ON A SHEEP'S HEAD. O LORD! when hunger pinches sore, And send us from thy bounteous store AFTER MEAT. O LORD! since we have feasted thus, Let Meg now take away the flesh, TO A LADY, WHO WAS LOOKING UP THE TEXT DURING SERMON. FAIR maid, you need not take the hint, Nor idle texts pursue: 'Twas guilty sinners that he meant- ON THE ILLNESS OF A FAVOURITE Now health forsakes that angel face, Nae mair my dearie smiles; And a' my hopes beguiles. The cruel Powers reject the prayer I hourly mak for thee! Ye heavens, how great is my despair! EPITAPH ON ROBERT FERGUSSON. VERSES WRITTEN UNDER THE PORTRAIT OF FERGUSSON, THE POET, IN A COPY OF THAT AUTHOR'S WORKS PRE SENTED TO A YOUNG LADY IN EDINBURGH, MARCH 17, 1787. CURSE on ungrateful man! that can be pleased, EPITAPH ON WILLIAM NICOL. TO PEOPLE BOASTING OF THEIR GRAND No more of your titled acquaintances boast, LINES WRITTEN ON A TUMBLER. YOU'RE welcome, Willie Stewart; You're welcome, Willie Stewart; There's ne'er a flower that blooms in May, That's half sae welcome's thou art. Come, bumpers high, express your joy,— To welcome Willie Stewart. May foes be strang, and friends be slack,— Ilk action may he rue it: May woman on him turn her back, That wrangs thee, Willie Stewart! ELEGY ON THE DEATH OF ROBERT Now Robin lies in his last lair, Nae mair shall fear him ; Nor anxious Fear, nor cankert Care, E'er mair come near him. To tell the truth, they seldom fasht him, Except the moment that they crusht him: For sune as Chance or Fate had husht 'em, Though e'er sae short, Then wi' à rhyme or song he lasht 'em, And thought it sport. * Fr. rivulets; i.e. Burns. Though he was bred to kintra wark, To mak a man; But tell him he was learned and clark, LINES TO JOHN RANKINE.* HE who of Rankine sang lies stiff and dead, * Written by Burns on his death-bed, and sent to Adamhill after his death. |