| Great Britain - 1807 - 798 pages
...Affairs, or performs the duties of that department. 4. Sections four, five, six, seven, and eight of the Act of the session of the second and third years of William the Fourth, chapter one hundred and sixteen, " to provide for the salaries of certain " high... | |
 | 1850 - 702 pages
...Person on the Lists No. 2. and 3., together with the Dates of their respective Registries under the Act of the Second and Third Years of the Reign of King William the Fourth, Chapter 88., each in the proper List, according to the Nature of his Franchise (except all Persons registered... | |
 | Great Britain - 1838 - 924 pages
...were charged upon the Civil List of His late Majesty or upon the Consolidated Fund, pursuant to an Act of the Second and Third Years of the Reign of King William the Fourth; and any Sum 120.0007. for or Sums of Money not exceeding One hundred and twenty thou- civil.... | |
 | 1842 - 556 pages
...this aci to the said house. appeals or suits which may now he made by virtu« of the said recited act of the second and third years of the reign of King William the Fourth to her Majesty in council shall he made to the House of Lords; and that the said house shall... | |
 | 1842 - 1042 pages
...confined in them , shall, in addition to the visits required to be made by the magistrates under the Act of the second and third years of the reign of King William the Fourth, be visited at least three times in every year by a Commissioner, whose only qualification... | |
 | Great Britain - 1844 - 1174 pages
...of Her Majesty's Colonies and Plantations in the West Indies. [6th June 1844.] by an Act passed in the Session of the Second and Third Years of the Reign of His late Majesty King •J&3W.4.C.125. ' William the Fourth, intituled An Act for enabling His Majesty... | |
 | Great Britain - 1849 - 784 pages
...Hereditaments to be limited to the Uses declared of certain Estates substituted and settled by an Act of the Second and Third Years of the Reign of King William the Fourth, intituled Aft Act for vesting the Fee Simple of Part of the Freehold Instates devised by... | |
 | Great Britain - 1850 - 1098 pages
...Person on the Lists No. 2. and 3., together with the Dates of their respective Registries under the Act . + Ԫ " 1850" " Great Britain( Mthe same to any of the Su 88., each in the proper List, according to the Nature of his Franchise (except all Persons registered... | |
 | Great Britain - 1850 - 1166 pages
...Person on the Lists No. 2. and 3., together with the Dates of their respective Kegistries under the Act of the Second and Third Years of the Reign of King William the Fourth, Chapter 88., each in the proper List, according to the Nature of his Franchise (except all Persons registered... | |
 | Great Britain - 1850 - 900 pages
...Person on the Lists No. 2. and 3., together with the Dates of their respective Registries under the Act of the Second and Third Years of the Reign of King William the Fourth, Chapter 88., each in the proper List, according to the Nature of his Franchise (except all Persons registered... | |
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