A. 379. This year Gratian succeeded to the empire. A. 380. A. 381. This year Maximus the emperor obtained the empire; he was born in the land of Britain, and went thence into Gaul. And he there slew the emperor Gratian, and drove his brother, who was called Valentinian, out of the country. And Valentinian afterwards gathered an army and slew Maximus, and obtained the empire. In these days the heresy of Pelagius arose throughout the world. A. 382.-408. A. 409. This year the Goths took the city of Rome by storm, and after this the Romans never ruled in Britain; and this was about eleven hundred and ten years after it had been built. Altogether they ruled in Britain four hundred and seventy years since Caius Julius first sought the land. A. 410.-417. A. 418. This year the Romans collected all the treasures that were in Britain, and some they hid in the earth, so that no one has since been able to find them; and some they carried with them into Gaul. A. 419.-422. A. 423. This year Theodosius the younger succeeded to the empire. A. 424.-429. A. 430. This year Palladius* the bishop was sent to the Scots by pope Celestinus, that he might confirm their faith. A. 430. This year Patrick was sent by pope Celestine to preach baptism to the Scots. A. 431.-442. A. 443. This year the Britons sent over sea to Rome, and begged for help against the Picts; but they had none, because they were themselves warring against Attila, king of the "Palladius and Patricius have been sometimes confounded together. so that it is difficult to assign to each his respective share of merit in the conversion of the Scots of Ireland."-INGRAM. Huns. And then they sent to the Angles, and entreated the like of the ethelings of the Angles. A. 444. This year St. Martin died. A. 445. 447. A. 448. This year John the Baptist revealed his head to two monks, who came from the east to offer up their prayers at Jerusalem, on the spot which was formerly Herod's residence. A. 449. This year Martianus and Valentinus succeeded to the empire, and reigned seven years. And in their days Hengist and Horsa, invited by Vortigern, king of the Britons, landed in Britain on the shore which is called Wippidsfleet; at first in aid of the Britons, but afterwards they fought against them. King Vortigern gave them land in the south-east of this country, on condition that they should fight against the Picts. Then they fought against the Picts, and had the victory wheresoever they came. They then sent to the Angles; desired a larger force to be sent, and caused them to be told the worthlessness of the Britons, and the excellencies of the land. Then they soon sent thither a larger force in aid of the others. At that time there came men from three tribes in Germany; from the Old-Saxons, from the Angles, from the Jutes. From the Jutes came the Kentish-men and the Wightwarians, that is, the tribe which now dwells in Wight, and that race among the West-Saxons which is still called the race of Jutes. From the Old-Saxons came the men of Essex and Sussex and Wessex. From Anglia, which has ever since remained waste betwixt the Jutes and Saxons, came the men of East Anglia, Middle Anglia, Mercia, and all North-humbria. Their leaders were two brothers, Hengist and Horsa: they were the sons of Wihtgils; Wihtgils son of Witta, Witta of Wecta, Wecta of Woden: from this Woden sprang all our royal families, and those of the South-humbrians also. A. 449. And in their days Vortigern invited the Angles thither, and they came to Britain in three ceols, at the place called Wippidsfleet: A. 450.-454. A. 455. This year Hengist and Horsa fought against king Vortigern at the place which is called Ægels-threp, [Aylesford,] and his brother Horsa was there slain, and afte that Hengist obtained the kingdom, and Æsc his son. A. 456. This year Hengist and Esc slew four troops of Britons with the edge of the sword, in the place which is named Creccanford, [Crayford].* A. 457. This year Hengist and Esc his son fought against the Britons at the place which is called Crecganford, [Crayford,] and there slew four thousand men ; and the Britons then forsook Kent, and in great terror fled to London. A. 458.-464. A. 465. This year Hengist and Esc fought against the Welsh near Wippidsfleet, [Ebbsfleet?] and there slew twelve Welsh ealdormen, and one of their own thanes was slain there, whose name was Wipped. A. 466.-472. A. 473. This year Hengist and Esc fought against the Welsh, and took spoils innumerable; and the Welsh fled from the Angles like fire. A. 474.-476. A. 477. This year Ælla, and his three sons, Cymen, and Wlencing, and Cissa, came to the land of Britain with three ships, at a place which is named Cymenes-ora, and there slew many Welsh, and some they drove in flight into the wood that is named Andreds-lea. A. 478.-481. A. 482. This year the blessed abbat Benedict, by the glory of his miracles, shone in this world, as the blessed Gregory relates in his book of Dialogues. A. 483. 484. A. 485. This year Ælla fought against the Welsh near the bank of Mearcrædsburn. A. 486. 487. A. 488. This year Esc succeeded to the kingdom, and was king of the Kentish-men twenty-four years. A. 489. 490. A. 491. This year Ella and Cissa besieged Andredscester, and slew all that dwelt therein, so that not a single Briton was there left. The positions usually assigned to various places mentioned in the earlier portion of the Chronicle, are often very uncertain, depending chiefly on a supposed or real similarity of names. Where these, however, appear sufficiently probable, they are placed between brackets if otherwise, a quare is added. A. 492.-494. A. 495. This year two ealdormen came to Britain, Cerdic and Cynric his son, with five ships, at the place which is called Cerdics-ore, and the same day they fought against the Welsh.* A. 496.-500. A. 501. This year Port, and his two sons Bieda and Mægla, came to Britain with two ships, at a place which is called Portsmouth, and they soon effected a landing, and they there slew a young British man of high nobility. A. 502.-507. A. 508. This year Cerdic and Cynric slew a British king, whose name was Natan-leod, and five thousand men with him. After that the country was named Natan-lea, as far Cerdicsford, [Charford.] A. 509. This year† St. Benedict the abbat, father of all monks, went to heaven. A. 510.-513. A. 514. This year the West-Saxons came to Britain with three ships, at the place which is called Cerdic's-ore, and Stuf and Whitgar fought against the Britons, and put them to flight. A. 515.-518. A. 519. This year Cerdic and Cynric obtained the kingdom of the West-Saxons; and the same year they fought against the Britons where it is now named Cerdicsford. And from that time forth the royal offspring of the WestSaxons reigned. A. 520.-526. A. 527. This year Cerdic and Cynric fought against the Britons at the place which is called Cerdic's-lea. A. 528. 529. A. 530. This year Cerdic and Cynric conquered the island of Wight, and slew many men at Whit-garas-byrg, [Carisbrooke, in Wight.] A. 531,-533. A. 534. This year Cerdic, the first king of the West Saxons, died, and Cynric his son succeeded to the kingdom, * Gibson here introduced into the text a long genealogy, which, as Dr Ingram observes: "is not justified by a single MS." Benedict died, according to Mabillon, in 543. and reigned from that time twenty-six years; and they gave the whole island of Wight to their two nephews, Stuf and Wihtgar. A. 535.-537. A. 538. This year, fourteen days before the Kalends of March, the sun was eclipsed from early morning till nine in the forenoon. A. 539. A. 540. This year the sun was eclipsed on the twelfth before the Kalends of July, and the stars showed themselves full-nigh half an hour after nine in the forenoon. A. 541.-543. A. 544. This year Wihtgar died, and they buried him in Wiht-gara-byrg. [Carisbrooke.] A. 545. 546. A. 547. This year Ida began to reign, from whom arose the royal race of North-humbria; and he reigned twelve years, and built Bambrough, which was at first enclosed by a hedge, and afterwards by a wall. Ida was the son of Eoppa, Eoppa of Esa, Esa of Ingwi, Ingwi of Angenwit, Angenwit of Aloc, Aloc of Benoc, Benoc of Brond, Brond of Beldeg, Beldeg of Woden, Woden of Frithowald, Frithowald of Frithuwulf, Frithuwulf of Finn, Finn of Godwulf, Godwulf of Geat. A. 548.-551. A. 552. This year Cynric fought against the Britons at the place which is called Searo-byrig [Old Sarum], and he put the Britons to flight. Cerdic was Cynric's father, Cerdic was the son of Elesa, Elesa of Esla, Esla of Gewis, Gewis of Wig, Wig of Freawin, Freawin of Frithogar, Frithogar of Brond, Brond of Beldeg, Beldeg of Woden. And Ethelbert, the son of Ermenric was born; and in the thirtieth year of his reign he received baptism, the first of the kings in Britain. A. 553.-555. A. 556. This year Cynric and Ceawlin fought against the Britons at Berin-Byrig, [Banbury ?] A. 557.-559. A. 560. This year Ceawlin succeeded to the kingdom of the West-Saxons, and Ida being dead, Alla succeeded to the kingdom of North-humbria, each of whom reigned thirty |