country is full of examples feed cattle or to make packing paper.district are so divided that no single sect is of this description. They fall under our [London Mechanics' Magazine.] sufficiently numerous to sustain a school. observation every day. Gideon Lee was Here the laws direct that a "simultaneous once a poor boy, and in the occupation of school" shall be established; that is,-one || a farmer. He is now in affluent circumin which children of all sects are united for stances-recently Mayor of New-York, the purpose of mere intellectual instruction. and at present a member of Congress.Still, the Government here insists, that re- Charles Wells, late Mayor of Boston, was ligious instruction shall be given in con- a journeyman mason. Samuel T. Armnection with the school. Pastors are ac- strong, the acting Governor of Massachucordingly required to give instruction to the setts, and at the head of several philanchildren of their respective flocks, during thropic institutions, was once a journey. the week, and are subject to the supervi- man printer. There are those living, who sion of the Inspector of Schools, in regard recollect George Tibbets, a day laborer, and to the faithful performance of this duty; know him now as a gentleman of wealth, whilst no interference is allowed as to the influence, and enterprise-the Mayor of the opinions taught. There is so little jealousy city of Troy, Stephen Warren, the well between good men, even of different de-known and esteemed President of the Troy

RAILWAY TRANSIT.-It would require 12 each, and 1200 horses to take 180 passengers stage coaches, carrying fifteen passengers 240 miles in twenty-four hours, at the rate of 10 miles an hour. One locomotive steam engine will take that number, and go two trips in the same time, consequently will do the work of 2400 horses! Again, it would require thirty mail coaches (six passengers each,) and 3000 horses, to take 180 passengers and mail, 240 miles in twenty-four hours, at the rate of 10 miles an hour. One locomotive steam engine will take that number, and go two trips in the same time, consequently, will do the work of 6000 horses!-[T. M. Hackney.]

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From the deep interest we feel in every good opinions were the results of experithing which tends to facilitate the labor of ence. the agriculturist, especially in the important This machine is so simple and plain in its branches of haying and harvesting, we pre-construction, as scarcely to need any other sume our readers will be pleased with the description than the following engraving.— following notice of an article, which has We give the diameter for its proportion in the been well recommended to us from sources inventor's own words, and we also copy his adentitled to the fullest credit, and whose" vertisement on the cover of the Cultivator.




A, A, heads. B, B, teeth.. C, C, connecting rods. D, D, end bars. E, E, end shafts. F, F, cross-bar. G, G, short shafts. H, H, trace chains. I, short teeth in the under side of the cross-bar. K, slide pin.

Directions for making.

The heads may be from 7 to 10 feet long, and 2 by 3 inches diameter. In the edges,


graving. The short teeth may be 34 inches
long from the shoulder to the point, and in-
serted into holes three-fourths of an inch
diameter, and one foot apart, in the under
side of the cross-bar. The shoulder on the
short teeth may be on the back side of them,
and the holes into which they are inserted
need not be bored more than half way
through the cross-bar. The short shafts
can bear about the proportion to the rest of
the rake shown in the engraving. The size
and proportions of the different parts can

TO ENGINEERS AND RAILROAD COMPANIES. -The Proprietor of the Railroad Journal proposes to act as Agent for ENGINENRS, and RAILROAD COMPANIES, in the purchase, or procuring of Instruments, Books, Account Books, Stationery, &c.

In the selection of Instruments the aid and

advice of practical Engineers will always be had. In the furnishing of Blank Books for the Company's use, they will be made to order, or to correspond with those in use in this city, if no special order is given, and of the best materials and workmanship. Articles of Stationery of the best quality will be furnished at fair prices-and cash or city acceptances expected on forwarding the articles.

Immediate attention will be given to orders received and the articles furnished at the earliest possible period. New-York, April 16, 1836.


EDITORS and PUBLISHERS of Newspapers are respectfully requested to take notice and bear in mind that I propose to act as AGENT to procure and forward promptly, Printing Machines, Printing Presses, Types and Fixtures of every description, necessary to furnish a Printing Office complete.

Also to purchase and forward Paper, Ink, and other materials used in the line.

Also to COLLECT ACCOUNTS due in the CITY and STATE OF YEW-NORK and in the State of New-Jersey, Pensylvania, and all the NewEngland States.

My heavy losses by the late conflagration render it necessary that I should redouble my diligence and exertion; and it has occurred to me that an AGENCY of this kind, conducted by an experienced and careful man, will be of much service to gentlemen at a distanee who cannot conveniently visit the city to make the selections themselves. therefore offer my services in this line, or to give any other orders in relation to other matters which may be desired by my friends out of the city.


counts for Newspapers and Periodicals, will, I trust, enable me to execute orders entrust

or narrowest sides of the heads, the teeth be varied to suit the work to be performed. may be inserted into holes 1 inch in diame- If the ground to be raked is rough and unter, and about 6 inches apart. The teeth, in- even, a short rake will work much better cluding the tenon, may be 2 feet long, and than a long one. But if the meadow to be an inch and a half in diameter at the shoul-raked is smooth and level, and the owner der; the other end being made sharp or wishes to rake fast, a rake 10, or even 12 pointed. The connecting rods may be feet long, can be used. For raking grain, My long acquaintance with the business, about 2 feet 4 inches long, including the on smooth ground, the rake may be made and with the manufacturers of the articles tenons, and an inch and a quarter in diame-long enough to rake two swaths at once-alluded to, and with the collection of acter. They may be either round or square. the horse going between them. The end bars may be square, and an inch and a quarter diameter, and as long as the connecting rods. The holes in the head, into which the connecting rods are inserted, ROAD JOURNAL, NEW-YORK FARMER, and must be bored in an oblique or slanting di-MECHANICS' MAGAZINE, is removed to 132 rection, as shown by the end bars in the end Nassau street, opposite CLINTOn Hall, and view; the connecting rods, the end bars, two doors below Beekman street. and the tenons on the ends of the heads, all slanting in the same direction. The end Will those Editors to whom the bars are fastened to the heads by means of Journal is sent, do me the favor to notice a bolt or rivet, which passes through them, this removal, send their papers in exas well as through the tenon on the ends of change, and request the friends of the Pe. These tenons may be an inch|riodicals in the country to direct their orin thickness. The cross-bar may be 3 orders to me at 132 Nassau street.

the heads.

3 inches wide in the middle, and narrower at the ends. It may be - inches thick.The end shafts may be 4 feet long, 24 inches thick, and shaped as shown in the en

REMOVAL.-The Office of the RAIL-ed to me, to the entire satisfaction of those who may feel disposed to patronize me in this new branch of business.

The favor shall be reciprocated at any and all times, by

March 23, 1836.


My commissions will in all cases be reasonable.

No orders will be given for materials unless the payinents, or paper offered, is satisfactory to the manufacturer.


SMITH & VALENTINE, STEREOTYPE FOUNDERS, Are prepared to execute orders in their line, at 212 Grand street, New-York.



Notice is hereby given, that on the 20th day of June next, at the Town of Chicago, in the State of Illinois the following described Property will be sold at Public Auction, to wit:

TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals for the graduation, bridging and NOTICE is hereby given to all persons who may superstructure of the JACKSON and BRANDON RAILfeel disposed to take Contracts on the Illinois and ROAD: for the erection of a BRIDGE over Pearl liver, have determined to commence that work as early in Michigan Canal, that the Board of Commissioners and the remaining incidental work necessary to the completion of said road, will be received at the RailAll the unsold Town Lots in the original Town of the spring as circumstances will permit. The Enroad Office in Jackson, until the 10th of May next. Chicago; and also the Town Lots on fractional Sec-gineers will commence their surveys about the 10th Plans and specifications will be exhibited at the of- tion Number Fifteen, in the Township Number Thir of March, and will have several Sections ready for fice, and the necessary explanations given, by the Asty-Nine, North of Range Fourteen, East of the third contract by the first of May. It is therefore expected sistant Engineer upon the line, one week previous to principal Meridian, adjoining the said Town of Chi- that definite proposals will be received from that date the letting. cago. The sale will commence on the said 20th day to the first of June. In the mean time the Board inIt is expected that testimonials of characters, &c. of June, and will be continued from day to day, until vite an early inspection of that part of the route to will accompany the propositions of those who are not all the Property has been offered for sale or disposed Chicago, and will afford any information that may personally known to the Agent, and the Company re- of. This property is held by the State of Illinois for be required of them. serve the right of rejecting any bids not deemed to canal purposes, and is offered for sale in conformity to their advantage. the provision of a Statute Law of the said State, auW. PETRIE, Chief Eng. & Agent. thorizing such a sale. The terms of sale are one J. & B. R. R. & B. Co. fourth of the purchase money to be paid in advance Jackson, Mi. March 15, 1836. 12-3t. at the time of sale, and the residue in three annual instalments, bearing an interest of six per centum per GEORGIA RAILROAD & BANKING COMPANY. annum, payable annually in advance. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS.

SEALED Proposals will be received at this office, between the 1st and 3d of June next, for laying the superstructure on 50 miles of the Georgia Railroad--all materials to be furnished by the Company.

All communications will be addressed to "The Board of Commissioners of the Illinois and Michi gan Canal, at Chicago."

By order of the Board.

January 20, 1836.


TO BRIDGE BUILDERS. Sealed Proposals will be received, until the 15th of April, for finding materials and building the superstructure of a bridge, over Harlem Creek and flats, on the New York and Harlem Railroad.

Those who are unacquainted with the situation of the above mentioned Property, are informed that those Lots which are described as belonging to the original Town of Chicago, are situated in the best built and business part of the Town. Section Fifteen Said Bridge to be on the late improvement of Mr. is a dry ridge, commencing near the harbor, and ex- Town, 24 feet wide in the clear, and 660 feet long be terding south, one mile, along the shore of Lake Mi-tween the abutments, to be supported by three piers

The first ten miles to be commenced by the 10th of September, and completed by the 15th January next-chigan. the remainder of the line MUST BE finished on or before the 1st of May, 1837.

Plans and Specifications of the work, may be seen, and all other information obtained on application at the office, one week previous to the letting.

J. EDGAR THOMSON, Chief Eng'r.

Engineer's Office, Augusta, Geo.
April, 2d, 1836.



WILLIAM V. MANY manufactures to order, IRON CASTINGS for Gearing Mills and Factories of every description.

ALSO Steam Engines and Railroad castings of every description. The collection of Patterns for Machinery, is not equalled in the United States. 9-ly NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS FOR EXCAVA TION AND EMBANKMENT.

Proposals will be received at the Office of the Munroe Railroad Company, Macon, Geo., between the 19th and 21st of May next, for Excavating and Embanking the whole of the Railroad from Macon to Forsyth, a distance of 25 miles, embracing much heavy graduation.

For further information, apply to

Resident Engineer.
C. Engineer.

Macon, March 28th, 1836.


By order of the Board of Commissioners of the Ill-
nois and Michigan Canal.
Treasurer to said Board.
Chicago, March 17, 1836.





In proposing to establish a SEMI-WEEKLY paper un-
der the old title, but wi h extended dimensions, the
subscriber acknowledges the favors of the past, and
The reasons that induced him about a year since to
solicits the continued patronage of a liberal public.
establish his weekly paper, operate with renewed and
increasing force in favor of his present design. He shall
endeavor, as it was originally intended, to make his
paper American in all things; and by identifying it-
self with the interests and circumstances of Chicago-
which from a recent wilderness has advanced to a po-
pulation of thirty-five hundred-and of the rich, exten-
sive, and rapidly developing country of which it is the
emporium, he hopes it may "grow with their growth,
and strengthen with their strength."

As a record of passing events, current literature, of
the march of agriculture, commerce and manufactures,
and especially of the progress of internal improve.
ments, of which this State, by her recent passage of
the act for the construction of the "Illinois and Mi
chigan Canal," has commenced her great and auspi-
cious system, it will aim, as ever, to be accurately and
early informed, and thus endeavor to consult alike the
tastes and wants of the community with which it is
identified. With party, as generally understood, it
will have as little to do as possible. Its politics will be
the Constitution-its party, the Country.
With this brief explanation of his future course, and
he has already received, the subscriber again ventures
solicit the continued patronage and extended sup-
port of all who may feel an interest in the principles
here set forth.

The Troy Iron an 1 Nail Factory keeps constantly for sale a very extensive a-sortment of Wrought Spikes and Nails, from 3 to 10 inches, manufactured by the sub scriber's Patent Machinery, which after five years suc-his thanks for the more than expected encouragement cessful operation, and now almost universal use in the United States, (as well as England, where the subscriber

obtained a patent,) are found superior to any ever offered

in market.

Railroad Companies may be supplied with Spikes having countersink heads suitable to the holes in iron rails.

to any amount and on 8 ort notice. Almost all the Rail roads now in progress in the United States are fastened with Spikes made at the above named factory-for which purpose they are found invaluable, as their adhesion is more than double any common spikes made by the ham

[blocks in formation]

It will be enlarged and otherwise greatly improved, and printed on superior paper, and forwarded to distant subscribers by the earliest mails, enveloped in a strong wrapper.

TERMS. The AMERICAN will be published SEMIWEEKLY, at $4 per annum, if paid at the time of subscribing; $5 if paid at the expiration of six months, or $6 if payment is delayed to the end of the year.

*Any person procuring five subscribers and re mitting the pay in advance, will be entitled to a sixth copy gratis, or a deduction of TEN PER CENT.

Persons at a distance remitting a $5 bill will receive

Spikes are kept for sale, at factory prices, by I. & J. Townsend, Albany, and the principal Iron Merchants in Albany and Troy; J. I. Brower, 222 Water street, New-the paper fifteen months. York; A. M. Jones, Philadelphia; T, Janviers, Baltimore; Degrand & Smith, Boston.

P. S.-Railroad Companies would do well to forward their orders as early as practicable, as the subscriber is desirous of extending the manufacturing so as to keep pace with the daily increasing demand for his Spikes. 1J23am H. BURDEN.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

do do do cast steel Shovels & Spades do Gold-mining Shovels do plated Spades

50 do do socket Shovels and Spades.
Together with Pick Axes, Churn Drills, and Crow
Bars (steel pointed), manufactured from Salisbury re-
fined Iron-for sale by the manufacturing agents,

No. 2 Liberty street, New-York.
No. 8 State street, Albany.
N. B.-Also furnished to order, Shapes of every de-
scription, made from Salisbury refined Iron. 4-ytf


(100 North Moor st. N. 1.)

NEW YORK, February 12th, 1836. The undersigned begs leave to inform the proprietors of Railroads that they are prepared to furnish all kinds of Machinery for Railroads, Locomotive Engines of any size, Car Wheels, such as are now in successful operation on the Camden and Amboy Railroad, none of which have failed--Castings of all kinds, Wheels, Axles, and Boxes, furnished at shortest no Lice. H. R. DUNHAM & CO. 4-ytf


95 tons of 1 inch by inch, 200 do. 1 d. do. 40 do. 14 do. do. 300 do. 2 do. do. 300 do. 2 do. do.

FLAT BARS in lengths of 14 to 15 feet, counter sunk holes, ends cut at an angle of 45 degrees, with splicing plates and soon expected. nails to suit. 250 do. of Edge Rails of 36 lbs. per yard, with the requisite chairs, keys and pins.

rought Iron Rims of 30, 33, and 36 inches diame ter for Wheels of Railway Cars, and of 60 inches diameter for Locomotive Wheels.

Axles of 24, 24, 26, 3, 31, 34 and 3 inches in diameter, for Railway Cars &nd Locomotives. of patent iron. The above will be sold free of duty, to State Governments and Incorporated Governments, and the drawback taken in part payment. A. & G. RALSTON, 9 South Front street, Philadelphia. Models and samples of all the different kinds of Rails, Chairs, Pins, Wedges, Spikes, and Splicing Plates, in use ooth in this country and Great Britain, will be exhibited to 4-d7 1meowr those disposed to examine them.

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