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Azo Colours.

Wool Book III.

Acid Colours. 23. *Acid Yellow. Sodium salt of amido-azo-benzene-disulphonic

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acid. S. and J. 21.

24. *Fast Yellow. Sodium salt of amido-azo-toluene-disulphonic acid. S. and J. 22.

25. Brilliant Yellow S. Sulphonated Diphenylamine Orange. S. and

J. 76.

31. *Milling Yellow 00.
34. *Milling Yellow.
salicylic acid.

Direct Cotton 11. Titan Yellow R.

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Wool Book IV.

Constitution not published.

From B-naphthylamine-a-sulphonic acid and

From thio-p-toluidine-sulphonic acid. (Constitution not published.)

12. Chrysamin R. From o-tolidine and salicylic acid. S. and J. 195.
13. Cresotin Yellow R. From o-tolidine and o-cresol-carboxylic acid.
16. Chrysophenin. Ethylated Brilliant Yellow from diamido-stilbene-
disulphonic acid. S. and J. 156.
17. Cresotin Yellow G.
19. Diamine Yellow N.

From benzidine and o-cresol-carboxylic acid.
From ethoxy-benzidine, phenol, and salicylic

acid (ethylated). S. and J. 204.

21. Chrysamin G. From benzidine and salicylic acid. S. and J. 166. 22. *Oriol Yellow. From dehydro-thio-p-toluidine-sulphonic acid and S. and J. 99.

salicylic acid.

38. Titan Yellow Y.

From thio-p-toluidine-sulphonic acid. (Constitution not published.)

Mordant Colours. 12. Chrome Orange (Cr.). Constitution not published.
13. Yellow for wool A F (Cr.). Constitution not published.
20. Chrome Yellow (Cr.). Constitution not published.

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Oxyketone Colours.

Mordant Colours. 25. Galloflavin (Cr.). Oxidation product of gallic acid. S. and J.

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26. Alizarin Yellow A (Cr.). Tri-oxy-benzophenone. S. and J. 237.

Natural Colouring Matters.

Mordant Colours. 2. Persian Berries (Cr.).

8. Weld (Sn.).

NOTES.-In Palatine Orange we meet with the first example of a colour fast to light, the manufacture of which has already been abandoned; possibly some difficulty or expense connected with its manufacture may account for this circumstance.

Yellow for wool AF, applied with aluminium mordant, is very fugitive, while Chrome Orange seems quite as fast as with chromium. Chrome Yellow with aluminium mordant may be classed as a 'moderately fast ' colour.

Galloflavin with aluminium and tin mordants gives fugitive colours, more especially with aluminium.


The colours of this class show a very gradual fading during the different periods, and even after a year's exposure a moderately good colour remains.

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Sodium salt of azoxy-stilbene-disulphonic acid.

33. Mikado Orange 3 RO. Constitution not published. S. and J. 18. 35. Mikado Orange GO. Constitution not published. S. and J. 18.

Azo Colours.

Acid Colours. 13. Orange GG. From aniline and B-naphthol-disulphonic acid G. S. and J. 28.

Wool Book IV.

Mordant Colours. 10. *Alizarin Yellow R (Cr.). From p-nitraniline and salicylic acid.

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S. and J. 35.

17. *Anthracene Yellow C (Cr.). Constitution not published.
18. *Diamond Yellow R (Cr.). From o-amido-benzoïc acid and
salicylic acid. S. and J. 231.

19. *Alizarin Yellow GGW. (Cr.). From m-nitraniline and salicylic
acid. S. and J. 34.

21. *Gambine Yellow (Cr.). Constitution not published.

22. Diamond Yellow G (Cr.). From m-amido-benzoïc acid and salicylic acid. S. and J. 230.

23. *Flavazol (Cr.). From p-toluidine and salicylic acid.

14. Brilliant Yellow. From diamido-stilbene-disulphonic acid and phenol. S. and J. 149.

15. Hessian Yellow. From diamido-stilbene-disulphonic acid and salicylic acid. S. and J. 154.

37. Chloramine Yellow. Oxyphenin.

Oxyketone Colours.

Mordant Colours. 9. *Alizarin Orange W (Cr.) (Al.). B-nitro-alizarin. S. and J. 251.

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NOTES.-The brownish-red given by Alizarin Orange W with chromium mordant becomes, during the first 'fading period,' distinctly bluer in shade, and hence apparently darker; the altered colour then fades so slowly that even after a year's exposure the faded colour appears almost as dark as the original.

The azo colours in this class which have been dyed on chromium mordanted wool leave, at the end of a year's exposure, faded colours of greater body and fulness than those applied without mordant; this is no doubt due to the inferior fastness of the latter, the faded colours of which are covered with a thin layer of perfectly bleached fibres.

All the artificial azo-mordant-colours in this class were fixed with aluminium as well as chromium mordant, and found to be equally fast to light. They were also applied with a tin mordant, but only in a few cases were satisfactory level colours thus obtained, and these seemed to be inferior to those applied with an aluminium mordant, in point of brilliancy as well as of fastness to light.


Most of the foregoing colours were also dyed on silk, and the patterns were exposed to light along with those on wool. The relative fastness of the various colours was, for the most part, the same as on wool, the differences observed being too unimportant to necessitate a special classification for silk. In Class IV., Yellow for wool A F (Cr.) proved to be much more fugitive on silk, whereas Chrysamin R and G, Titan Yellow R and Y, Oriol, Cresotin Yellow R and G, and Chrysophenin appeared to be somewhat faster. In Class III. the same remark applies to Cotton Yellow G.

The Indian dye-stuff Kamála was an additional one applied to silk, and found to belong to the fugitive class, being very little faster than Annatto.


The first thing which strikes one when examining these orange and yellow patterns is the comparatively large number of satisfactorily permanent colours.

In the more or less fugitive class are to be found all the basic colours, all the nitro-phenols, with the exception of Palatine Orange, and all the bright yellows derived from the natural colouring matters by means of aluminium and tin mordants, with the exception of those obtained from Weld. Comparatively few azo colours are met with in this group.

The marked alteration in colour from yellow to orange shown in the case of Picric Acid has long been known, and is ascribed to a reducing action of the light. The equally striking change from orange to brown, shown by Aurantia, does not, however, seem to have been previously recorded.

By far the largest number of yellows, ranging from 'moderately fast' to 'very fast,' are to be found among the azo colours. Specially important are those in which salicylic acid is a constituent element, since not only does this impart to the colour the power of forming more or less stable lakes with chromium and aluminium mordants, but it appears frequently to give the colours the quality of fastness to light, even when no mordant is applied. It is a fact of some importance that the colours obtained with aluminium are practically as fast as those fixed with chromium, since the first-named mordant gives much brighter and purer yellows. The tin mordant, so useful in the production of the most brilliant orange and yellow colours obtainable from the natural colouring matters, seems, however, to be of little or no advantage in connection with most of these azo-mordant-colours, no doubt because they are susceptible to the reducing action of the mordant usually employed for wool-viz. stannous chloride.

Very interesting in point of fastness to light are the azoxy colours, and although unfortunately apt to dye wool somewhat irregularly, giving speckled-looking colours, they are admirably adapted for silk and


Another interesting little group is that which includes Tartrazin, a colour not only noteworthy for its fastness to light, but also because of its brilliancy and purity.

The fastness of Alizarin Orange is worthy of special mention, for it is probably greater even than that exhibited by most other colours of the

Alizarin group, and it shows the peculiar darkening action exerted by the light, probably in consequence of the presence of the nitro group.

It is remarkable how few really fast yellows are derived from the natural colouring matters, and these are chiefly the olive-yellows obtained with chromium mordant. The only fast, and at the same time bright, natural yellows are those derived from Weld, and since this dye-stuff is now of little general importance to the dyer its cultivation has become extremely limited, and is gradually being given up; it is fortunate, therefore, that science has been able to replace it by efficient substitutes, so far, at least, as permanency towards light is concerned.

Our experiments have already abundantly proved that the popular opinion that the coal tar dye-stuffs include only such as yield more or less fugitive colours is entirely false; indeed, it is perfectly safe to assert that coal-tar is the source from which the greatest number of colours fast to light are derived at the present time, and this seems to be specially true of the red and yellow colours.

Bibliography of Solution.-Interim Report of the Committee, consisting of Professor W. A. TILDEN (Chairman), Dr. W. W. J. NICOL (Secretary), Professor H. MCLEOD, Mr. S. U. PICKERING, Professor W. RAMSAY, and Professor SYDNEY YOUNG.

THE Committee have collected the titles of all papers on solution published before 1874 in the journals catalogued by the Royal Society, the arrangement and classification of these are well advanced, and the Committee hope that this portion of the work will be completed and ready for publication at the next meeting of the Association.

Proximate Chemical Constituents of Coal.-Interim Report of the Committee, consisting of Sir I. LoWTHIAN BELL (Chairman), Professor P. PHILLIPS BEDSON (Secretary), Mr. LUDWIG MOND, Professor VIVIAN B. LEWES, Professor E. HULL, Mr. J. W. THOMAS, and Mr. H. BAUERMAN.

Or the proximate constituents of the organic material forming coal our knowledge is limited to the demonstrated existence in it of certain gaseous hydrocarbons which have been extracted under conditions such as to lead to the belief that these gases exist occluded or enclosed in the coal itself. Further, certain mineral substances (containing carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen) of a more or less defined character have been met with from time to time in association with coal, and also some few solid hydrocarbons.

The literature bearing upon this subject is extremely meagre, but it appears that the action of some solvents on coal has formed the subject of investigation by several chemists. Ether, alcohol, petroleum ether, benzene, and phenol have been used as solvents by different observers. The last named was found by Guignet to dissolve from 2 to 4 per cent. of a brown amorphous solid from a fat coal. Guignet has also observed that, by the action of nitric acid on coal, oxalic acid and trinitro-resorcinol are produced; further, there are formed insoluble substances, apparently similar to 'nitrocellulose,' which explode on heating.

For the purposes of a preliminary study a coal representing the Hutton seam in the county of Durham was selected. This coal is a bituminous coal, and is used as a gas coal. When heated with ether it yields up to the solvent a small amount of a substance which imparts a light yellow colour to the ether, and a blue fluorescence is observed, similar to that noted by Dondorff in his experiments with a gas coal of the Westphalia Coalfield. Alcohol, benzene, and petroleum ether dissolve but little from the coal, the solutions being in each case similar to that obtained with ether.

Acetic anhydride and glacial acetic acid were employed as solvents with but little effect. Somewhat more promising at first were the results obtained by using a solution of sulphur dioxide in glacial acetic acid. The coal was heated at 100° C. with this solution in tightly closed flasks. The liquid becomes dark in colour, and on adding water to the solution a light yellow precipitate is formed. The precipitate is dissolved by ether, and the ethereal solution on evaporation leaves an oily residue, which was found to be partially volatile in steam.

Turpentine heated at 150° C. in a tightly closed flask with the powdered coal dissolves some constituent, becoming darker in colour and acquiring a greenish-blue fluorescence.

When the coal is heated with aniline a brown amorphous solid is dissolved out, which is precipitated from the aniline on acidifying with hydrochloric acid. This substance is not unlike that obtained by Guignet by treatment of coal with phenol. It was attempted to separate this solid into several fractions by treatment with alcohol and benzene. The alcoholic and benzene solutions, however, left merely resinous substances on evaporation. Dilute solutions of potassium permanganate oxidise this solid, forming dark brown solutions containing potassium carbonate and the potassium salts of organic acids. The quantity of material being small, it was next decided to treat the coal itself with potassium permanganate. For this purpose finely powdered coal is suspended in water, to which, when boiling, potassium permanganate is added in small quantities at a time. The colour of the permanganate gradually disappears, and an odour resembling that of turpentine is observed; at the same time a dark brown alkaline liquid is formed.

The amount of permanganate which is thus reduced by the coal is considerable in one case where 500 grams of coal were taken, some 1,600 grams of permanganate were employed without exhausting the reducing power of the coal, of which some 25 to 30 per cent. had been oxidised in this manner.

The aqueous solution decanted off from the manganese dioxide and coal is very dark in colour, becoming almost black when concentrated.

Amongst the acids formed in this way, oxalic acid has been found, together with some deliquescent acids, which on the evaporation of their aqueous solutions are left as brown resinous masses. The separation of these products is still incomplete, and it would be futile to give the results of the analyses of the salts which have been prepared. The barium salts appear to afford a means of separating the acids, some of which salts have been already obtained in a fairly pure condition. The account of these acids and the study of the action of potassium permanganate on other coals it is proposed to deal with in a subsequent report.

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