Ye see your state wi' theirs compared, And shudder at the niffer, But cast a moment's fair regard, And (what's aft mair than a' the lave) Think, when your castigated pulse Wi' wind and tide fair i' your tail, But in the teeth o' baith to sail, See Social Life and Glee sit down, O would they stay to calculate Th' eternal consequences; Ye high, exalted, virtuous dames, Before ye gie poor Frailty names, But, let me whisper i' your lug, Then gently scan your brother man, Though they may gang a kennin wrang To step aside is human: One point must still be greatly dark, The moving why they do it! And just as lamely can ye mark How far, perhaps, they rue it. Who made the heart, 'tis he alone He knows each chord-its various tone, What's done we partly may compute, A DREAM. GUID-MORNIN' to your Majesty! My bardship here, at your levee, Is sure an uncouth sight to see Sae fine this day. I see ye 're complimented thrang, 'God save the King!''s a cuckoo sang That's unco easy said aye; The poets, too, a venal gang, Wi' rhymes weel-turned and ready, Wad gar you trow ye ne'er do wrang, But aye unerring steady, On sic a day. For me! before a monarch's face, Your kingship to bespatter; There's mony waur been o' the race, Than you this day. 'Tis very true, my sov'reign king, Your royal nest, beneath your wing, Than did ae day. Far be't frae me that I aspire To chaps, wha, in a barn or byre Wad better fill their station Than courts yon day. And now ye've gien auld Britain peace, Till she has scarce a tester: For me, thank God! my life's a lease, Or, faith! I fear, that wi' the geese I' the craft some day. I'm no mistrusting Willie Pitt, When taxes he enlarges, (An' Will's a true guid fallow's get, An' lessen a' your charges; An' boats this day. Adieu, my Liege! may Freedom geck In loyal, true affection, To pay your Queen, with due respect, This great birthday. Hail, Majesty Most Excellent! While nobles strive to please ye, Will ye accept a compliment A simple poet gies ye? Thae bonnie bairn-time Heaven has lent, In bliss, till Fate some day is sent, For ever to release ye Frae care that day. For you, young potentate o' Wales, I tell your Highness fairly, Down Pleasure's stream, wi' swelling sails, I'm tauld ye 're driving rarely; That e'er ye brak Diana's pales, Or rattled dice wi' Charlie, By night or day. Yet aft a ragged cowte's been known To mak a noble aiver; So, ye may doucely fill a throne, For a' their clishmaclaver: And yet, wi' funny, queer Sir John, He was an unco shaver For mony a day. For you, right rev'rend Osnaburgh Wad been a dress completer: Some luckless day. Young royal Tarry Breeks, I learn, |