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THE J. WOODWARD, for the re-captors, made the following SCHOONER points:


1. That such claims as date the property from the board a private time of capture, instead of the time of shipment, are inarmed vessel sufficient and invalid.

of the United

States, al

though one

half be allowed

2. That the re-captors are entitled to the whole of the

for the recap- French property, by the rule of reciprocity.

ture of the


The property

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3. That the captors are entitled to a rate of salvage of persons, do- of one half upon the American property, or such other France, (whe- and higher rate than the rate decreed in the Courts bether they be low, as this Court may adjudge.

miciled in

Americans, Frenchmen or foreigners) is good prize, if

re-captured after being 24 hours in possession of the enemy, that

4. That the re-captors are entitled, by the same rule of reciprocity, to the whole of the property of such Americans as were at the time of capture domiciled in France, or resident there for commercial purposes.

being the rule 5. That the re-captors are likewise entitled to all pro French tribu- perty the national character of which is not defined by

adopted in the


Further proof

will be allowed

by this Court,

the evidence.

6. That the property of those Frenchmen who are where the na- described as having a mere temporary residence in the United States, cannot be considered as American.

tional charac-
ter and pro-/
prietary inter-
est of goods
re-captured do

7. That the property of persons described as alien not distinctly friends, without mentioning to what nation they belong appear. or where they reside, must also be taken to be French, claimed will or decreed to the captors for uncertainty.

Property un

be decreed as good prize,

8. That the persons described in the claims as citizens of the United States, without stating their residence at the time of shipment, or at any other time, must, under the circumstances of the case, be considered as residing in France.

There are claims which date the property from the time of capture. This we say is insufficient. The claims should state the property from the time of shipment at least. This necessary to prevent transfer in transitu, and to give effect to, and preserve the simplicity and dispatch of the preparatorio investigation.


An important question in this case is, what is to become of the American part of the cargo of an armed SCHOONER American vessel, re-captured by an American private ADELINE. armed vessel ?

The re-captors in the first place contend that the part of the cargo above mentioned is casus omissus as to the act of congress of the 3d of March, 1800.

If the Court should decide that there is a casus omissus then the fate of this part of the cargo will depend upon the common larv.

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The re-captors contend that the common law is that if property so situated has remained twenty-four hours in possession of the enemy of the captured party, they are entitled to the whole of the property as prize of war. To this they cite Grotius de jure belli ac pacis, lib. 3, ch. 16. Vattel book 3, ch. 13, § 196. This right upon recapture is here clearly laid down to privateers to be divested only by the laws of each state and treaties. Our treaty with France is silent except as to restoration on capture by pirates; this being ex delicto there is no change of property by the original capture. See also professor Marten's summary of the law of nations, book VIII, ch. 3, $10. "In order to encourage privatecring "those concerned in it are allowed to hold all the mer"chant vessels and merchandize they take from the enemy or his subjects without any reserve whatsoever "with respect to the redemption of them by the pro"prietor."



The only remaining question on this point would be what kind of possession consummates the right of the privateer. Twenty-four hours possession has been considered firm" possession. and sufficient to consummate this right by an almost common usage, and recognized by almost all the treaties of maritime powers. 1 Rob. 151, Amer. ed. 2 Azuni, 306, 308, 312, in a note 275, 276, and 282.

If the above considerations are inapplicable and the salvage of this part of the cargo is governed by the acts of congress, then by those acts, the re-captors are entitled to one half.


The unqualified right of the privateer to the property SCHOONER captured, or re-captured, is, after firm possession, clear ADELINE. at common law, and the doctrine of taking away that

right by salvage is derogatory to that law. If this be so, the act of congress is derogatory to the common law, and must be liberally construed in favor of privateers.

The reward has always been out of the whole subject matter; the cargo as well as vessel and armament; and it is with confidence contended that a separation of the cargo so as to subject it to one sixth salvage, while the vessel and armanent affords one half, is, if it exist at all, anomalous to the act of the 3d of March, 1800, and at war with the usage and treaties of all maritime states.

The reason of encreasing the salvage upon an armed vessel is the merit of battie, and it is evident that the cargo is as well won by battle as the armament and vessel.

But if the whole of the act of congress be to be taken together, and the 2d section be permitted to reflect a light upon the 1st section, it will appear that congress could have had no other meaning than that the salvage should be increased upon the cargo as well as the vessel and armament. In the second section where they give a salvage upon their own property thus captured by a private armed vessel, they give one half of the goods on board as well as of the vessel and armament.

But should not the cargo be considered as a mere incident to the vessel and follow its fate and character?

As to the French property we are entitled to the whole as prize of war by the foregoing rule of twentyfour hours possession which is the rule in France. Reciprocity is the rule in this case. See the act of 1800, section 3.

The twenty-four hour rule is established in France by ordinance of 15th June, 1779, with respect to all re-captures by privateers. France, in her treaty with Holland, 1st May, 1781, secures the twenty-four hour right to privateers. The Court will find those acts of France referred to in 2 Azuni, 276 and 282. 2 Dallas, 2, Mil


ler et. al. v. ship Resolution. This is a strong case establishing the twenty-four hour right. It refers to an SCHOONER ordinance of congress declaring this rule as to us, and ADELINE. refers to the French ordinance to the same point. It admits the twenty-four hour rule, but excludes its application to that case, that being the case of a neutral capture which conveyed no right. See also the case of the Mary Ford, 3 Dall. 188, M'Donough v. Dannery.

On the right of the re-captors on the 4th point of the case they will not enlarge by argument, as they consider it well established; nor on that of the 5th point than merely to observe that it appears to be just, ex necessitate, and comes under the description of confusion in the civil law; nor as to the 6th point than to observe that there is no standard by which a character can be reflected upon these Claimants but the voyage itself; which makes them either American or French. The description of the claim negatives the idea of their being American; they must, of course, be French. The 7th point must meet the same construction for the same reason.

As to the principle contended for in the 8th point of the case, it may be remarked, for elucidation, that some of the Claimants, described as in this point, turn out, by the evidence, to be resident in France for commercial purposes.

Is the owner of the vessel entitled to freight exclusive of salvage?

The re-captors say the vessel is not entitled to freight because she would have been condemned had she been brought into England. But if entitled to freight, the captors have saved that freight, and are therefore entitled to one half as salvage. Freight may remain, after all the rights of the captors are deducted, to be adjusted between the vessel and the freighters,

This question can only apply to the American part of the cargo; for as to the French, the rule is to vest the property absolutely in cases of re-capture after twentyfour hours possession: the postliminii right and all its incidents are destroyed.




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IRVING, in behalf of the owners of the vessel, and of SCHOONER such parts of the cargo as were claimed by persons resident ADELINE. in the United States.

The schooner Adeline is a registered American vessel owned by Isaac Levis and William Weaver, native citizens of the United States, and residents of Philadelphia, and was commissioned as an American letter of marque. She commenced her voyage from Bordeaux, to a port in the United States, in the month of March, 1814, having on board a cargo owned principally by citizens of the United States and others residing in our territory. In the course of this voyage, she was first captured by two British vessels of war, and was afterwards, and before her condemnation as prize, re-captured by an American private armed vessel. Upon her first capture, most of her papers were taken from on board by the captors, and those which were left have been delivered up to the district Court at New York, and transcripts of the same are contained in the record before this Court.

In these cases most of the claims and test affidavits specify the property respectively claimed, at the time of shipment in the Adeline, and at the time of capture, to have been owned by citizens and residents in the United States.

Many of the claims and test affidavits testify that the goods (hus claimed vested in the Claimants before and at the time of capture and re-capture; and generally all the claims are supported by the respective bills of lading. In truth there is not a paper attached to this record which falsifies any claim or casts any suspicion upon them. An objection has been taken to some of those claims, because they do not state that the property vested in the Claimants at the time of shipment, and that, for anght that appears to this Court, the property might have been transferred in transitu.

Admitting this to be the fact, how can such transfer prejudice those Claimants? The vessel was an American vessel coming from a French port to a port of the United States.

The rule, that the character of property must be de

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