nearly a mile before meeting the enemy in force. They immediately became engaged. There was no straggling, as upon the previous day. Gen. Nelson slowly but steadily advanced, pushing the exhausted enemy before him until half past ten, when under cover of the timber and a furious cannonading they made a general rally. Suddenly the masses of the enemy were hurled with tremendous force against the Federal lines, which now halted, wavered, and fell back. At this moment Terrill's battery of 24-pounder howitzers rushed up, and in a few minutes was unlimbered and firing into the compact and advancing ranks of the enemy. Here was the turning point of the battle on the left. The enemy were only checked, not halted; then followed for two hours a contest of artillery and musketry at short range. The enemy began to waver, when Gen. Buell coming up, saw at a glance the chance and ordered a charge by brigades, at "double quick." The Confederates fell back for a quarter of a mile, became more confused, and at half past two that point of the field was cleared. The next divisions, of Gens. Crittenden and McCook, after an obstinate struggle, were equally successful. The divisions of Gens. McClernand and Hurlbut, nothing daunted by the reverses of the preceding day, fought with much bravery. On the right the contest was more severe, and longer continued. A design was manifested by the enemy to turn the flank of Gen. Wallace's division. This was thwarted, and the enemy steadily driven back until four P. M., when a general retreat took place on the right. Thus the original plan of the enemy was frustrated. It was his design to drive Gen. Grant into his transports and the river, or to capture his force in time to profit by the victory, and remove to the rear all the stores and munitions that would be taken. This was to be done before the arrival of Gen. Buell. On the retreat of the Confederate army, the original ground, and even the tents of Gen. Grant's army, were recovered. No regular pursuit was attempted until the next day. The number of the Federal army engaged on Sunday, was estimated by Gen. Beauregard at five divisions of nine thousand men each, or fortyfive thousand men. The reënforcements of Sunday night were estimated by him at twentyfive thousand from Gen. Buell's army, and eight thousand under Gen. Wallace, and the entire force on Monday fifty-three thousand. This estimate slightly exceeds the Federal force engaged, especially in the number of reënforcements furnished by Gen. Buell. On the other hand, the Confederate force was estimated at sixty thousand by the Union officers, which was undoubtedly an overestimate. Gen. Grant had a force somewhat less than the enemy on Sunday, but on Monday he outnumbered them. No official statement of numbers has been afforded on either side. The Federal loss was 1,735 kill ed, 7,882 wounded, and 3,956 taken prisoners. Total, 13,573. The Confederate loss was killed 1,728, wounded 8,012, missing 959. Total, 10,699. At the close of the battle on the first day, General S. Cooper, Adjutant-General: tion. position in front of Pittsburg, and after a severe bat- The great importance of the news just received from Tennessee induces me to depart from the established usages, and to make to you this communication in addespatches, received from official sources, I am able to vance of official reports. From official telegraphic pleased Almighty God to crown the Confederate arms announce to you, with entire confidence, that it has with a glorious and decisive victory over our invaders. On the morning of the 6th, the converging columns Gen. A. Sidney Johnston, in an assault on the Federal of our army were combined by its Commander-in-Chief, army, then encamped near Pittsburg, on the Tennessee river. After a hard-fought battle of ten hours, the enemy was driven in disorder from his position, and pursued boats, he was at the last accounts endeavoring to effect to the Tennessee river, where, under cover of the gunhis retreat by aid of his transports. The details of this great battle are yet too few and incomplete to enable me to distinguish with merited praise all of those who tinction, and I prefer to delay our own gratification in may have conspicuously earned the right to such disrecommending them to your special notice, rather than incur the risk of wounding the feelings of any by failing to include them in the list. When such a victory has been won over troops as numerous, well-disciplined, armed, and appointed, as those which have just been so signally routed, we may well conclude that one common spirit of unflinching bravery and devotion to our country's cause must have animated every breast, from that of the Commanding the ranks. There is enough in the continued presence General to that of the humblest patriot who served in of invaders on our soil to chasten our exultation over this brilliant success, and to remind us of the grave duty of continued exertion, until we shall extort from a proud and vain-glorious enemy the reluctant acknowledgment of our right to self-government. But an All-wise Creator has been pleased, while vouchsafing to us his countenance in battle, to afflict us with a severe dispensation, to which we must bow in humble submission. The last long, lingering hope has disappeared, and it is but too true that Gen. Albert The tale of his death is simply narrated in a despatch from Col. William Pres- "Gen. Johnston fell yesterday at half past two o'clock, while leading a successful charge, turning the Minie ball cut the artery of his leg, but he rode on unenemy's right, and gaining a brilliant victory. A til, from loss of blood, he fell exhausted, and died without pain in a few moments. His body has been intrusted to me by Gen. Beauregard, to be taken to New his family." Orleans, and remain until directions are received from My long and close friendship with this departed chieftain and patriot forbids me to trust myself in giving vent to the feelings which this sad intelligence has evoked. Without doing injustice to the living, it may safely be asserted that our loss is irreparable. Among the shining hosts of the great and good who now cluster around the banner of our country, there exists no purer spirit, no more heroic soul, than that of the illustrious man whose death I join you in lamenting. In his death he has illustrated the character for which through life he was conspicuous-that of singleness of purpose and devotion to duty-with his whole energies. Bent on obtaining the victory which he deemed essential to his country's cause, he rode on to the accomplishment of his object, forgetful of self, while his very life-blood was fast ebbing away. His last breath cheered his comrades on to victory. The last sound he heard was their shout of victory. His last thought was of his country, and long and deeply will his country mourn his loss. JEFFERSON DAVIS. On the 10th of April, President Lincoln, having received reports of the battles at Pittsburg Landing, or Shiloh, issued the following proclamation: WASHINGTON, April 10, 1862. It has pleased Almighty God to vouchsafe signal victories to the land and naval forces engaged in suppressing an internal rebellion, and at the same time to avert from our country the dangers of foreign intervention and invasion. It is therefore recommended to the people of the United States that, at their next weekly assemblages in their accustomed places of public worship, which shall occur after the notice of this Proclamation shall have been received, they especially acknowledge and render thanks to our Heavenly Father for these ines tiinable blessings; that they then and there implore spiritual consolation in behalf of all those who have been brought into affliction by the casualties and calamities of sedition and civil war, and that they reverently invoke the Divine guidance for our national counsels, to the end that they may speedily result in the restoration of peace, harmony, and unity through out our borders, and hasten the establishment of fraternal relations among all the countries of the earth. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done at the city of Washington, this tenth day of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two, and of the independence of the United States the eighty-sixth. ABRAHAM LINCOLN. By the President-WM. H. SEWARD, Secretary of State. On the 8th Gen. Sherman, with a body of cavalry and infantry, advanced on the Corinth road. His progress was at first checked by a force of the enemy's cavalry, which afterward was driven back. The roads were found in a bad state, in consequence of the heavy rain on Sunday night, and strewn with abandoned wagons, ambulances, and limber boxes. A general hospital, containing about two hundred and ninety wounded Confederate soldiers, was also found. The force of Gen. Sherman returned to camp at night. It was charged against Gen. Grant that the commencement of the battle was a surprise to the Federal forces, and that he was absent from the field until some hours after. In reply he said: " As to the talk of our being surprised, nothing could be more false. If the enemy had sent us word where and when they would attack, we could not have been better prepared. Skirmishing had been going on for two days between our reconnoitring parties and the enemy's advance. I did not believe, however, that they intended to make a determined attack, but simply to make a reconnoissance in force. My headquarters were st Savannah, though I usually spent the day at Pittsburg. Troops were constantly arriving to be assigned to the different brigades and divisions. All were ordered to report at Savannah, making it necessary to keep an office and some one there. I was also looking for Buell to arrive, and it was important that I should have every arrangement complete for his crossing and transit to this side of the river." Gen. Beauregard issued the preliminary or ders for his troops to move from Corinth at one o clock on the morning of the 3d of April. The movement did not commence until during the forenoon. It was expected to reach the Federal lines in time to commence the attack on the 5th. They arrived too late in the afternoon of that day to attack. It could not have been with the advance of this force that "skirmishing had been going on for two days." On the On the 9th of April, Maj.-Gen. Halleck, with a portion of his staff, left St. Louis for Pittsburg Landing, to assume command in the field. His first efforts were devoted to reorganizing the army. Two days after his arrival, an expedition was sent under convoy of the gunboats to destroy the railroad bridge over Bear Creek, seven miles inland from Chickasaw. This was successfully done by Gen. Sherman, and cut the communication between Richmond, Va., and Corinth. The state of the roads delayed for some days any movement of importance. Frequent skirmishes, however, took place with the Confederate infantry and cavalry hovering near. On the 22d of April, Gen. Pope, with his diviburg Landing from New Madrid. sion, numbering about 25,000, arrived at Pitt 27th, orders were issued by Gen. Halleck for the army to hold itself in readiness for an immediate movement. Gen. Grant's divisions formed the right wing of the army, those of Gen. Buell the centre, and those of Gen. Pope the left wing. Gens. Grant and Buell retained the immediate command of their respective armies. The advance of the army was now gradually commenced. Day after day a division or a brigade was moved a few miles, and the outposts extended. On the 1st of May, Monterey was occupied. It is a small village in McNairy Co., Tenn., four miles from the Mississippi line, and about midway be tween Pittsburg Landing and Corinth. A few days previously, an expedition under Gen. Wallace had gone as far as Purdy, about twen ty miles west of Pittsburg Landing, and destroyed the bridge of the railroad connecting Corinth with Jackson. On the 2d of May, Gen. Beauregard issued the following address to his soldiers: HEADQUARTERS OF THE FORCES AT CORINTIL, Mississippi, May 2, 1962. Soldiers of Shiloh and Elkhorn: We are about to meet once more, in the shock of battle, the invaders of our soil, the despoilers of our homes, the disturbers of our family ties, face to face, hand to hand. We are to decide whether we are to be freemen or vile slaves of those who are free only in name, and who but yesterday were vanquished, although in largely superior numbers, in their own encampments, on the ever-memorable field of Shiloh. Let the impending battle decide our fate, and add a more illustrious page to the history of our revolution-one to which our children will point with noble pride, saying, "Our fathers were at the battle of Corinth." I congratulate you on your timely junction. With your mingled banners, for the first time during this war, we shall meet our foe in strength that should give us victory. Soldiers, can the result be doubtful? Shall we not drive back into Tennessee the presumptuous mercenaries collect ed for our subjugation? One more manly effort, and, trusting in God and the justness of our cause, we shall recover more than we have lately lost. Let the sound of our victorious guns be reechoed by those of the army of Virginia on the historic battle field of YorkG. T. BEAUREGARD, town. General Commanding. J. M. OTEY, Acting Assistant Adjutant-General. On the 3d of May, the army, commanded by Gen. Halleck, numbering 108,000 men, was within eight miles of Corinth. The bridges burned had been rebuilt, and the roads had become dry enough to render transportation easy. Few can conceive the difficulty of moving such a mass of men with their tents, baggage, artillery, and supplies, over an uneven, marshy country, covered with woods, and without roads. Corinth is a small village in the northeast corner of Mississippi, ninety miles east from Memphis, and about twenty miles west from the Tennessee river. The Memphis and Charleston railroad runs through it from east to west, and the Mobile and Ohio from north to south. The country between it and the Tennessee river is very uneven, broken into ridges of hills and abrupt valleys, and covered with a heavy forest. The bridges over the creeks had been destroyed; the roads over the marshes had been torn up, and timber had been felled in great quantities over them. On the same day Gen. Paine, with his division, made a reconnoissance to Farmington, five miles northwest of Corinth, and found about 4,500 Confederate troops, who, on being attacked, retreated with a loss of 30 killed and 200 taken prisoners. At the same time an artillery reconnoissance to Glendale on the Charleston and Memphis railroad, destroyed two trestle bridges and some of the track. made with the extremity of each wing thrown back in echelons to prevent a flank attack. Meantime the Confederate forces at Corinth were active in strengthening their position and accumulating reënforcements. Pensacola and New Orleans had at this time been captured by the Federal forces, and Gen. Lovell had with his force arrived at Corinth from the neighborhood of the latter city. On the 9th, a strong Confederate force drove in the Federal pickets beyond Farmington, and advanced upon the brigade occupying the farther side of the creek in front of the Federal camp. The brigade maintained its position for some time, but Gen. Pope, finding it would be necessary to move his whole force across the creek, contrary to orders, in order to sustain it, directed it to retire. Great as was the army of Gen. Halleck, the Confederates were believed to be stronger, and the people of the Southern States now looked forward to a signal and brilliant victory. The advance of the Federal lines was slow, and on the 21st their batteries were within three miles of Corinth. The skirmishing of the pickets now increased every day, and soon became constant along the entire line. Almost daily the artillery was engaged, and the hour for battle was close at hand. The railroad communication to the northward and eastward of Corinth had been destroyed at Purdy and Glendale. With a view to prevent still further, so far as it was in his power, either the reenforcement or the retreat of the Confederate armies at Corinth, Gen. Halleck directed that the railroad to the southward of Corinth and in the direction of Mobile should be also cut. To effect this, Col. Elliott, with two regiments of cavalry, started on the night of the 27th, and early on the 30th reached Booneville, 24 miles south of Corinth. A large amount of stores was found and destroyed, consisting of five railroad cars loaded with small arms, five loaded with loose ammunition, six with officers' baggage, and five with subsistence stores, harness, saddles, &c. Some hundreds of sick Con. federate soldiers were paroled. The trains, engines, and depot were burned. On the 28th, Gen. Halleck sent the following despatch to Washington: } HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT MISSISSIPPI, CAMP ON CORINTHI ROAD, May 28. Hon. E. M. Stanton, Secretary of War: Three strong reconnoitring columns advanced this morning on the right, centre, and left, to feel the enemy and unmask his batteries. The enemy hotly conwith considerable loss. The column on the left entested his ground at each point, but was driven back countered the strongest opposition. Our loss was twenty-five killed and wounded. The enemy left thirty dead on the field. The losses at other points are not yet ascertained. Some five or six officers and a number of privates were captured. The fighting will probably be renewed to-morrow morning at daybreak. The whole country is so thickly wooded that we are compelled to feel our way. H. W. HALLECK, Major-General. The following despatches were sent on the At this time the organization of Gen. Halleck's force had been somewhat changed. Gen. Thomas was assigned to the command of the right wing, composed of five divisions, viz.: his own, Hurlbut's, Sherman's, that of Gen. Smith, deceased, and Gen. Davies'; the centre consisted of four divisions under Gens. McCook, Wood, Nelson, and Crittenden; the left under Gen. Pope, to which was added one division of Gen. Curtis's army from Arkansas. Gen. Grant was appointed second in command. The reserve under Gen. McClernand consisted of his own and Gen. Wallace's divisions. The advance upon Corinth was 30th: NEAR CORINTH, May 30, 1862 Hon. E. M. Stanton, Secretary of War: Gen. Pope's heavy batteries opened upon the enemy's intrenchments yesterday, about 10 A. M., and soon drove the rebels from their advanced battery. Maj. Gen. Sherman established another battery yesterday afternoon within one thousand yards of their works, and skirmishing parties advanced at daybreak this morning. Three of our divisions are already in the enemy's advanced works, about three quarters of a mile from Corinth, which is in flames. The enemy has fallen back of the Mobile railroad. H. W. HALLECK. NEAR CORINTH, May 30, 1862. Hon. Edwin M. Stanton, Secretary of War: Our advanced guard are in Corinth. There are conflicting accounts as to the enemy's movements. They are believed to be in strong force on our left flank, some four or five miles south of Corinth, near the Mobile and Ohio railroad. H. W. HALLECK, Major-General. HEADQUARTERS CAMP NEAR CORINTH, May 30. Hon. E. M. Stanton, Secretary of War The enemy's position and works in front of Corinth were unexpectedly strong. He cannot occupy a stronger position in his flight. This morning he destroyed an immense amount of public and private property, stores, provisions, wag ons, tents, &c. For miles out of the town the roads are filled with arms, haversacks, &c., thrown away by his flying troops. A large number of prisoners and deserters have been captured, and are estimated by Gen. Pope at two thousand. Gen. Beauregard evidently distrusts his army, or he would have defended so strong a position. His troops are generally much discouraged and demoralized. In all their engagements for the last few days their resistance has been weak. H. W. HALLECK, Major-General. The Confederate officers began to remove their sick from Corinth preparatory to an evacuation on Monday, the 26th of May. On the next day, Tuesday the 27th, Gens. Beauregard and Bragg were making arrangements for falling back, which process was completed in great haste on Thursday night, the 29th. On Wednesday the entire line of Gen. Halleck was advanced from one half to three quarters of a mile and up into easy range of the enemy's works. The heavy siege guns were put into position on that day on the works thrown up by the advanced column. This movement throughout was hotly contested, the enemy doubtless seeking to keep their opponents at a safe distance if possible, until their evacuation should be completed. They continued to show an unbroken front and to work their batteries with energy and without interruption throughout that and the next day. On Thursday morning operations were resumed with the same earnest ness as on Wednesday. The enemy appeared still in position, and contested every inch of the Union advance with the utmost determination. At nine o'clock on that morning, how ever, their musketry firing ceased, and was not again resumed. After that hour there were no further close engagements. The batteries on both sides, however, were kept in play, though a gradual diminution of the en emy's fire was observable as the day wore away, and before night it had wholly ceased. During the night heavy explosions were heard in the enemy's works, which were conjectured to be the destruction of their magazines and ammunition, which subsequently proved true. Flames were also seen issuing from the town in the latter part of the night. These indications were plain to those in the advance of the Federal lines, and.were understood to be the movements for an evacuation. As no opposition was made to the advance on Friday morning, some officers dashed ahead to satisfy themselves of the enemy's position. The first party rode into the town at 6h. 30m. in the morning, and then was discovered the whole extent of the success gained. Destruction, waste, and desolation were visible on every hand. Huge piles of commissary stores were smouldering in the flames. The remains of buildings destroyed were conspicuous on the streets. The enemy had fled, taking care that what they could not carry away should at least not be left for the victors. One large warehouse, filled with provisions, was all that remained undamaged of boundless stores of similar goods, sufficient to withstand a much longer siege. Sacks were torn open, barrels broken, hogsheads knocked to pieces, and their contents mixed in common piles, upon and about which huge bonfires had been lit. So complete was the evacuation that not only was the Confederate army successfully withdrawn, but they took every piece of ordnance. A large quantity of ammunition was left behind in a damaged state. At Corinth the Confederate line of fortifications was about fifteen miles long, with strong batteries or redoubts at every road or assailable point. Between the fortifications and a marshy stream covering the whole front, the dense timber had been cut down to form a very strong abattis, through which no cavalry or artillery could have passed, nor even infantry except as skirmishers. The lines thrown up by the Federal troops at the end of the day's advance were mere rifle pits, while the fortifications around Corinth were, as stated above, a strong continuous line, constructed with great care and labor, and, independent of their position, were in themselves immeasurably stronger than the mere precautionary defences on the Federal part against any sudden sortie of the enemy. The Confederate works, moreover, were on the brow of a ridge considerably higher than any in the surrounding country, at the foot of which was a ravine correspondingly deep. The zigzag course of the line gave to the defenders the command of all the feasible ap proaches, and hundreds could have been mowed down at every step made by an assailing army. At the time of the evacuation of Corinth the hot weather of summer had commenced and the period of low water in the rivers was close at hand. Even the Tennessee could not be relied upon as a route by which to transport |