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101. [1368.] This is the final agreement made in the Court of the Lord King at Westminster in the 41st year of his reign on the octave of St. Michael (Sept. 29) before Robert of Thorp John Moubray William of Fyncheden and William of Wythingham Justices and afterwards recorded on the octave of St. Hilary (Jan. 14) between Henry of Scaresbrek plaintiff and Simon del Holmes and his wife Dionisia unjustly occupying 3 acres of land and the 6th part of one messuage with appurtenances in Hurleton and Scaresbrek They agree that the said Simon and Dionisia acknowledge that the aforesaid tenements and appurtenances are the right of Henry of which the said Henry has 2 acres with appurtenances by gift of the said Simon and Dionisia and they the said Simon and Dionisia agree that 1 acres of land. and the 6th part of the messuage which John Salter tailor and his wife Katherine hold for the term of the life of the said Katherine at her death revert to the said Simon and Dionisia and after their death such revert to Henry of Scaresbrek and his heirs And for their acknowledgment and agreement the said Henry paid to Simon and Dionisia 10 marks of silver.

102. [1369.] [Will of Thomas of Lathum] In the name of God Amen On Saturday the morrow of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross (Sept. 14) in the year of the Lord 1369 I Thomas of Lathum sound in mind and body make my Will in this manner In the first place I bequeath my soul to God and B. Mary and all the Saints and my body to be buried in the Church of B. Nicholas of Burscogh And I wish my funeral and expenses be arranged according to the settling of my executors In the first place I bequeath to the Prior and Canons of B. Nicholas of Burscough that they have me in special remembrance and pray for me 100 shillings Also to the brothers of

B. Augustine at Werynton (Warrington) 5 marks Also to the friars minor of Preston 40 shillings Also to the friars at Chester 40 shillings Also to the bridge of Doggles (Douglas) and Calder 2 marks Also to a suitable chaplain for divine celebration for 5 years 20 pounds Also to Edward my son 5 marks Also to Robert my son 5 marks Also to Roger Banastre 5 marks Also to distribute amongst my servants for their good service 10 marks Also to Margery the daughter of Philip 20 shillings And after the payment of my debts I wish that the residue of my goods be spent in alms for divine celebration for my soul and the soul of Alyonora my wife according to the settlement of my executors I appoint as executors of this my Will as they wish to answer for me before the Supreme Judge, John of Kirkby, chivaler, Edward my son, Robert my son, the Prior of Burscogh, Henry of Scaresbrek, and Gilbert de Ines of Aghton. In testimony of which I have affixed my seal to these presents on the day and year above said.

103. 1369.] Know all by these presents that I Matilda formerly wife of John of Okynheved in my pure widowhood have quitclaimed to Robert le Breton and Richard of Smalshagh chaplains all my right and claim to lands and tenements that were formerly belonging to Alexander of Marhale my father in vills of Scaresbrek and Hurleton.

Witnesses: Otho of Halsale, Henry of Scaresbrek, Adam of Bekyrstath, Roger of Holland, Gilbert of Gosforesech, and others. Given at Ormeskyrk on Sunday after the Feast of St. Martin in winter (Nov. 11) in the 43rd year of Edward III.

Seal geometrical pattern.

104. [1369.] Let it be clear to all that I Richard of Penwartham have demised for the term of my life to John son ef Alice daughter of Galfrid of Ormeskyrk and to Alice the mother of the said John and to Alice the sister of the said John 4 plots (placeas) of land and buildings thereon lying in Ormeskyrk in the vill of Lathom lying between the land of Robert of Kendale and that of John of Wakefield chaplain To have and to hold to the said John Alice and Alice Rendering to me one rose at the Nativity of St. John the Baptist (June 24) and discharging the customary services.

Witnesses: Otho of Halsale, Henry of Scaresbrek, Adam of Bekyrstath, Roger le Flecher (arrow-maker), John le Tagliour, William of Eccliston clerk, and others.

Given at Ormeskyrk on the Feast of St. Nicholas the Bishop (Dec. 6) in the 43rd year of Edward III.

Seal illegible.

105. [1369.] In the name of God Amen Since I Thomas of Lathum have given to my sons Edward and Robert of Lathum John of Kirby chivaler Henry of Scaresbrek and Gilbert de Ines of Aghton my manor of Lathum with appurtenances let all know that this is my wish That the aforesaid executors shall have and hold the said manor with appurtenances for the whole of their lives so that from the profits arising therefrom they may pay all and each of my debts and act up to my wish as is more fully explained in my will So that after my funeral they may be for the payment of my debts and the fulfilment of my will and after the completion of such I wish that my said manor revert to my heirs for ever In testimony of which I have affixed my seal to these presents on the morrow of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross (Sept. 14) in the year 1369.

106. [1368-1369.] Let all present and future know that I William son of Richard Wylksone have granted to Gilbert of Gosfordesich and William his brother all my lands and buildings with appurtenances which I had or have on the day of the making of this charter in vills of Hurleton and Scaresbrek To be held of the chief lords for due services.

Witnesses: Henry of Scaresbrek, Otho of Halsale, Adam of Bykerstath, and others.

Given at Scaresbrek on Thursday after St. Hilary (Jan. 14) in the 43rd year of Edward III.

107. [1369.] Let all present and future know that I William de Molyneux of Sefton have granted to Gilbert of Ines near Wigan Henry of Scaresbrek John le Norreys David of Irlond Richard de Ashton of Adburgham Thomas le Norreys of Derby and Henry of Dytton all my manors of Sefton Eukeston Down Lytherlond Layrebreck and Ellal together with the advowson of the said church of Sefton and also all my messuages lands and tenements with appurtenances which I had at Newsum near Wodeplomton and also the reversion of all lands and tenements which John del Dam John le Walsch Richard Robynsone John of Pylkynton chaplain Gilbert le Walsch Thomas son of John Wyllesone and Robert del Yate hold for the term of their lives in the vill of Eukeston and also the reversion of all the lands and tenements which Alan of Walton holds in the vill of Newsum for the term of his life To have and to hold the said manors with advowson of the said church together with reversions and all messuages etc. with their appurtenances in all moors mosses roads footpaths and all other profits of the chief lords of

the fee for due services Wherefore I have affixed my seal to

these presents.

Witnesses: John of Garton, John of Eccliston, William of Faryngton, and others.

Given at Sefton on Monday before the Feast of the Ascension of the Lord in the 43rd year of Edward III.

108. [1369.] Let all present and future know that I John del Greve have granted to Henry of Scaresbrek all my lands and tenements with messuages buildings etc. which I had and held by hereditary right on the day of the making of this charter in vills of Hurleton and Scaresbrek To be held of the chief lords of the fee for the usual services.

Witnesses: Otho of Halsale, Adam of Bekyrstath, Roger of Holland, Thomas of Aghton, Richard of Aghton, and others. Given at Hurleton on Thursday the Feast of St. Nicholas the Bishop (Dec. 6) in the 43rd year of Edward III.

109. [1370.] Let all present and future know that I Richard son of Alan del Greve have granted to Henry of Scaresbrek all my lands etc. which have fallen to me by inheritance after the death of John son of John of Ormeskyrk within the boundaries of Ormeskyrk in the vill of Lathum Rendering usual services to the said Henry.

Witnesses: Otho of Halsale, Gilbert of Gosfordesiche, John of Bekyrstath clerk, and others.

Given at Ormeskyrk on Saturday after the Feast of St. Gregory the Pope (March 12) in the 44th year of Edward III.

110. [1370.] Let all know by these presents that we Symon of Gosfordesich Adam son of John Hannesone of Becansawe Thomas son of Robert Dyksone of Longton John son of Robert Dyksone Henry son of Robert Dyksone William and Geoffrey sons of the same John the Milner (miller) of Longton John son of William Wyldyng Robert son of Roger Dyksone John of Aspynwall John of Cratton Sircorem William of Aykyscawe Thomas of Aykyscawe William son of Henry of Longton Henry of Wyresdale John son cf Richard Wyllsone William son of Adam Stileuke of Hoghill William son of Symon Gybson and Robert son of Geoffrey Dyksone have appointed as attorney our beloved in Christ William of Gosfordesich to deliver over full and peaceful seisin to Gilbert of Gosfordesich of all lands and tenements which we have had by gift and feoffment and have

ratified and accepted whatever the said William has done in our name In testimony whereof we have affixed our seals to these presents.

Given at Longton on Monday in Whitweek in the 44th year of Edward III.

111. [1370] This writing in duplicate testifies that I Henry of Scaresbek have granted for all my life to John del Greves all that land with messuage and buildings with all appurtenances which I had by gift and feoffment of the said John in vills of Hurleton and Scaresbrek To have and to hold of me and my heirs Rendering each year to me and my heirs one rose at the Feast of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist (June 24) and performing to the chief lords all due services.

Witnesses: Otho of Halsale, Gilbert of Gosfordeseche, William of Morecroft, William of Eccliston clerk, and others.

Given at Hurleton on Thursday after Nativity of the Lord in the 43rd year of Edward III.

Seal a shield; arms a fesse between three......

112. [1370-1371.] Let all present and future know that I Robert le Hunt son of Margaret del Crosse have granted to Henry Scaresbrek his heirs and assigns all my messuages lands and tenements with appurtenances which I have had by heirship in vills of Hurleton and Scaresbrek To be held of the chief lords for due services with all liberties and easements of the said vills In testimony whereof I have affixed my seal.

Witnesses: Otho of Halsale, Gilbert of Gosfordesich, Roger of Holland, John of Bekyrstath, Hugh del Shagh, and others. Given at Hurleton on Thursday before St. Valentine (Feb. 14) in the 45th year of Edward III.

113. [1370-1371.] Let all present know that I Robert le Hunt son of Margaret del Crosse have appointed and placed in my stead my beloved in Christ John le Walker of Scaresbrek as my true attorney to deliver over full seisin to Henry of Scaresbrek of all my lands and tenements which I have given to him by a charter ratifying what the said John does in my name.

Given at Ormeskyrk on Thursday before the Feast of St. Valentine Martyr in the 45th year of Edward III.

114. [1371.] This Indenture witnesses that we Gilbert of Gosfordesech and William brother of the same have granted to John of Aspinwall for the whole of his life two parts of all messuages lands and tenements which we have had by gift and

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