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*Monthly Pay list of one man of the Canadian Fencibles from -25th January 1812 to the 24th February 1813

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The undersigned Officers concerned in the Capture of Detroit request you will have the goodness to order a Board of Officers to assemble for the purpose of Investigating the Amounts of Sale of the different Articles of Prize Captured at Detroit and to ascertain the Value of the Vessels & unsold and also those Vessels taken in the Government employ.

They also request you will be pleased to order the Commissioners and others concerned to lay the regiment accounts before the Board

M. Elliott Lieut. 1st Essex Militia

Robert Gilmore D. Aj. Con

A. C. Garden. Lt. R. M. Regt.

Fredk Bolette L. F. N.

Vol. 109, p. 229. + Vol. 109, p. 235

We have the honor to be

Sir yr very obedt Serts.

Signed J. B. St. George L. C. I. H.

Wm Elliott Left. Essex Militia
Jas. Gooden Leut & Paymaster.
Essex Militia

Felix Troughten

Lt. Roy. Artillery

Jos Fulton Lieut 41 Rgt.

P. Z. Chanler, Lieut 41 Regt

R. Merkbr Capt

Geo. B. Hall Comm R. N.

Dixie Capt R E.

Wm. Faulkner. Aj.

Wm. Neill Capt 1st

Commons House of Assembly York Upper Canada 8th March 1813.

*Resolved. That the Thanks of this House be given to Brigadier General Proctor for the skill with which he planned, and the Intrepidity with which he Executed An Enterprise against a Division of the North West Army of the United States under the Command of Brigadier General Winchester, on the 22nd January last which terminated in the Capture. and Destruction of the Enemy's whole force.

Which passed in the House Nemine Contradicente

Signed Allen McLean

Commons House of Assembly

York Upper Canada 8th March 1813.

Resolved. That the Thanks of this House be given to Officers and Men of His Majesty's Regular and Militia Forces, and of the Provincial Marine Department, who under the Command of Brigadier General Proctor, so nobly supported the Characteristic Bravery of the British Nation in an attack on a Division of the North Western Army of the United States of America on the 22nd day of January last. and which Terminated in the Capture and Destruction of the Enemy's whole force.

Which passed in the House Nemine Contradicente

Signed Allen McLean

A true copy

A W McLean

B M.

I am of opinion that his Majestys Officers are justifiable in seizing wherever they may find the same, all Arms, such as Guns, Rifles and Musquets, Which belonged to or were taken from the Enemy-By the Law of Nations all arms, ammunition & Warlike Stores, as well as Provisions, taken from the Enemy belonging to the King. I am also of opinion that it is no excuse for the persons in possession of such Arms that they purchased them of the Indians. Their having done so subjects them, in my Opinion, to the penalties of the following Clause contained in the Ordinance passed by the Governor & Council of Quebec in the year 1777, which Clause is still in force in this Province.

From and after the publication of this Ordinance, no person or persons What so ever shall purchase or receive in pledge or in exchange, any Cloaths or Blankets,

* Vol. 109, F. 236.

+ Vol. 109, p. 243.

fire Arms or Ammunition, belonging to any Indian or Indians Within this Province under penalty of £5, and Imprisonment for any time not exceeding one month for the first offence, and of £10 & Imprisonment for any time not exceeding two months for the Second & every other Subsequent offense.

The above offence may be tried before any one Justice, or more, of the Peace in a Summary Manner & the penalty belongs to the Informery. The Offender must be prosecuted Within six Months after the Offence is committed. One Witness is sufficient who is not to be Informer. I am of opinion that if any person is found in possession of such Arms & that he acknowledges to or before any person, besides the Informer, that he bought them of the Indians within 6 months it is quite sufficient evidence to convict him of the Office. Js Woods Advocate 14th March 1813

A true copy

W McClean B M



41st Regt..

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*Vol. 109, p. 245.

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Rivier au Raisin le 24 Mars 1813:

*Monsieur Comme j'ai ust le neuv de votre Laitre danc la quels vous demande que vous aviest ait tai enforme que ja vest quantité de fariene danc mon moulen jai a put prait Deux mille senq Cent Livre que je pouvest vous le sesc avoire sie lex Chauvage mavest pat pillye six sant livre javest put tons vous Donné vous mé Demande sie je pouvest vous Donné dubledende sai ovedemont, pout voire Care je nait poit du tous mait sie je put vous en faire avoire je fait Ret mon pausible pouve a lex Garre des animaux je tacheré de pouvoire enna voire mes pouve moit je ne put vous en Donné vous Dite que vous Donnere le prit Courand je vous prit davoire Labonte demenformé le prit le plus juse care lex a bitanc Vous savet Des siré avoire unpritpoure tous lex est fait que vous me demandé pouve moit tous se que je pouvé faire je lefeve avest plaisire poure lex Deux mille senq sant Livre de fariene que jai de paveze Riend de.

plus a vous en forme je suit Votre Serviteur

Ant. Lassalle

to Mr. Robert Gilmore Amhersburg.

† Sir

Amhersburgh 25 March 1813.

I have the Honor to acquaint you that the Gun Boats are advancing but would you wish to have one finished, immediately in preference to having the Carpenters Employed on Both you perhaps may have occasion for one as soon as it could be launched-therefore would it not be advisable to push one forward as will be some time ere both can be finished.

I had the honor to address you yesterday and shall thank you to send me the Returns as soon as Possible as I want the Hesse to be made as Immediately some of the Long Point Artificers give us a vast Deal of Trouble. They have refused to work, one of them who has been tampering with oue Quebec, Ship Carpenters. I am about laying by the Heels; Dr. Richardson has been puzzling his small Portion of Brains with Cooke upon Littleton and discovered that an attempt of that kind is punishable. I Intend to carry it as far as the Law will stretch some more of the Ring Leaders. I intend to Discharge as we can do without them they not being Carpenters but mere Choppers. I wish they had never been employed they have caused much discontent in the yard having Double wages to some of our Best Workmen and no written agreement to bind them to the Performance of their Engagements.

I shall be obliged to you to let me know when you intend sending off a Dispatch for Below-present my best Compliments to Mrs & Miss Procter.

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