MILITARY LIFE OF HIS GRACE THE DUKE OF WELLINGTON; DEDICATED, BY PERMISSION, TO LIEUT.-GENERAL LORD FITZROY J. H. SOMERSET, К.С.В., ETC. ETC. BY MAJORS BASIL JACKSON AND C. ROCHFORT SCOTT, LATE OF THE ROYAL STAFF CORPS. THIS Work comprises an Account of our principal Military Operations from 1793 to 1815. It gives a succinct Narrative of those in the Low Countries, during 1793 and 1794: of the eventful Campaigns, conducted to such a triumphant result, by the Duke of Wellington in India: of the arduous contest carried on in Portugal, Spain, and South of France, from the landing of the British troops in the Peninsula in 1808, to its glorious termination in 1814; and the History closes with a relation of the grand Operations of the Allied and French Armies, in 1815; Battles of Ligny, Quatre-Bras, and Waterloo (upon which much original information is introduced, particularly respecting the part taken by the PRUSSIAN Army on the 18th of June); and Entry of the Allies into Paris. The Work is particularly offered to young officers, as the transcendent career of our GREAT CAPTAIN-in the course of which he surmounted almost every species of difficulty, both political and military, to which a Commander can be exposed-presents a wide field for study and reflection to those who seek to qualify themselves for the higher grades of their profession. A vast number of Letters and Extracts from the Noble Duke's Correspondence will be found interspersed throughout these pages; and a proof of the estimation in which the book is held at the HORSE GUARDS, and elsewhere, may be gained from the fact, that the RIGHT HON. THE SECRETARY AT WAR, and the DIRECTORS OF THE HON. EAST INDIA COMPANY, have ordered that a Copy of it shall be placed in every SOLDIER'S LIBRARY existing under their authority. Two Vols. 8vo., price £1. 108. Published by LONGMAN, BROWN, and Co., Paternoster-row; and sold by W. H. ALLEN and Co., 7, Leadenhall-street; and all Booksellers. A TREATISE ON FORTIFICATION, DEDUCED FROM ESTABLISHED PRINCIPLES; WITH A ΜΕΜΟIR ON ARTILLERY; BY MAJOR HECTOR STRAITH, Late Professor of Fortification and Artillery at the Honourable East India Company's Military College, Addiscombe. FOURTH EDITION. ALLEN and Co., Leadenhall-street. A TREATISE ON MILITARY SURVEYING; INCLUDING SKETCHING IN THE FIELD, PLAN-DRAWING, LEVELLING, MILITARY RECONNOISSANCE, &c. &c. &c. ALSO A PARTICULAR DESCRIPTION OF THE SURVEYING INSTRUMENTS COMMONLY EMPLOYED BY MILITARY MEN, WITH INSTRUCTIONS FOR USING AND ADJUSTING THEM. PLATES AND DIAGRAMS. BY LIEUT.-COLONEL BASIL JACKSON, LATE OF THE ROYAL STAFF CORPS. THIRD EDITION. LONDON: W. H. ALLEN AND CO., 7, LEADENHALL-STREET. 1847. 86,299 [ENTERED AT STATIONERS'-HALL.] RECENツ APR 22180F WIS, HIST, SUMIETY. LONDON: PALMER AND CLAYTON, PRINTERS, CRANE COURT, FLEET STREET. |