lat?"-" Bish, sir."-" Eh, ma foi l Bish encore? Vel."-" There was No. 032, 3001."-" And who was sel?"Bish, sir."-" Eh, mon dieu! 'tis very grand fortune. Now den de last, and who vas sel dat?"-" Why, sir, the last was No. 6275, 300l., also sold by Bish."" Eh, de diable! 'tis von chose impossible, Bish sell all de four ?"-" Yes, sir, and in a former lottery he sold all the three thirty thousands." -" Den he is von golden philosopher. I vill buy, I villlet me see. Yes, I vill buy your shop."His ambition was at last, however, contented with three tickets; so that he has three chances of gaining the two thirty thousands yet in the wheel; and we have no doubt Bish will have the good luck of selling them. "BISH" is the subject of versified praise, in another bill. HOW TO BE HAPPY. Let misers hug their worship d hoards, Let lovers droop for sparkling eyes, And BISH we'll toast in chorus. Let glory call the sons of war To dare the crimson'd field; We'll dance through life most merrily, "BISH" on another occasion steps in with : PERMIT ME TO ASK Have you seen the scheme of the present Lottery? Do you know that it contains MORE PRIZES than BLANKS? Have you heard how very cheap the tickets are? Are you aware, that Lotteries are about to be discontinued, the chancellor of the exchequer having said that the Lottery bill, introduced last session of parliament, should be the last? I need not direct you to BISH's, as being the luckiest offices in the kingdom, &c. "BISH" adventured in the " City Lottery," a scheme devised for getting rid of the houses in Picket-street, Temple-bar, and Skinner-street, Snow-hill; and on that occasion he favoured the world with the following : FREEHOLDS AND FORTUNES. Tune." Drops of Brandy." Dame Fortune is full of her tricks, Is by putting a spoke in her wheel, sir : Then the summons to BISH don't scorn For, as her cornucopia he holds, With poverty who would be known, And it cannot be more free than welcome. This house, when you once realize it, With catacomb fal lals and sphynxes; And at BISH's you'll fill them with cole, sir. For when you're thus furnish'd in state, You'll want sticks to be boiling the pot, sir; THE PHILOSOPHER'S STONE That stone, Philosophers in vain so long have sought, Says Milton, would not prove valuable to its possessor than an absol knowledge of certain numbers wh hidden in the Wheel of Fortune tia Fa declares to the enraptured ears of the ar venturer, who has founded his hopes: success on them, their union with ceram large sums of money, viz. Twenty, Is or Five Thousand Pounds for there a many such sums yet in the wheel, yer. be determined, yet to be gained by zarding a mere trifle. He, who life's sea successfully would sail, Must often throw a sprat to catch a whale. Apply this proverb then; think, ere too late, What fortune, honour, and what wealth awa The very trifling sum of one pound eight "BISH," of course, imagined, or wished, the public to be amazingly surprised his popularity, and therefore indulged them with this song: WHAT'S THE MATTER! Tune.-" O Dear, what can the Matter be?" "O dear, what can the matter be? To tell, who can be at a loss? The people are running by dozens to Bisa's, To make out their dreams, and fulfil all their wishes, And try to come in for the loaves and the fishes, At 4, Cornhill, and 9, Charing-cross. "O dear, what can the matter be?" I'll tell you, good friend, if you wisn; The people are trying dame Fortune to cozen, And the old women's tongues are aternally About lucky numbers, 19 to the dozen, And all they can talk of is BISH. "O dear, what can the matter be?" buzzing, I dare say you're dying to know; The horns blow about, be it rainy or sunny, The walls they are cover'd with bills all so funny, To shew you the way how to finger the money, And you all know that "makes the mare go." "O dear, what can the matter be The bellman he rings such a peal? To tell those whose fortunes are rusted with rickets, To call at good luck's (that is, Bish's) two wickets, * The price of a Sixteenth in the present Letters And a transfer obtain for 500 Whole Tickets; Then the day of all days is the very next O dear, what can the matter be?" choose a day, And a lucky day surely must be a good news day, Then, Misfortune a black Monday a fig ! "BISH," on another occasion, treated the "gentle public," like so many children, with another optical delusion. FORTUNE'S GALANTY SHOW. Tune.-" GALANTY SHOW." O pretty show, O caree show, O finey galanty show, O pretty galanty show ! Chaunt. Come, all my merry customers, of high, middling, and low degree, You shall see the high road to Fortune, and that's better than the road to Ruin. O pretty show, O raree show, O finey galanty show, O pretty galanty show! There you see the New Lott'ry Scheme, such as never was plann'd before ! whole Tickets! Shares if you will; never saw; You'll get a part of the 1000 whole Tickets, I'll be bound, a pound, see how he cries? O pretty show, &c. "BISH" was pleased to devise the scheme of a Lottery to be drawn on St. Swithin's day, wherein wine was added to the prizes, and therefore, and because its novelty was deemed alluring, we find one of his bills beginning with an apostrophising and prophetic couplet : "BISH," in another bill, oddly enough, put an old, one-legged smoker, with a patch over one eye, a carbuncled nose, and his only foot flannelled up for the gout, the effects of drinking, in an arm chair, with the following lines below : "LAID UP IN PORT." Od's blood! what a time for a seaman to skulk, Tommy Bish shall fill my glass, The boozing old commodore he; While I'm friends with mighty BISH, He will crown my ev'ry wish, Tho' I'll never more be fit for sea. Then also, "Bish" favoured his "friends" with the opportunity of sing. ing, BACCHUS AND PLUTUS, OR THE UNION. Tune.-" Derry Down." A ROW was kick'd up in the regions above, For PLUTUS and BACCHUS for precedence strove; "AS BACCHUS is down," then says PLUTUS, "I'll rise;" And this speech he address'd to the knobs of the skies: "That gold is a blessing, I'm sure I can prove: The soother of cares, and cementer of love! "You know the old proverb, of poverty, sure, 'Tis something about when she enters the door, That love, through the window, soon toddles away;' But if there were gold, I'm sure that he'd stay. "I'll own that my bounties are sometimes misus'd: But pray why should I, sirs, for that be abus'd?" Here Jove stopp'd him short, and with positive air, Insisted that they should their quarrel forbear. "Your claims I admit, sir, and BACCHUS's too; But a plan to unite you, I now have in view; You know TOMMY BISH?"-" To be sure!" exclaim all, ""Tis on him, that dame Fortune her bounty lets fall!" The minister in reducing the duty, so that wines may be sold at one shilling per bottle cheaper, has done much to increase the spirits of the people; at the same time he has adopted another measure that will in a few months DESTROY THE FREE TRADE of every person in the kingdom to obtain for a small sum a great fortune in a few weeks, by having determined to abolish Lotteries, which must soon end for ever; therefore, the present is one of the last opportunities to buy, &c. "BISH," according to the old plan, "ever ready to serve his friends," issued THE AMBULATOR'S GUIDE BY PURCHASING A TICKET, You may reap a golden harvest in Cornhill, and pick up the bullion in Silver street; have an interest in Bank-build ings; possess a Mansion-house in Goldensquare, and an estate like a Little Britain; pour red wine down Gutter-lane; never be in Hungerford-market; but all your life continue a May-fair. BY PURCHASING A HALF, You need never be confined within Lon don-wall, but become the proprietor of many a Long-acre; represent a Borough, or an Aldermanbury; and have a snug share in Threadneedle-street. BY PURCHASING A QUARTER, Your affairs need never be in Crookedlane, nor your legs in Fetter-lane; you may avoid Paper-buildings; steer clear of the King's-bench, and defy the Marshalsea; if your heart is in Love-lane, you may soon get into Sweetings-alley, obtain your lover's consent for Matrimony-place, and always live in a High street. BY PURCHASING a SIXTEENΤΗ, You may live frugal in Cheapside; get merry in Liquorpond-street; soak your hide in Leather-lane; be a wet sole in Shoe-lane; turn maltster in Beer-lane, or hammer away in Smithfield. In short, life must indeed be a Longlane, if it's without a turning. Therefore if you are wise, without Mincing the matter, be Fleet and go Pall-mall to Cornhill or Charing-cross, and enroll your name in the Temple of Fortune, BISH's. LOTTERY FOR WOMEN IN INDIA. Advertisement. BE IT KNOWN, that SIX FAIR PRETTY YOUNG LADIES, with two sweet and engaging young children, lately IMPORTED FROM EUROPE, having roses of health blooming on their cheeks, and joy sparkling in their eyes, possessing amiable manners, and highly accomplished, whom the most indifferent cannot behold without expressions of rapture, are to be RAFFLED FOR next door to the British gallery. SCHEME: twelve tickets, at twelve rupees each; the highest of the three throws, doubtless, takes the most fascinating, &c."* Communicated by J. J. A. F. from a Calcutta newspaper of Sept. 3, 1818. |