Of the Building of the Temple, of Allegorical Exposition, like the rest, two books. Item, on the Book of Kings, thirty Questions. On Solomon's Proverbs, three books. On the Canticles, seven books. On Isaiah, Daniel, the twelve Prophets, and Part of Jeremiah, Distinctions of Chapters, collected out of St. Jerome's Treatise. On Esdras and Nehemiah, three books. On the Song of Habacuc, one book. On the Book of the blessed Father Tobias, one Book of Allegorical Exposition concerning Christ and the Church. Also, Chapters of Readings on Moses's Pentateuch, Joshua, and Judges. On the Books of Kings and Chronicles. On the Book of the blessed Father Job. On the Parables, Ecclesiastes, and Canticles. On the Gospel of Luke, six books. Of Homilies on the Gospel, two books. On the Apostle, I have carefully transcribed in order all that I have found in St. Augustine's Works. On the Acts of the Apostles, two books. On the seven Catholic Epistles, a book on each. Also, Chapters of Readings on all the New Testament, except the Gospel. Also a book of Epistles to different Persons, of which one is of the Six ages of the world; one of the Mansions of the Children of Israel; one on the Words of Isaiah, "And they shall be shut up in the prison, and after many days shall they be visited;" one of the Reason of the Bissextile, or Leap-Year, and of the Equinox, according to Anatolius. Also, of the Histories of Saints. I translated the Book of the Life and Passion of St. Felix, Confessor, from Paulinus's Work in metre, into prose. The Book of the Life and Passion of St. Anastasius, which was ill translated from the Greek, and worse amended by some unskilful person, I have corrected as to the sense. I have written the Life of the Holy Father Cuthbert, who was both monk and prelate, first in heroic verse, and then in prose. The History of the Abbats of this Monastery, in which I rejoice to serve the Divine Goodness, viz. Benedict, Ceolfrid, and Huetbert, in two books. The Ecclesiastical History of our Island and Nation in five books. The Martyrology of the Birth-days of the Holy Martyrs, in which I have carefully endeavoured to set down all that I could find, and not only on what day, but also by what sort of combat, or under what judge they overcame the world. A Book of Hymns in several sorts of metre, or rhyme. Of the Nature of Things, and of the Times, one book of each. Also, of the Times, one larger book. A book of Orthography digested in Alphabetical Order. Also a Book of the Art of Poetry, and to it I have added another little Book of Tropes and Figures; that is, of the Figures and Manners of Speaking in which the Holy Scriptures are written. And now, I beseech thee, good Jesus, that to whom thou hast graciously granted sweetly to partake of the words of thy wisdom and knowledge, thou wilt also vouchsafe that he may some time or other come to thee, the fountain of all wisdom, and always appear before thy face, who livest and reignest world without end. Amen! HERE ENDS, BY GOD'S HELP, THE FIFTH BOOK OF THE ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY OF THE ENGLISH NATION. (What follows appears to be by another hand.) [In the year from the incarnation of our Lord 732, Egbert was made bishop of York, in the room of Wilfrid [II.]; Cunebert, bishop of Lindisfarians [Sidnacester?] died. A. D. 733, there happened an eclipse of the sun, on the 18th day before the kalends of September, about the third hour of the day; so that almost all the orb of the sun seemed to be covered with a black and horrid shield. In the year from the incarnation of our Lord 733, archbishop Tatwine aaving received the pall by apostolical authority, ordained Alwich* and Sigfndt bishops. A. D. 734, the moon, on the 2nd before the kalends of February, about the time of cock-crowing, was, for about a whole hour, covered with a bloody red, after which a blackness followed, and she regained her light. In the year from the incarnation of our Lord 734, bishop Tatwine died. In the year from the incarnation of our Lord 735, Nothelm was ordained archbishop; and bishop Egbert, having received the pall from the apostolic see, was the first confirmed archbishop after Paulinus, and ordained Frithbert‡ and Frithwald | bishops; and the priest Bede died. A. D. 737, too much drought rendered the land unfruitful, and Ceolwulf, voluntarily receiving the tonsure, left the kingdom to Eadbert. A. D. 739, Ethelard, king of the West-Saxons, died, as did archbishop Nothelm. A. D. 740, Cuthbert was consecrated in Nothelm's stead. Ethelbald, king of the Mercians, through impious fraud, wasted part of the Northumbrians, their king Eadbert, with his army, being employed against the Picts. Bishop Ethelwald died also, and Conwulf was consecrated in his stead. Amwin and Eadbert were slain. A. D. 741, first a great drought happened in the country. Charles, king of the Franks, died; and his sons, Caroloman and Pepin, reigned in his stead." A. D. 745, Bishop Wilfrid and Ingwald, bishop of London, departed to our Lord. A. D. 747, the man of God, Herefrid, died. A.D. 750, Cuthred, king of the West Saxons, rose up against king Ethelbald and Oenguse; Theneorus and Eanred died; Eadbert added the plain of Kyle and other places to his dominions. A. D. 756, in the fifth year of king Eadbert, on the ides of January, there happened an eclipse of the sun; afterwards, the same year and month, on the 9th before the kalends of February the moon suffered an eclipse, being most horridly black. A. D. 756, Boniface, called also Winfrid, bishop of the Franks, received the crown of martyrdom, with fifty-three others; and Redger was consecrated archbishop in his stead, by pope Stephen. A. D. 757, Ethelbald, king of the Mercians, was miserably murdered, in the night, by his own tutors; Beonred began his reign; Cynewulf, king of the West-Saxons, died; and the same year, Offa, having vanquished Beonred, in a bloody manner, sought to gain the kingdom of the Mercians. A. D. 758, Eadbert. king of the Northumbrians, receiving St. Peter's tonsure for the love of God, and to gain the heavenly country by violence, left the kingdom to his son Oswulph. A. D. 759, Oswulph was wickedly murdered by his own servants; and Ethelwald, being chosen the same year by his people, entered upon the kingdom; in whose second year there happened a great tribulation of mortality, and continued almost two years, several grievous distempers raging, but more especially the dysentery. A. D. 761, Oeng, king of the Picts, died; who, from the beginning to the end of his reign, continued a bloody tyrannical butcher: Oswin was also slain A. D. 765, King Alcred was advanced to the throne. A. D. 766, Archbishop Egbert, of the royal race, and endued with Divine knowledge, as also Frithbert, both of them truly faithful prelates, departed to our Lord.] Sidnacester. + Selsey. Hexham. Whitherne. |