| Edmund Bohun - 1689 - 190 pages
...for fuch Petitioning are illegal. That Levying of Money to or for the ufe of the Crown, by pretence of Prerogative, without Grant of Parliament, for longer time, or in other manner, than -the lame is or mall be Granted, is illegal. That the railing or keeping a ftanding Army within the Kingdom... | |
| 1702 - 168 pages
...Nature, are Illegal and Pernicious. That levying of Mony for or to the Ufe of the Crown, by pretence of Prerogative, without Grant of Parliament, for longer time, or in other manner, than the fame is, or fhall be Granted, is illegal. That it is the Right of the Subjefts to Petition the King,... | |
| Abel Boyer - 1702 - 552 pages
...are Illegal " and Pernicious. 4. That levying of Money lor " or to the Ufe ot the Crown, by pretence of " Prerogative, without Grant of Parliament, for longer time, or in other manner than the fame is or {hall t>e granted, is Illegal, jr. That it is the Right of the Subjects to Petition the... | |
| William Howell - 1712 - 618 pages
...nature, are ilkgal and pernjcious. ' That levying Money to or for the flfeof the Crown, by pretence of Prerogative, without grant of Parliament, for longer time, or in other Manner than than the fame is or (hall ba granted, is ˇilegal. ' That it is the Right of the Subjed» to Petition... | |
| Sir Richard Steele - 1715 - 330 pages
...Nature, are illegal and per* nicious. ' That levying Money for, or to the Ufe * of the Crown, by Pretence of Prerogative, * without Grant of Parliament, for longer ' Time or in other Manner than the fame is rr ' fiiall be granted, is illegal. * That it is the Ri^ht of the Subjects to .pe* tition the... | |
| Parliament commons, proc - 1742 - 494 pages
...pronounced by the Lords of Seffion, providing the fame do not (lop Execution of the laid Sentences ' That it is the Right of the Subjects to petition the King, and that all Impriibnments and Profecutions for fuch Petitions are contrary to Law. ' That for Redrels... | |
| Algernon Sidney - 1744 - 374 pages
...Nature, are illegal and pernicious." 3. " That levying Money for, or to the Ufe of the Crown by Pretence of Prerogative, without Grant of Parliament, for longer Time, or in other Manner, than the fame is, or Hull be granted, is illegal and pernicious." 4. " That the raifing or keeping a Standing... | |
| Tobias Smollett - 1759 - 492 pages
...prerogative, without grant of parliament, for longer time, or in any other manner than the fame is Or ftall be granted, is illegal. 5. That it is the right of the fubjjcts to petition the king, and ail corrimitrnrnts and profrcutions for fuch petitioning, are illegal.... | |
| Great Britain - 1764 - 544 pages
...moprerogative, without grant of parliament, for longer time, or in other ney. manner than the fame is orßall be granted, is illegal. 5. That it is the right of the fubjeffs to petition the King, and Right to petiall committments and profecutions forfuch petitioning... | |
| William Knox, Thomas Whately, John Mein - 1769 - 278 pages
...parliament, t( is illegal." " That the levying moneys/or, <l or to the ufe of the crown, by pretence of " prerogative, without grant of parliament ?« for longer time, or in other manner than, «' the fame is, or (hall be granted, is illegal." It fhould feem to be the Englim mean-? ing of thefe feveral... | |
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