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scale, and the entire number will be obtained at once by extending the dividers between the arrow-heads in the figure from 220 on the upper scale (measuring along its lower side) to 55 on the lower scale, 254 would extend from 210 on the upper scale to 44 on the lower. 318 would extend from 230 on the upper scale to 88 on the lower. Always begin then with subtracting 11 times the last figure from the given number; find the remainders on the upper scale, and the number subtracted on the lower scale.

(51) A plat is sometimes made by a nominally reduced scale in the following manner. Suppose that the scale of the plat is to be ten chains to one inch, and that a diagonal scale of inches, divided into tenths and hundredths, is the only one at hand. By dividing all the distances by ten, this scale can then be used without any further reduction. But if the content is measured from the plat to the same scale, in the manner explained in the next chapter, the result must be multiplied by 10 times 10. This is called by old Surveyors "Raising the scale," or "Restoring true measure."

(52) Sectoral Scales. The Sector, (called by the French "Compass of Proportion"), is an instrument sometimes convenient for obtaining a scale of equal parts. It is in two portions, turning on a hinge, like a carpenter's pocket rule. It contains a great number of scales, but the one intended for this use is lettered at its ends L in English instruments, and consists of two lines running from the centre to the ends of the scale, and each divided into ten equal parts, each of which is again subdivided into 10, so that each leg of the scale contains 100

equal parts. To illustrate its use, suppose that a scale of 7 chains to 1 inch is required. Take 1 inch in the dividers, and open the sector till this distance will just reach from the 7 on one leg to the 7 on the other. The sector is then "set" for this

Fig. 24.

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scale, and the angle of its opening must not be again changed. Now let a distance of 580 links be required. Open the dividers till they reach from 58 to 58 on the two legs, as in the dotted line in the figure, and it is the required distance. Again, suppose that a scale of 21⁄2 chains to one inch is desired. Open the sector so that 1 inch shall extend from 25 to 25. Any other scale may be obtained in the same manner.

Conversely, the length of any known line to any desired scale can thus be readily determined.

(53) Whatever scale may be adopted for platting the survey, it should be drawn on the map, both for convenience of reference, and in order that the contraction and expansion, caused by changes in the quantity of moisture in the atmosphere, may affect the scale and the map alike. When the drawing paper has been wet and glued to a board, and cut off when the map is completed, its contractions have been found by many observations to average from one-fourth to one-half per cent. on a scale of 3 chains to an inch, (1:2376), which would therefore require an allowance of from one-half perch to one perch per acre.

A scale made as directed in Art. (49), if used to make a plat on unstretched paper, and then kept with the plat, will answer nearly the same purpose.

Such a scale may be attached to a map, by slipping it through two or three cuts in the lower part of the sheet, and will be a very convenient substitute for a pair of dividers in measuring any distance upon it.

(54) Scale omitted. It may be required to find the unknown scale to which a given map has been drawn, its superficial content being known. Assume any convenient scale, measure the lines of the map by it, and find the content by the methods to be given in the next chapter, proceeding as if the assumed scale were the Then make this proportion, founded on the geometrical principle that the areas of similar figures are as the squares of their corresponding sides: As the content found Is to the given content So is the square of the assumed scale To the square of the true scale.

true one.



(55) The CONTENT of a piece of ground is its superficial area, or the number of square feet, yards, acres, or miles which it contains.

(56) Horizontal Measurement. All ground, however inclined or uneven its surface may be, should be measured horizontally, or as if brought down to a horizontal plane, so that the surface of a hill, thus measured, would give the same content as the level base on which it may be supposed to stand, or as the figure which would be formed on a level surface beneath it by dropping plumb lines from every point of it.

This method of procedure is required for both Geometrical and Social reasons.



Fig. 25.


Fig. 26.



Geometrically, it is plain that this horizontal measurement is absolutely necessary for the purpose of obtaining a correct plat. In Fig. 25, let ABCD, and BCEF, be two square lots of ground, platted horizontally. Suppose the ground to slope in all directions from the point C, which is the summit of a hill. Then the lines BC, DC, measured on the slope, are longer than if measured on a level, and the field ABCD, of Fig. 25, platted with these long lines, would take the shape ABGD in Fig. 26; and the field BCEF, of Fig. 25, would become BHEF of Fig. 26. The two adjoining fields would thus overlap each other; and the same difficulty would occur in every case of platting any two adjoining fields by the measurements made on the slope.






Let us suppose another case, more simple than would ever occur in practice, that of a threesided field, of equal sides and composed of three portions each sloping down uniformly, (at the

Fig. 27.

Fig. 28.

rate of one to one) from one point in the centre, as in Fig. 27. Each slope being accurately platted, the three could not come together, but would be separated as in Fig. 28.

We have here taken the most simple cases, those of uniform slopes. But with the common irregularities of uneven ground, to measure its actual surface would not only be improper, but impossible.

In the Social aspect of this question, the horizontal measurement is justified by the fact that no more houses can be built on a hill than could be built on its flat base; and that no more trees, corn, or other plants, which shoot up vertically, can grow on it; as is represented by the vertical lines in the


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Figure. Even if a side hill should pro

duce more of certain creeping plants, the

Fig. 29.

increased difficulty in their cultivation might perhaps balance this. For this reason the surface of the soil thus measured is sometimes called the productive base of the ground.

Again, a piece of land containing a hill and a hollow, if measured on the surface would give a larger content than it would after the hollow had been filled up by the hill, while it would yet really be of greater value than before.

Horizontal measurement is called the "Method of Cultellation," and Superficial measurement, the "Method of Developement."+ An act of the State of New-York prescribes that "The acre, for land measure, shall be measured horizontally."

*This question is more than two thousand years old, for Polybius writes, Some even of those who are employed in the administration of states, or placed at the head of armies, imagine that unequal and hilly ground will contain more houses than a surface which is flat and level. This, however, is not the truth. For the houses being raised in a vertical line, form right angles, not with the declivity of the ground, but with the flat surface which lies below, and upon which the hills themselves also stand."

The former from Cultellum, a knife, as if the hills were sliced off; the latter so named because it strips off or unfolds, as it were, the surface.

(57) Unit of Content. The Acre is the unit of land-measurement. It contains 4 Roods. A Rood contains 40 Perches. A Perch is a square Rod; otherwise called a Perch, or Pole. A Rod is 5 yards, or 163 feet.

Hence, 1 acre = 4 Roods

160 Perches

4,840 square

yards 43,560 square feet.

One square mile 5280 × 5280 feet

640 acres.

Since a chain is 66 feet long, a square chain contains 4356 square feet; and consequently ten square chains make one acre.* In different parts of England, the acre varies greatly. The statute acre, as in the United States, contains 160 square perches of 161 feet, or 43,560 square feet. The acre of Devonshire and Somersetshire, contains 160 perches of 15 feet, or 36,000 square feet. The acre of Cornwall is 160 perches of 18 feet, or 51,840 square feet. The acre of Lancashire is 160 perches of 21 feet, or 70,560 square feet. The acre of Cheshire and Staffordshire, is 160 perches of 24 feet, or 92,160 square feet. The acre of Wiltshire is 120 perches of 16 feet, or 32,670 square feet. The acre in Scotland consists of 10 square chains, each of 74 feet, and therefore contains 54,760 square feet. The acre in Ireland is the same as the Lancashire. The chain is 84 feet long.

The French units of land-measure are the Are― 100 square Metres,-0.0247 acre, one fortieth of an acre, nearly; and the Hectare 100 Ares 2.47 acres, or nearly two and a half. Their old land-measures were the "Arpent of Paris," containing 36,800 square feet; and the "Arpent of Waters and Woods," containing 55,000 square feet.

(58) When the content of a piece of land (obtained by any of the methods to be explained presently) is given in square links, as is customary, cut off four figures on the right, (i. e. divide by 10,000), to get it into square chains and decimal parts of a chain; cut off the right hand figure of the square chains, and the remaining figures will be Acres. Multiply the remainder by 4, and the figure, if any, outside of the new decimal point will be Roods.

*Let the young student beware of confounding 10 square chains with 10 chains square. The former make one acre; the latter space contains teu acres.

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