(xxii) List of honorary Local Secretaries. LANCASHIRE. NAME. Rev. J. S. DOXEY, Christ Church Vicarage, Bacup. The Rev. E. LUPTON, Crystal Road, South Shore, W. FARRER, Marton House, Skipton. The Rev. W. B. GRENSIDE, Melling Vicarage, A. J. ROBINSON, Clitheroe Castle, Clitheroe. The Rev. A. CROFTON, Reddish Green. D. J. LEECH, M.D., Elm House, Whalley Range. JOSEPH RAWLINSON, Ulverston. W. O. KOPER, F.S. A., Lancaster. The Rev. W. STUART WHITE, Esh Vicarage, Durham. The Rev. J. W. WILLIAMS, The Vicarage, Farnworth. Lt. Col. FISHWICK, F.S.A., The Ileights, Rochdale. II. S. THIRELFALI, 12, London Street, Southport. W. OWEN, F.R.I.B.A., Cairo Street Chambers, W. S. WEEKS, Clitheroe. T. R. ELLIS, 18, King Street, Wigan. Kev. J. CARSON, Winwick, Newton-le-Willows. CHESHIRE. E. W. Cox, Woodhey, Rock Ferry. Rev. FRANCIS SANDERS, Hoylake. Rev. H. G. BARNACLE, Holmes Chapel. Rev. J. F. MESSENGER, Newton Moor Vicarage, JAMES HALL, Lindum House, Nantwich. WM. BANCROFT, Northwich. GEORGE PEARSON, Southside, Wilmslow. H TRANSACTIONS. & A HISTORY AND DESCRIPTION OF THE REGALIA AND PLATE OF THE BOROUGH OF PRESTON. By T. Stanley Ball. Read 11th March, 1897. AT Ta time when art treasures are becoming yearly of more value-particularly if they should happen to have historic associations, apart from their intrinsic value-no apology need be offered for the publication of a description of the valuable insignia and plate belonging to the ancient town of Preston. Although the regalia may be regarded as a remnant of past ages, when it was found necessary to parade outward and visible signs of the authority of law and government, still there is sufficient historical interest remaining in them; and in connection with them exist evidences of a continuity of government passed down through generations, which successive townsmen have in their turn honoured and preserved, as legacies bequeathed by their forefathers. The regalia of Preston is very rich and striking, both in the number and value of the symbolic emblems of civic authority and power. The 2 The Regalia and Plate of Preston. examples of the gold- and silver-smith's art found amongst the regalia have one not unimportant merit. They are not all of one period or one style, the dates of their manufacture extending over a period of more than 270 years, forming, in a limited degree, rare and beautiful specimens of different phases in the development of art work through these long years, which have been preserved to us by the care of our forefathers. At one period it was the custom for the Corporation to borrow plate and other silver for such occasions as the celebration of the guild merchant, from persons who were the possessors of suitable articles. The following quaint order is taken from the Council minute book, passed at a meeting held on the 21st July, 1682, just prior to the guild of that year" Ordered, that all plate and other "Goods borrowed from any p'son for and towards ye carrying on of ye Guild shall be carefully "restored backe, and if any damage or losse happen to any p'son for or by reason of ye loane "of such plate and other goods yt ye same shall "be repaired and satisfyed forth of ye p'fitt of "ye sd Guild or otherwise by ye Towne." doubt such an undertaking on the part of the Corporation would produce all the plate and other goods which they required. At that time they were not possessed of any plate, except the covered hanap or cup, presented by Henry Banester. 66 No Twenty years after, in view of the guild of 1702, the Council, at a meeting held on the 8th June in that year, passed a somewhat similar resolution. Even at that time they had no plate beyond the Banester cup, but the presentations that were made to them subsequently rendered unnecessary the later borrowing of plate, for no record exists of such in connection with the subsequent guilds. The following is a copy of the order of the Council |