COMMISSIONERS CONTINUED. ARE REQUIRED CONTINUED. to repair or secure ruinous buildings, &c. when T.I.C.A. 75 66 85 terworks, &c. pay expences of examining pipes supposed give orders as to purifying houses make plan of cemetery, &c. apply burial payments according to act.... borough rate for certain works, &c. maximum of borough rates.. abate rates in certain cases P.H.A. 103 120 151 COMMISSIONERS CONTINUED. ARE REQUIRED CONTINUed. to pay mortgagees of rates without preference provide sinking fund for, and decide manner of paying off mortgages P.H.A. 107 122 164 P.H.A. 113 122 167 mortgage with consent of general board.. P.H.A. 119 122 168 COMMISSIONERS CONTINUED. ARE EMPOWERED CONTINUED. to apply to justices to correct errors, &c. in construct house drains in default of owner,&c. P.H.A. 49 41 55 construct privies, etc., ashpits for houses in COMMISSIONERS CONTINUED. ARE EMPOWERED CONTINUED. to order routes of processions, etc., in streets, etc provide pound alter doors opening outwards direct construction of cellar coverings appoint and pay constables, if police discon- apply and pay for additional police, if police T.P.C.A. 7 67 87 |