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If Suffolk has not acquired such high reputation for its live stock as some other counties, this must be ascribed rather to the want of attention in the breeders, than to the want of a capability of improvement in the animals themselves. The cows have long been celebrated for the abundance of their milk, which considering their size, and the quantity of food, far exceeds the produce of any other race in the island. Though the peculiar breed of this county is spread all over it, yet a tract of twenty miles by twelve, is more especially the seat of the dairies. This space is comprehended within a line drawn from the parish of Coddenham to Ashbocking, Otley, Charsfield, Letheringham, Hatcheston, Parham, Framlingham, Cransford, Bruisyard, Badingham, Sibton, Heveningham, Cookly, Linstead, Metfield, Wethersdale, Fressingfield, Wingfield, Hoxne, Brome, Thrandeston. Gislingham, Finningham, Wrestrop, Wyverston, Gipping, Stonham, Creeting, and again to Coddenham. The cows of Suffolk are universally polled, as the farmers sell all the calves that would have horns reserving only such as have none for stock. The size is small, few rising, when fattened, to fifty stone, at fourteen pounds each. The characteristics of this breed are :—a clean throat, with little dewlap; a thin clean snake head; thin legs; a very large carcase; a rib tolerably springing from the centre

of the back, but with a heavy belly; back-bone ridged; chine, thin and hollow; loin narrow; udder large, loose, and creased when empty; milk-veins remarkably large, and rising in knotted puffs to the eye; a general habit of leanness; hip-bones high and ill covered, and scarcely any part of the carcase so formed, and covered as to please the eye accustomed to fat beasts of the finer breeds. It is nevertheless remarked, that many of them fatten remarkably well, and their flesh is of a fine quality. The best milkers are in general red, brindled, or of a yellowish cream colour. The quantity of milk yielded by one of these cows is from four to six gallons a day. Some years since cabbages were universally cultivated as an article of food for cows, far superior to hay, but this practice as elsewhere observed, is now on the decline. Another peculiarity in the Suffolk management, is that of tying up these animals in the fields, without house, shed, or roof to cover them. A rough manger is formed of rails and stakes; the cows are tied to posts, about three feet from each other, and have at their heads a screen of faggots. Litter is regularly given, and the dung piled up behind. For cows before calving this is found better than suffering them to range at will; the shelter of the hedge and dung keeping them sufficiently warm without

any cover.

In those parts of the county where the cattle do not consume all the turnips, it is common to buy black cattle at fairs from north country drovers for the purpose, Some of these are Irish, others Welch, but the greater part Scotch, of different breeds. These after being fattened, generally continue their journey to supply the markets of the metropolis.

The Norfolk, or, as it might with greater propriety be denominated, the Suffolk breed of sheep, since the most celebrated flocks are found about Bury, is diffused over almost every part of the county. For the quality of the mutton, as long as cool weather lasts; for tallow; for fatting at an early age; for the fineness of the wool, which is the third in price in England; for endurance of hard driving; for hardness and success as nurses, this race is deservedly esteemed. These excellencies are however counterbalanced by their voracity, a want of tendency to fatten, resulting from an ill-formed carcase, and a restless and unquiet disposition; a texture of flesh that will not keep in hot weather so long as that of South Down sheep, and a loose ragged habit of wool. In consequence of these bad qualities, the breed has been nearly changed in the last twenty-five years, the South Down now being every where prevalent. This new race was unquestionably introduced by Arthur Young, Esq.

a fact not depending on any present assertion respecting what was done many years ago, but published at the time in the Annals of Agriculture. They afterwards passed into Norfolk, in consequence of Mr. Young's recommendation, of them to the late Earl of Orford; and thus to the exertions of this gentleman was owing the establishment of a breed of sheep throughout two counties, to the benefit of several thousands of farmers, and to the advantage of their landlords, from that rise of rent which has since taken place.

In regard to the number of sheep in the whole county, Mr. Young calculates, that the sand districts have one sheep to two acres : the rich and strong loams, one to four acres, and the fen district one to six acres. According to these proportions the number will be:

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Suffolk is not less celebrated for its breed of horses, than for its cows. They are found in the highest perfection in the maritime district extending to Woodbridge, Debenham, Eye, and Lowestoff: but the prime of this breed were some years since to be met with upon the

Sandlings, south of Woodbridge and Orford, About half a century ago a considerable spirit of breeding and of drawing team against team, prevailed among the farmers of this county, one of whom is mentioned by Mr. Young, as having drawn fifteen horses for 1500 guineas. The horses of this old breed were in some respects the reverse of handsome, of a sorrel colour, very low in the fore-end, with a large illshapen head, slouching ears, a great carcase, short legs and short back. Their power of drawing was very great; but they could trot no more than a cow. Of late years, by aiming at coach-horses, the breeders have produced a more handsome, light and active animal, which if fairly compared with the great black horse of the midland counties, will it is presumed by competent judges, beat the latter in useful draft, that of the cart and plough.

Another pecularity, besides the feeding of horses on carrots, may be noticed in the mode of treating these animals in Suffolk. This is that in the eastern districts they are never permitted to remain in the stable at night; being turned out into a yard well littered with straw, and supplied with plenty of good sweet oat or barley straw to eat, but never clover or hay. With this treatment, a horse never has swelled legs, and seldom any other ailment he is kept in as fine condition, and will hold his work seve

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