Few hearts like his, with virtue warmed, A GRACE BEFORE DINNER. O THOU, who kindly dost provide For every creature's want! We bless thee, God of Nature wide, And, if it please thee, Heavenly Guide, But whether granted or denied, Lord, bless us with content! Amen. A FAREWELL. FAREWELL, dear friend! may Guid-Luck hit you, May nane believe him! And ony deil that thinks to get you, Good Lord deceive him! ON BURNS'S HORSE BEING IMPOUNDED BY THE MAYOR OF CARLISLE. WAS e'er puir poet sae befitted? The maister drunk,-the horse committed: Thou 'lt be a horse when he's nae mair (mayor) ON TAM THE CHAPMAN. Weel pleased, he greets a wight sae famous, ON WEE JOHNNY. HIC JACET WEE JOHNNY. EPIGRAM ON BACON. AT Brownhill we always get dainty good cheer, And plenty of Bacon, each day in the year; We've all things that's neat, and mostly in season: But why always Bacon?-come, give me a reason? VERSES TO J. RANKINE. AE day, as Death, that grusome carl, From him that wears the star and garter, To grace this damned infernal clan.' VERSES TO JOHN RANKINE. In some sma' points, although not a', Ae way or ither, The breaking of ae point, though sma', Breaks a' thegither. I hae been in for 't ance or twice, That broke my rest, But now a rumour's like to rise A whaup's i' the nest. ON A NOISY POLEMIC. BELOW thir stanes lie Jamie's banes; Thou ne'er took such a bleth'rin' bitch ON A NOTED COXCOMB. LIGHT lay the earth on Billy's breast, His chicken heart so tender; But built a castle on his head, ON MISS JEAN SCOTT, OF ECCLEFECHAN. O, HAD each Scot of ancient times ON A HEN-PECKED COUNTRY SQUIRE. As father Adam first was fooled, ON THE SAME. O DEATH! hadst thou but spared his life An' a' been weel content! E'en as he is, cauld in his graff, The Tak thou the carlin's carcase aff, ON THE SAME. ONE Queen Artemisia, as old stories tell, When deprived of her husband she loved so well, But Queen Netherplace, of a different complexion, When called on to order the funeral direction, Would have ate her dead lord, on a slender pretence, Not to show her respect, but-to save the expense! THE HIGHLAND WELCOME. WHEN death's dark stream I ferry o'er,- In heaven itself I'll ask no more VERSES WRITTEN ON A WINDOW OF THE INN AT CARRON. WE cam na here to view your warks, In hopes to be mair wise, But only, lest we gang to hell, It may be nae surprise; But whan we tirled at your door, Your porter dought na hear us; Sae should we to hell's yetts come, may, Your billy Satan sair us! |